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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. ken4ord


    Fucking liar! I knew it was too good to be true.
  2. I always had good luck finding cheap summer wine when doing vinyard tours. Sometimes smaller unknown vinyard have some cheap drinkable wines. In the Willamette(sp?)Valley in Oregon I found one vinyaard that had some drinkable cheap whites for $2-3 a bottle, the great thing is you can try them out before buying. In France there was a couple vinyard that we stopped at where you could bring you own bottle and have them fill it for 50 cents to $1.
  3. Did ya really need a rope to send the back porch? Have some kids and you never have a bored moment again.
  4. ken4ord

    New bathroom stoke

    Yeah there were some gawd awful bathrooms in Rwanda. The bathrooms are even crazier and worse in Bangladesh...I especially love the shitters that are on stilts right above the rivers. Hmmm, I wonder why there are issues here with clean water.
  5. ken4ord

    New bathroom stoke

    What you took the 250lb tub out to paint it, but didn't bother with the getting rid of the linoelum? That is crazy looking bathroom, dude you gotta lay off the weed.
  6. Damn, hope you have a speedy recovery, bummer right in the early part of the rock season.
  7. ken4ord

    New Forum

    Then people should stop posting about their hiking, selling, buying, finding, skiing, weight lifting, pirating and sensativity, essentially anything that doesn't have anything to do with climbing. I think there is room for, we have managed to find room for all of the above.
  8. ken4ord

    New Forum

    go south for better riding. slick rock 4 lyfe. poison spider mesa. porcupine rim. amasa back. hurrah pass. flat pass. etc. Or you could come try stuff like this in Bangladesh River Jumping Or you could go to Rwanda for stuff like this Muzungu Express
  9. ken4ord


    Good ridance, but I know it is too good to be true.
  10. ken4ord

    New Forum

    OMG I can't believe this, but I agree with Pope a MTB forum would be much cooler than a freaking Pirate Forum or Cafe Sensitivo.
  11. Feck, Yeah I had to get a card that certifies that I am alcoholic, I actually had to get a sponsor first. Phoq, actually not half bad, it is not super kind but it is not seedy stem shit.
  12. ....I guess another one would be that, going to Kathmandu is considered getting away from the chaos.
  13. You know you are not in Kansas when...... ....when a bus scrapes along side your vehicle folding over your mirror denting the side of your vehicle and keeps motoring along as if nothing happened. ....when your evening running commute involves dodging rickshaws, hitting cars with your hand when they drive too close and running through crowds similar to a rock concert. ....when riding a bicycle you have been hit three times by a cars in three months. ....when mountain bike rides consist of rding boats half of the time you are out on your "ride". ....when you have to weigh yourself before and after sport activity so that you know how much rehydration is needed. ....when you are walking down the street and everyone calls you boss, even though you have never employed them. ....when your greenery is $10 for a half oz. ....when half of your diet is made of vegetables and fruit that you have never seen or heard of before. ....when alcohol is considered a controlled substance, where the only place you can get a drink is at a club (the equivalent of a speak-easy). ....when you wake up to prayer call and go to sleep after prayer call. ....when you go to the pool and your biggest worry is not slipping or drowning, but catching typhoid. ....when the city you live in has a population of over 12 million people ....when Kathmandu is an hour flight and cost $160 round trip. I am heading there following weekend can’t wait, though it is just a family trip this time, explore the city, maybe go hiking, maybe go mountain biking, mainly just getting away from the chaos. Greetings from Bangladesh.
  14. ken4ord

    Weekend TR

    C'mon, give up the goods. It just stupid stuff, like they wanted to have a list of activities and lessons that would be taught to their kids, if they showed up for the parent teacher conference at the beginning of the year they would know. They wanted more meeting with the teachers, all they have to do is schedule a meeting the teachers they have hours they keep after hours for such meetings. They wanted homework for their kids, the french school system doesn't allow homework until they are certain age. Basically it was things that could have been dealt with by asking the teacher or the principal, but instead they decided to bring up in a public forum and which took 2 additional hours of my time over the weekend.
  15. ken4ord

