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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. I thought you freaking hate skiing, I would think you would be happy about this one. I am in the same place and really hating my job and wishing I was in some sort of trade work where I can be outside. Someday maybe.
  2. Sounds like more fun than Bill Ny the science guy.
  3. I would also leave a trail of bread crumbs along the way... ....and 10 essentials.
  4. That what I was thinking except I don't know if I would include the years ago part. Malaria usually gets bad in the evening and your joints tend to ache when the fever is present.
  5. ken4ord

    Satriani Vs. Vai

    Now that would have been a great show. Kevbone what I meant is there music sucks in my opinion, it is like guitar masturbation. It get's boring after a while. Yeah they are good musicians, but that does not make their music good.
  6. ken4ord

    Satriani Vs. Vai

    Give it rest they both suck ass.
  7. It will all end with the US becoming like China, a militristic police state. Fuck TSA and their fucking rediculus rules that seem to be different at every airport.
  8. I have one and think those are plenty durable. Though compression straps would be useful. I would make it lighter weight material and put in compression straps. That kind of pack in my opinion should be and can be made lighter at the expense of durability. Sail cloth would be more durable, but also more expensive and maybe the same weight or heavier. One of the things I like about Genie is it is simple. I think too many mainstream pack manufacturer have way too many bells and whistles. Which is nice if you only want one pack. I think packs can be and have been with some manufacturers simplified to have specific uses in mind. I don't personally care if an item is manufactured abroad or in the states, what I do care is if the quality is good. Another thing that would be nice that not always on packs that ability to replace fastex buckles without having to undo some stitching. One of my favorite packs was from Cold World (sp?). It was simple well thought out light weight pack. The features that is had that made it great were: * yellow interior, which brighten things up so made the item inside stand out * wide top loading opening so there were no zippers to blow out and easy to climb in for a bivy even with platic boots on * removeable pad * long snow skirt, went up to my armpits One pack idea that I have had and never seen is simple little piggy back for my harness. I don't particularly like climbing with a pack or a camel back, but would like a little mini pack that could be fixed to the back of my harness so I could carry stuff like bars, small bottle of water, first aid stuff, tape, you the ten essentials (ha). This way I wouldn't have to have crap dangling off my harness, stuffed in my pockets or carry a pack on multipitch climbs.
  9. Not in my school. The cool kids liked "New Wave". The stoners liked metal. Ditto. We were the outcasts, not smart enough to be geeks, not trendy enough to be a waver and like smoking pot, drinking and cigarettes too much to be any good at sports.
  10. Come on man. I think if you are asking this question to a bunch of unknown people then I would suggest you might not want to go solo. As far as I am concerned you should be the only one that should call whether or not to go solo. There are some people out there that probably should not hike Mt. Si on their own, how does anybody on here know if you are one of those persons.
  11. It seems to me that his contemporaries, Led Zeppelin, really cut the mold for heavy metal. It's believed the first use of the term "heavy metal" was in an editorial review by a NY writer describing Hendrix's music,"...like heavy metal falling from the sky...". This is what Wikapedia says: The first documented uses of the phrase to describe a type of rock music are from reviews by critic Mike Saunders. In the November 12, 1970, issue of Rolling Stone, he commented on an album put out the previous year by the British band Humble Pie: "Safe As Yesterday Is, their first American release, proved that Humble Pie could be boring in lots of different ways. Here they were a noisy, unmelodic, heavy metal-leaden shit-rock band with the loud and noisy parts beyond doubt. There were a couple of nice songs...and one monumental pile of refuse." Though I am not sure if I would really count on Wikapedia or for that matter MTV authorities on metal.
  12. I wouldn't ever call bands like DP, Van Halen, Areosmith metal, even back in the day. To me it is rock. The time I really like metal and hardcore is at show moshing and stage diving like crazy kid. Now-a-days though the 38 y.o. kid feels it for the next several days after a show. I also really like it when I am FR and DHing, gets the blood flowing, give me a sense of invincibility. For climbing I don't really need that charge, maybe for the drive. What I want to get into a groove, so it is usually trip-hop, hip-hop and electronica for climbing. I guess I use music as a soundtrack to my life. If I feel nolstalgic I break out the art rock and rock. Depressed some good grinding industrial or classical (more on the melancholy side). Happy go lucky, fun in the sun alt-rock. Skiing and snowboarding, electronica and trip-hop. Lazy sundays, alt-country, classical, jazz.
  13. Thanks Bill. I figured that one had to have been posted at some point. It was funny as hell.
  14. At $140 a pop, I don't they will be a big seller.
  15. That is awesome :tup:
