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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. India. Also the other mountains I mentioned in East Africa, but more around 14,000 feet. On the Rwenzoris trip we had one guy specifically as a beer porter.
  2. I would suggest bringing something that you don't care too much about, because it will get trashed. It doesn't matter if it is a pack or duffle since most of the porters carry everything on there heads, even the packs. Again I would suggest doing on of the other mountains in East Africa over doing Kilimanjaro. It is way overrate because of its size. Mt. Kenya is incredible for climbing, The Rwenzoris has such scenic trekking and you can get into some really remote places if you got the time and Mt. Meru again is very scenic climb. Kili I found dirty, overcrowded, too expensive, and not to scenic.
  3. Dood Happy Birthday, have a few Rip-It and enjoy. Hey BTW what the hell were you doing taking pictures of your soft purty hands with my camera? Actually I probably don't want to know.
  4. From what you have written here if you looking for a tailgate buzz, without looking too queer drinking a wine cooler then try the following, though you still probably get shit: Mike Hard Lemonade Hard Cider Segrams Cooler All of those go down like a soda pop. Now if you are want to show some class but, discourged by beer taste, try a Lambic. They are Belgium fruit beer, they got a kick and they taste pretty damn good, but expensive. Gary's suggestions are pretty good on the wines, but it not something pack in the cooler and have at the end of the day at the crag. And I have a hard time pairing those type of wine with food, they are nice with desserts though. If your at home and having dinner, entertaining and don't know shit about wine, then you are better off having a selection of liquor for cocktails. Have one or two before dinner and you and your guest won't necessarily be thinking about having any wine. My favorites are: Single Malt Scotch Good Tequilla (no shit tequilla) Black Russian Gin and Tonic Mojito my wife is all about Cosmos (note not a manly drink at all) Just what sort of beer have you drank? You might like some of the Belgiums, they tend to be a little sweet, sometime smokey, sometimes nutty, sometimes hoppy or combination and packed with a punch. Maybe try a small bottle of blue labeled Chimay. It rich, thick and sweet, not hoppy or bitter, not my favorite, but I like beers that are complex and hopppy or coffee type tastes. After not drinking for a longtime when I started drinking again it my first beers were cask conditioned ESB. I really like cask conditioned beer Ah for odd after dinner drink, mmm Bristol Cream or my favorite B&B (Brandy and Bedectine).
  5. It unbelieveable how you guys get so worked about your guns and gun control. I guess I will never understand you guys. It sounds like such panoid behavior, that without your gun you'll lose all freedoms that you have. So far I have never heard of anyone who is support of gun control talk about getting rid of all guns. It about getting smart about who is cappable to have one and what types of guns people need. I don't really think it is necessary for fat-boy have handgun that can fire off 19 rounds in 2.89 seconds or anyone for that matter. That scares the fuck out me more than thinking that our government is going to swoop down and take away our rights. Ok take worst case scenario government takes away our rights and we need to fight with guns to try and get our rights back. That is what you guys are scared of right, not it is going to happen, but just say it does. Is that really how you liked to see it played out? Would really take up arms and try to physically try to blast your way into freedom? Especially against mostly likely military and police officers that are trained fighting tactics. You wouldn't stand a chance no matter how big of gun you own. Also, I know death and murdering take a long time to recover from, it's traumatic, and some don't ever recover from it. Hell I have lived in countries where 15 years later people I know are afraid to go out of their home and are terrified at certain points of the year because what happened 15 year prior. I have met killers who are ashamed and confused how they did what they did. I have seen vietnam vets who flip out when they hear fire cracker go of and break down if they talk about what happened in the war. To be honest I rather just leave and go someplace else. The way I look at a government is nothing without people to govern. I just don't buy in the notion that anyone can take away my freedom by taking away my right to weapons that are designed with the full intention for nothing more than to murder a human being. Has this happened in other countries where it is illegal to possess such weapon? NO. Will it happen? NO. Again gun control is so insignificant to our current financial well being, health care and dealings in world politics.
  6. Bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. Of course it is utter bullshit, for knuckle-head like, you might actually have to think.
  7. Every year these reports come up and make me jones big time to get on this mountain. Awesome looking climbing. Cheers for those that get on it while the going is good.
