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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. No, not maybe, you are definitely too paranoid, you gotta stop smoking.
  2. ken4ord

    favorite shit beers

    Well it use to be PBR, I always had a supply, especially during the summer. Now with an endless summer in Rwanda, I prefer Mutzig, Gran et iconge (big bottle and cold). Also I want to say one thing, in regard to Hiene. Just because it is an import doesn't mean it ain't shit, it is just more expensive shit.
  3. ken4ord

    black guy in aspen

    I don't think he wwas really black, you can't tell the difference between him and tan people.
  4. I don't think I would carry gear on a plane anymore. Maybe a rope, but I would pack the metal. I just about lost some $100 pedals because there were debating on wether or not they could be used as a weapon. I guess the other option is to leave with more than enough time, so that if they did say anything in security check you could go back to the counter and check your stuff in. It might be a little more difficult if you have connecting flights since some airport will have you go through security again. I miss the good old days where I could bring my rack, one time it was ice gear. They had me open my bags because they ere curious what I had in my bag. I gladly showed them my ice axes and crampons and explained what they were for and they let me carry them on. The times the airlines have lost my luggage has always been because either I was late checking in or the plane was late into an airport where I had a connection. So with that said if is a non-stop flight, just show up early to the airport and check your shit in. Most likely in the future the way things are going we won't be able to bring anything on a flight.
  5. ken4ord


    Dude, good luck with the move, I know what you mean about leaving the PNW. For myself I wasn't really ready to leave the area, but I know at some point I will be back. Luckily for you, if things aren't as good as you like them to be, the PNW is right around the corner. As much as people like to rag on SLC, mormons, near beer, gay mormons, whatever I have to say I love it out there. It is pretty cool city and I still have a few friends from there that I stay in touch with. I never did any climbing out there when I was living there, but I know there is plenty of good quality climbing. The skiing/boarding, freaking rocks, shit days are like good days in the PNW. I personally think it is the most beautiful state I have been too, except for the fact that it is missing the ocean. I couldn't agree more with these paragraphs.
  6. ken4ord

    Excel Geek Question

    No shite! Who would have thought I could actually learn something useful on this website. And all this time I thought it was all about speculating.
  7. Most states I think don't have laws about climbing on road cuts or near roads. I think it will depend on the situation. When I was living in Maine, there was a particular road cut that was a local ice bouldering area. There was very little residential traffic on the road, and I never had an issue climbing there. There was another cut along the freeway that had some beautiful 60 foot columns, some friends went to climb them and were chased off by the police. I checked into it and there were no laws against climbing on the cuts, but the officer I talked to mentioned other offense that I could be charged for if I attempted to climb.
  8. If you are really that scared that you contemplate bringing a weapon into the woods, then you should stay at home where it is safe where there is little risk that you will encounter a mountain lion or bear.
  9. Yeah I use a nail clipper too, but sometime I clip a little too much off which sucks. Also I find it awkward to get all of the calous. The link seems like a good idea, I think I will try that. Thanks.
  10. So it seems whenever I get into bouldering (or gym climbing, bascally climbing on plastice) quite regularly, I develop calouses just below the first joint. I tried to shave them down, I have tried pumice stone and lotions, but nothing seems to keep them from forming. I wouldn't mind it, but they end getting thick 2-3mm thick, which then it becomes somewhat painful to grip the holds. Eventually it leads to a flapper, which most of you know how pleasant that is. * So any of you have the same issue when climbing plastic? * If so what do you do for preventative maintenance?
  11. It is no matter that it is not an FA. An urban alpine moment like that is just so hardcore, even though the stilettoed goddess was run off by the squealing cop and not ravaged while in that enlightened state.
  12. ken4ord