  16. Ditto. Also if it is just a quick run up a route that I am not going to be working it I will go with the anchor. In regards to pindudes picture, yeah I would not ever thread an aluminmum rap ring. Steel wears as well, but not as drastically and dogging some route will definitely have more wear on an anchor than say quick run up a climb. If I am working a route or trying something hard, yeah I will build an anchor. The other times that I thread an anchor for TRing is when I am with a beginner. Somebody had suggested threading the anchor and building a QD anchor, I like that idea and will use it.
  17. Mattp I think you got the blinders on, I have heard of a lot of music that is not metal from quite few people here. Also introduced to a lot of music that I was unaware of. I am also always surprised by the variety of music listened to by people here. Definitely the outspoken ones seem to listen to metal, but I don't think it is a majority here cccommie land. I believe the other day I was talking about Lucinda Williams. Then there ton of good women vocalist out there, PJ Harvey, Michelle Shocked, Jarboe, Bebel Gilberto, Norah Jones (especially when she is teamed with Mike Paton), Goldfrapp, Mazzy Star, Morcheeba, Talk Talk, hell list goes on and on.
  18. Taking climbing to new extremes. Also somebody tell what part of the url is the video ID so I can embed it in the future. Thanx.
  19. Alright here are some more..... * Whenever I buy a new pack I always try it on for size. That is, I make sure I can fit in it with boots on and prefer the snow skirt to come up to my waist, in case I have to bivy. I also like packs with removable pad so that I can pad my core. * On multipule raps, I usually take a two foot runner and girth hitch it to my harness with a locker on it and sometime the rappel device (note it is hard/next to immpossible to ascend the rope when the device is on the sling). This way I can rap right to the anchor, clip the locker into the anchor and rap tight to the single point. This reduce the risk of shock loading the anchor and you get to somewhat test your anchor before your off rappel. * Water flavors to help with hydration. I hate drinking water a simple packet of gatorade or Emergen-C makes it much easier to keep hydrated. * Before I got the Genie pack, I used to make back packs out of the rope. Do the coil wraps around gear and strap it on like a backpack. Carry one water bottle and fill and drink whenever you get a chance. * No tools for the steep snow slope, then find some pointy rocks to use to create steps in the suncups and gripping to the snow. * Reverso work ok for short bits of ascending on the rope in locking mode, not really too efficent, but it works. * Single or two nights leave the stove at home. I need coffee in the morning so I bring double shot or some coffee beans to chew on. * Rather than carrying a screw link for backing off a route, I just use leaver biners. They are lighter and they can be used on the rack until needed. I rack my nuts with them since I place multipule nut on a single biner and never really use the racking biner for anything except for racking. I never understood the sense in carrying something that you were most likely not going to use especially if there is a substitute. For that matter too, prussiks can be made with slings from the rack instead of carrying seperate prussiks.
  20. Hell if the weather gets really shitty, go and do something really easy. The last time this happened that we couldn't go to our destination we ended up on the Tooth. Normally a super easy alpine outing, but when it is raining and sleeting sideways due to the wind, it becomes a totally different game. By the time we got back to our packs were thoroughly soaked and freezing, I picked up my pack a pour a gallon of water out it, it was a character building day.
  21. Change the tape out every season, as it won't last much beyond a year of so before it sticks itself beyond all comprehension to the bottle/pole/whatever. Then, if you can get it to come off, it shreds and turns into little pieces of sticky string. Trust me on this one... I just wrap it on a lighter, when the lighter is finished throw it away and start a new one. That way the tape is somewhat new and it doesn't get all beat up like tape on poles and fuel bottles.
  22. you should do this and clip the bite to your rap/belay loop...keeps you on lead, protected by the last piece while you thread the anchor! Better yet, just pass a bite of rope through the anchor, tie figure 8, clip the 8 into your belay loop, and untie the end of your rope, pull loose end through the anchor and lower.
  23. I try to stay away from teasing myself like that. All it would do is make me depressed that I am not out every weekend. Someday hopefully I will get back into the routine. As far as how I treat my gear, it depends on what else is going on. Sometimes I neatly organize it or hang it to dry after using it, other time is sits on the floor for a while waiting to be put away.
  24. 2 biners can help create some additional friction, but it is a faster rap. On skinny's I like to girth hitch a sling into my harness and then attach my rappel device to the sling. That way you can keep both hands on the brake line and have more control. Downside if you have long hair be careful not to get it stuck in the device and ascending the rope with the rappel device is near impossible.
  25. Yeah man, It is great here I am able to give Simone a lot of attention, especially now while her mom is gone for a month, I have too. We live close to work 5 minutes and her school/day care is halfway inbetween. I am able to have lunch with her every day. It is great. I am expecting Simone will start giving me directions. Right now it seems as though she is trying, but I have a hard time trying to understand what she is saying especially since she is using three languages (english, french and kinyarwanda) and she does not have a full vocabulary. So sometime I can't tell if it is a word or something she is making up, it is funny.
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