  8. I guess for some too they help pay the bills...."Yo sucka give me yo wallet befo' I busta cap ur ass!!!"
  9. I left the States when Bush was "reelected", I was so happy to leave then. I was really disappointed in our electoral process. McCain/Palin can't win, please don't let it happen, I am tired of living in exile.
  10. It can be updated any time. It's called the amendment process. Do you consider the first amendment 'outdated' too? I mean, the writers could never have conceived the internet...or television or even radio! Hell, maybe Obama can manipulate the states and congress into the opening of a constitutional convention! Wouldn't that be just wonderful! People like you scare me. You must be part of that 50% TTK is talking about. Talk about paranoia, you really think that one person (Obama) could manipulate states and congress into changing the constitution as he likes??? Also you are missing my main point, gun ownership is in my opinion (I hope I am still allowed to have an opinion) should be of the lowest priority of the items I mentioned above. How does gun ownership really help anyone pay their bills, have a decent job, get health care when needed, protect there children from being sent someplace to kill and get killed under false pretenses and allow their children and themselves to decent education???? Oh BTW, I am probably a lot more scarier that you think I am. I just realize that my socialist/green/democratic and somewhat anarchistic views and desires would never really work in this society. Mainly because of people who are more concerned about themselves, than they are the greater good of humankind. I can live with it because I know that we all have different beliefs and ideas how things should run, that is why the socialism and anarchy has never worked. The Green party seem just democratic with an emphasis on the environment, will probably never get their chance, but oh well.
  11. You gun toting yahoos never cease to amaze me. I mean I like firing guns it's fun, yeah they are useful for hunting, but come on do you really need to protect yourself with them? WTF, are you really that scared that the boogeyman is going to come and get you? Sista pleaz! In my 40 years of living have I never felt the need to have a weapon to protect myself, and actually I think I would feel a hell of lot safer knowing assualt weapons and most hand guns were banned, background checks were mandatory, and there were waiting periods. Gun ownership is a right but as far I am concerned if you aren't responsible enough that right should be able to be revoked, 2nd amendment or not. And by the way just a little history lesson, that piece of paper refered to as our Constitution was written a very long time ago, as great as it ideas are, it could use some updating. As for a presidential canidates view on gun ownership, it probably on the bottom of the list, well below much more important things such as, the current financial crisis, unemployment rate, balancing the budget, health care, education and our invovlement in world politics.
  12. Ah times have changed.......
  13. Move someplace where there is more ice. I love ice climbing, but I spent more time thinking about it and driving to it, than I actually spent on the ice.
  14. A freshly packed bowl and can of Guiness, doesn't get much better than that.
  15. Was I missing something but I didn't see any useful information on that link. As for a quick and easy guide, Metolius's wall building booklet is pretty useful. They might have it on their website or willing to send you a copy. I got mine in 60 hold set that I bought. Also I started a thread a while back that was pretty useful for me. You also might want to check out the Nicros website, they have a ton of info on training I am sure there is something about building. Climbing holds http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/812453/Re_Climbing_Holds#Post812453 Climbing wall angle http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/812457/Re_Home_gym_angle#Post812457 Texturing http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/805207/Re_Help_with_home_made_rock_wa#Post805207 Crack building http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/602202/Crack_on_a_climbing_wall#Post602202'>http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/602202/Crack_on_a_climbing_wall#Post602202 Bouldering Wall http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/602202/Crack_on_a_climbing_wall#Post602202
  16. That is freaking funny. Not really worth it though, I have done some snow riding before and it not as easy as you would think it would be no matter what type of studded tires you have on.
  17. No way!!! That is one of the TR's of the year, that is awesome. I loved that fact that this was done on the second go, way to stick with it. Last summer when I was back I was wondering how possible it was to do something like, I guess I have my answer. :tup:
  18. I am sure it is, and husband number 1 was probably not able to say no fucking way to his wife, cause when he grew up, his family didn't use the no word.
  19. I am definitely wary of jumping into it full bore, especially without any training or personal assistance. It is pretty obvious to see that there is high risk of injury in dynamic weight training, (which a lot of it seems to invovle). That is why I am here picking brains and with a little bit of expermentation figure out things that will work for me. I have been keeping my eyes open for trainings, but they have not seem to be during the times of my visits and I generally have other obligations during those times.
