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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. Well NOLse there is definitely more than one Finger of Fate out there, cause I know of an other on Cannon in NH.
  2. IceyMartlet are you the only Marlet fan around these parts or what? It is so funny what you miss out on when you are out of the loop even if it is only for a week, but this Marlet is new too me and seems to be hated by everyone it seems except you. Is everyone jealous or what's going on?
  3. ken4ord


    Good question Off-White. I haven't been on it, ended up doing the easier traverse, but curious what others think of it. Also wondering if the other side of the gendarme has been climbed, looked like there was just as nice of crack on the other side of the gendarme?
  4. ken4ord


    DUDE!!! Is that Bridwell??!!! Man it looks like it could be, but there is no cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
  5. ken4ord

    Naked Hiking

    Ever go on any of the Outing Club trips?
  6. ken4ord

    Naked Hiking

    What college? Univesity of Southern Maine
  7. ken4ord

    Naked Hiking

    When I was in college in Maine we used to do naked hikes in the fall. It was a pretty funny sight when you meet other hikers on the trail. They always seemed to be more embarassed than we were.
  8. Be prepared for snow right now, if you choose that option.
  9. Split the rack on a couple of slings, hold sling, grab gear, wrap gear with sling, place in pack. Essentially just toss it in your pack, but wrapped up. Don't clip shit on the outside of your pack, unless you want to lose all the benefits of bringing your pack.
  10. I'll be in San Diego from May 6th to May13th. I can climb on the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th. I will only be traveling with my harness, shoes and chalk bag. If you are in the area and want to hook up send me an e-mail or pm me. I can lead up to mid10 trad and will try following anything. Cheers
  11. Of Forbidden. . ? There is a 5.10 the go up the south face of Forbidden that is listed in one of the Select guides. I believe it is one or two pitches of 10 the rest being more moderate from what I remember. Is the road up to that area open?
  12. Yeah yeah yeah and if Pyramid sponsors several Hefferwizzin' beer too. In all seriousness Dave don't you think it is a little early to be thinking about fall, shit summer hasn't even begun. Maybe we should do mid-summer thang up in Squish?
  13. Damn I wish there wasn't a Spring Ski-in follow up thread it makes me realize how much fun I missed out on. Looks like it was a great weekend. One question though, Dave P did you scare off all the boarders with threats of board burnings?????? Boarders, none of you were out there representing??????
  14. Cool you guys thanks so far. I found a pretty good web site for the San Diego area.
  15. Hey I am going down to San Diego for a week, anyone have any beta for Mt. Woodson, like website or guidebook? I was going to go to Tauhitz and Suicide, but realized that Mt Woodson is much closer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. I have a feeling his advice would have now changed for boots, now that there is a great selection of leather boots. At the time when he wrote EA there was probably only a couple of leathers to choose from.
  17. It's 4th class. So it not that big of deal, just don't slip.
  18. I'm curious. What is completely different from what's previously been posted? Well there is "the" lone bush up there. That may have made things confusing.
  19. Colt yep it weird that there is a maditory soloing section that high up. The way I see if you can climb 10b then you should have no problem soloing that 4th class section. What I did was sit on the ledge up there and butt belayed my partner and then continued on though she wasn't to keen on the idea of not being anchored in and that her ass was to act as a anchor if anything happened.
  20. Since the cat is out and everybody and their mother already knows about it, here is some clarifications. Getting past the chossy slab. From the anchors at the start of the chossy slab solo (trees on your left, bushes on your right) do a right rising traverse for about 250 feet to the anchors 30 feet left of the bush on the chossy slab (the one with bandana bits tied to it) shoot straight up, its a rope streching 55m pitch no bolts. Then then bolt line starts again. I'll second the helmet thing, when we were climbing we sent shit down with our rope running against loose shit. Sorry dudes who were 7-10 pitches behind us, didn't see any blood or cracasses on the way down so I am assuming your ok. No hitting the deck. Also, someone was complaining about hitting the little tree on the earlier crux if they came off, problem solved, just climb past the chains and belay at the base of the wall and there really isn't much possibility of decking. Rope length. 55m ropes work just fine, 60m are better, but not necessary. Kudos to the guys who set it up, really a lot of fun, don't publish a topo, it really isn't necessary. With all the beta that is here you should have no problems, if you can't figure it out you probably shouldn't be there. IMO it was a very safe and fun route. I know I will make it a spring training alpine line for myself. I sort of wish there were more of those 10b pitches, cause that was the best climbing, the rest is pretty much "hiking". I had put my rock shoes on for only 7 pitches. BTW Be prepared for a long day. Granted I was with a newbie (7th time out on real rock), we ended up climbing it in 16.5 hours, four of them were rappeling.
  21. I am not going to make. I got some damn cold or something that is making me feel like hell. I am bumming much rather be doing a picnic than hang a home all achey and shit, have fun everyone. I can't ever seem to make it to these larger events.
  22. yeah right, you just want to go pebble pulling.
  23. Yo Jordop, did it say if he went up and out of 8 mile or did the loop up 8 mile and out snow creek?
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