    Weekend TR

    My weekend consisted of friday getting my weekly 30 mile mountain bike ride in. It might be my last one for a longtime though, since weather is change and the water is rising, which mean lots of mud on the trails. I might have to break down and put the slick on the bike and start doing road rides. Saturday I spent three hours in school board meeting. It is unbelieveable some of the rediculus complaints that were brought up by parents. Thanks gawd there isn't an other meeting until next year. The rest of the time was spent with the family. Next weekend should be about the same, biking one day and other at the school, though this time I be working at the school doing some route setting on the climbing wall.
  16. Well the days of crossing the borders into Mexico and Canada are limited. If you are going for a climbing trip, better think twice if you don't have your passport. Passport required
  17. When I was growing up I ended up doing a lot to myself and survived. Here is some of my earliest injury memories: * Ripped my wrist open on my slide trying to slide down it standing up 7 y.o. * Brother threw a sand dollar and cracked the back of my head open 10 y.o. * Chasing after my brother I broke my nose the first time by running into a 4 x 4 sticking out the back of truck 11 y.o. * Gave myself a rope burn across my neck after clothes lining myself * Broke my nose a second time running through a hole in the fence but didn't duck enough and hit a 2 x 4 that was part of the fence 12 y.o. * Got my font tooth broken when I was sucker punched 14 y.o. The list goes on and on, it just part of growing up. I expect Simone will follow in her fathers foot steps. So far nothing serious black eye from running into a table, bloody nose walking into a glass window and numerous scraped knees, but she is still only 2.5.
  18. Nice work you guys. I love that route, it is good to know that it is there in the spring too.
  19. Ah man I so jealous that sounds like fun. I still have a few years to go before I am heading up into the mountains with my daughters.
  20. Hope you guys are having a good time, one of these days I hope to make it.
  21. :tup: This will keep me dreaming until my next epic trip, seems like they just don't happen frequently enough.
  22. Nope. That does not sound like enlightenment. I had fun there last time I was there, considering I am not really a bolt clipper. I still managed to get up on some routes and looking forward to getting in more next time. Like you said though it is not a bad place to sip Chang and take in the views. Thanks for posting.
  23. Because you represent a better future, for all of us. I care because the crackpot ideas promulgated by this movement were an integral part of Thabo Mbeki's decision to reject simple anti-HIV interventions that would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, for one thing. The related pseudoscientific hysteria that's driving the anti-vaccine movement serves as a barrier to the complete eradication of preventable diseases that have plagued humanity since time immemorial, and jeopardize the mass-vaccination efforts that lend protection to the people in society who are most vulnerable to the said diseases - the very young, the very old, the immunocompromised, etc. The sublime idiocy that undergirds the creationist movement represents a threat to sound scientific education - which is partly responsible for the genesis of these movements - but it's not a direct threat to anyone's health. Most people who are concerned about one are concerned about the other, but there are always exceptions. You, the embodiment of the better future that we should all strive for, should save your energy for things...like crusading against fluoridation. Mbeki was a lost cause anyways, that idoit thought, that after sleeping with a prostitute that was known to be HIV positive, that he couldn't contract the virus. This was because he washed himself after having sex with her. That wasn't Mbeki. It was Jacob Zuma. Whoops! Shit your right, I got them mixed up.
  24. Because you represent a better future, for all of us. I care because the crackpot ideas promulgated by this movement were an integral part of Thabo Mbeki's decision to reject simple anti-HIV interventions that would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, for one thing. The related pseudoscientific hysteria that's driving the anti-vaccine movement serves as a barrier to the complete eradication of preventable diseases that have plagued humanity since time immemorial, and jeopardize the mass-vaccination efforts that lend protection to the people in society who are most vulnerable to the said diseases - the very young, the very old, the immunocompromised, etc. The sublime idiocy that undergirds the creationist movement represents a threat to sound scientific education - which is partly responsible for the genesis of these movements - but it's not a direct threat to anyone's health. Most people who are concerned about one are concerned about the other, but there are always exceptions. You, the embodiment of the better future that we should all strive for, should save your energy for things...like crusading against fluoridation. Mbeki was a lost cause anyways, that idoit thought, that after sleeping with a prostitute that was known to be HIV positive, that he couldn't contract the virus. This was because he washed himself after having sex with her. What dumbass, you could probably get this guy to believe anything. I agree JayB, these unfounded stupid beliefs make it difficult discover a vaccine and other preventative methods. Creationism will hinder research in other areas of health related matters for terminal illness's. So tvash, yeah people should be concerned. Maybe you don't know anyboby who has died from Aids and have an extreme belief that those who have contracted it are gay buttfuckers who deserve to die, but I am sure that you have known somebody who has died from cancer or some other type of life threatening illness. Now wouldn't you want that person to have all options available to either be cured, protected or live longer life? Wouldn't you want efforts to continue to investigate better means of taking care of these peoples health? Or do you not give rat's ass about anyone, but yourself?
  25. I think that is how it looked when I climbed it, but stayed to the left because there is a lot of water flowing from that hanging part.
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