  20. So as for goals, basically I am in an very urban environment at sealevel, with very little chance to get out of the city and climb and mountain bike. So lately I have been hiting the gym, which I like, I can actually get into throwing around the weights and not get too bored with it, but it is not satifying even if I am progressing. I am able to get out for a run about once or twice a week and one bike ride a week. There is a climbing wall that I want to start hitting once a week and eventually I am going to build a new bouldering wall. The gym climbing and biking are mentally satisfying and something I don't want to drop, hence how to incorporate them into a CF routine. What I want to be prepared for is that occasional trip to Nepal, Thailand or back home where I have limited time to climb. I don't want my physical self to be the limiting factor in performance. This summer I realized not getting any mileage on real snow, rock and ice my mental abilities were main limiting factor in performance, but I also know that when I feel physically capable my mental ability improves. So keep overall fitness up, but with a focus to be able to perform climbing when I get a chance. I like idea of CF cause it sounds like it is also mentally challenging, which I am curious to see if prepares me better for climbing when I have the chance. Ideally I would definitely join a gym and get personal coaching, but don't have that access here in Dhaka. I am going to see if there are others who are interested in regular CF training, but I highly doubt it. Fern thanks for the offer and I might take you up on that since I am on my own here and new to CF. I like what I see on the mountain athlete site, but have a hard time knowing what everything is. I been pulling the video off the CF site so I have access to them when I need them.
  21. Le Gourmand is one of my favorites, very nice place to go for cocktails and appies. They are always coming up with some tasty champange cocktails. The chef makes some really good fois gras and the duck with currant reduction was one of my favorite meals I have had anywhere. I haven't been there for a few years, but really want to go back. The Dish rocks for breakfast. The Oxancan mexican resturant in Ballard has really good mexican food. I love sandwhiches and for the price Fred Myers does an excellent job. Usually it is good for two meals for me. I forget the name but there is a french bistro that is right around the corner from the market that has lunch fare that is just like you would find in Paris nice soups, simple sandwhich with quality ingredients I have never had tamales outside of my kitchen or mexico that are good, but who know maybe some of these trucks can make some good tamales. I am right now getting really into the Bangladeshi food, it is super hot like indian food on steroids. Right now it is Ramadam, so people are fasting during the day and gorging at night. Iftar's are soo good and meal in itself though for everybody it is just the appetizer. The other day we got this firey hot 7 Dhal sauce with marrow that was so rocking.
  22. I think people should definitely get charged for a rescue, but it needs to be equal accross the board. I have heard cases of hikers who are lost who need a rescue not being charged and then climber who need a rescue being charged by the same organization. To me that is not fair. Rescue cost seem much higher than they should be. I know flying in a helicopter is expensive, and salaries are expensive, but as tax payer we are paying for these things. Maybe billing fuel cost, overtime cost and additional rsik bonus seem fair, but full operational cost seem unfair. If I want to go heli skiing for the day it cost around $1000, but rescue bills can be much higher 10-40 times higher, the math doesn't really work out right in my mind. Also they need to work something out for rescue insurance so that it is available and that it would cover the rescue costs. I have always gone into the mountains under the assupmtion that if I needed a rescue that I would get billed.
  23. So I have been doing a bit of reading up on this whole crossfit and just wondering how you guys that are doing this working it into climbing and other sports? Currently I go for an hour run once a week and do two mountain bike ride, I don't really want crossfit to get in the way of my outside activities. How have you been working crossfit into climbing/ climbing training and other activities like the cycling? In other words how have you kept or intergrated bouldering and gym climbing in with crossfit? Likewise for cycling. Also I don't have access to crossfit gym so I will be doing it on my own, I was thinking of following along one week behind one the gyms workout. Any of you have experience doing this? How many days do you guys or gals do a week and what type of workout (endurance/strength)? Some of the excercises listed I am not familar with are there places that describe each particular exercise and proper and improper form? Mountain athlete and Gym Jones seem to have great list for workouts but no information on what they actually are. Thanks for any help that any of you can provide.
  24. Especially those ones with the big ole boner, what would the internet be like without pictures like that?
  25. Belated Golden Shower Birthday Drizzle Mmm yeah, I am not sure if that is the kinda drizzle I was talking about, but hey if it floats your boat, by all means have at it without my company.
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