    isnt that like one of the worst tequilla's...? they make it gold by adding some sort of sugar which makes you really hungover, if you want to drink shitty tequilla drink the Cuervo silver stuff otherwise stick to the patron I only drink one drink, Crown Royal with Ginger Ale and not that shit you guys call Ginger Ale If im in the states then its Crown and 7up..and I do like the free pour ... I like the taste of gold tequila mixed. Patron (and Herradura) are straight up tequilas. Seems wasteful to mix them with anything. Cuervo 1800 is a lot better... and not too expensive to mix and not to rot gut to drink straight up. For a budget brand, Sauza is tasty - and better than Cuervo Gold, IMO. Same shit, different label and bottle. Starting ground for me is Patron.
  13. So what is that thin ice off to the right of the C/H Route? Is that anything?
  14. Damn another route or I should say couple of routes to add to the list if I ever make it back to PNW during the winter. Both of those climbs (C/H and Polish) look great.
  15. Nice job! Man I would love to get back and climb that route again, it is such a nice setting. Great to see it in different conditions to what we had too.
  16. Alright Mark, what the hell is the story?
  17. No I haven't been to the Drakensburg yet, but there suppose to be some good climbing in those mountains. I would really like to go there during July or August and do some ice climbing. BTW-Like the Gunks, looks are decieving. I was expecting to find all kinds of looseness, but I encountered really solid rock all the way up.
  18. Tree work eh? If you're not a certified arborist or work under the supervision of one then you're a tree butcher. Good to here you've got other things going on. Take the elitist shit and cram it up your ass, Feck. BTW, It is spelled "hear" Yes my spelling sucks at times, but things could be worse; I could be a professional butt plunger like you. So Mark this is the that you are going to pass on a climbing trip for? Damn man.
  19. No you don't, trust me.
  20. Damn that is a long ways to go to do a Barber route? Running out of Barber routes to climb in the PNW? Either way looked like some good climbing and purdy mountains in K-stan.
  21. Trip: Capetown, South Africa, Table Mountain - Right Face (SA 11) Date: 10/16/2007 Trip Report: Once again I found myself in Capetown, South Africa for another conference. This time the conference was at a better time of year (spring). Though there was a better chance that I would have good weather, on this trip I did not add any extra days, so I had no time to spare. When I arrived in Capetown it was a little brisk, but for the most part we had sunny days the whole time. Though the wind was ripping the whole time, temps were pretty reasonable. Everyday day Table Mountain had the table cloth out (layer of fog that drapes over the plateau), which concerned me a little bit since I never been on the mountain and didn't know my way around. I figured I had a long shot in doing a climb up on the mountain, but I kept hoping. Well as it turns out our last day of the conference was a halfday, the only time I would be able to do a climb. The sun was out and the wind was down. A look up at the mountain from my hotel room I could see the table cloth was put away and there was not a cloud in the sky. I packed my pack which consisted of some water, a jacket, the guide book, shoes, chalk bag with the hopes the weather would hold. Finally the conference was over, I rushed up to my room for a quick change of clothes, grab the pack and off I went. $30 and 15 minutes later I was at the base of the cable car station. Originally I chose a route right under the cable car, but then seeing all the people at the base and in the station I decided I didn't really wanted an audiance gawking at me every 10 minutes as the car went by. So I opted for Right Face (SA 11, 5.6). It was a older route that was broken into three butress's about +/-300 feet each. Also there was a lot of ledges which I thought would be a good thing, not really, it made it hard to get into a groove, I eventually did and finally made it to the top of Table Mountain. Next time I really need to get a partner and get on some of the 'real' climbs. The rock was very much like the Gunks, steep with big ass jugs and trad. Very cool climbing, I would highly reccomend climbing on Table Mountain if you ever get a chance. Looking down at the hordes of people at the cable car station, behind that is downtown Capetown. Looking up at the upper cable car station. The route I was originally going to do goes up to the left of the cable car. Looking up at the middle of Right Face on Table Mountain. Looking up at the upper third of Right Face. Looking off towards the Atlantic. Lion's Head is the bump sticking out and the island off in the distance is Robin Island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned during aparthied. Looking down at Capetown, I was staying at the beach that is in the upper right corner of the picture. Looking up the last few hundred feet of the route. This part was super fun face climbing (avoiding all of the veggies and dirty cracks) up vertical terrain on giant chicken heads. Great exposure on this section since you are at 1300m elevation with the ocean and city in the background. Finally on top. This looking off to the south where the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean meet. Gear Notes: Gear, gear, we don't need no stinkin' gear. Normally a small and simple trad rack would do. Approach Notes: $30 taxi to cable car station.
  22. Very freaking nice. Damn evertime I see one of your posts make me want to live in a cooler place (i.e. more climbing options).
  23. ken4ord


    Holy shite! So do you think you are old enough to grow up now? Hopefully not, there are too many crags and mountains out there to climb. Cheers old man :brew:
  24. ken4ord


    Hey Sherri, Thanks for posting your perogie recipe, I will have to make some sometime. I like perogies, but haven't had them since I have been here in Rwanda. Also I agree you never really see dumplings in soups that often. I make my own as well, they make a soup a meal.
  25. ken4ord


    Good to see things are still going well. I just saw some of your pictures on CCcommieland and was wondering the same thing ZZ was thinking. Great to see that you are still taking great pictures. Cheers.
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