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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. I'm not condoning the practice. I should have said that I heard that the developers said that it was "too hard to stop and place gear" and that a couple cracks are discontinuous. I'm all for giving them a go on gear, they're splitter fingers for the most part!
  2. so here is your chance laddy- go and send them. as a fa you earn your right to remove any pro you don't see fit for the climb. show us you slop (superior lock-off power) I would give them a go if I wasn't moving to Bellingham on Thursday.
  3. Not exactly the same--but at Mclellan rocks in Spokane--there is an entire wall (Pack Rat cave, i think) that is full of bolted cracks (most of which still haven't seen FAs). I heard that the argument was that since it overhangs so much (probably 20 degrees or so) that it was "too hard" to place gear on the routes.
  4. I heard it closed since they built the new, bigger store in Terrebonne.
  5. May 5th. This Saturday afternoon. Granite Point. We'll be starting at 1PM, going until the evening. We will be replacing top rope anchors. So feel free to come hang out, climb, chip in a few bucks for anchors (or bring some good bolts/hangers), spray, BBQ (if someone brings one, I'm game), whatever... see you there!
  6. am I missing the couloirs on the north side of SS? or are they not in the photo (and off to the left)?
  7. well played gents. after you soloed the ne couloir, i'm surprised to see any gear in the NBC photos!
  8. I wish it was, but it's not http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbninquiry.asp?r=1&ean=9780979274046
  9. Tenatively sold. Thanks.
  10. skis and bigbro are sold. someone make me an offer on the Invernos. they're great for glacial wanderings.
  11. $20 cheaper each than pro deal. it's not that hard of a decision IMO
  12. Camp Ice Rider crampons. mild use. very light steel 12 point pons. climb water ice and glaciers with ease. work on any boot or tennis shoe. $25 shipped. look like these, but with scratches.
  13. John, are there new reactors coming out? it seems like you are in the know. edit: it sounds like no major changes...
  14. http://www.rei.com/Search.do?crt=%28attribute_value_string%3DOn_x20_Sale%3D%28+On_x20_Sale_x3D_Y%29%28+On_x20_Sale%29%28+Y%29%29%28free_text%3D%3D%28+on_x20_sale%29%29%28user_property%3DstoreNumber%3D%28+storeNumber_x3A_0%29%28+storeNumber%29%28+_x30_%29%29%28user_property%3Dorigin%3D%28+origin_x3D_sale%29%28+origin%29%28+sale%29%29%28user_property%3Dinternal%3D%28+internal_x3A_false%29%28+internal%29%28+false%29%29%28store%3D%3D%28+REI%29%28+_x38_000%29%29&origin=sale&query=on+sale&sale=Y&cat=4500002&hist=origin%2Csale%5Equery%2Con+sale%5Esale%2CY%5Estart%5Ecat%2C4500002%3AClimbing
  15. Since it's going to end up here anyways... I just got this in the WSU alpine club e-mail. discuss. ---- Attention Climbing Club !! The publisher is pleased to announce an exciting new book your members are sure to be interested in, available at amazon.com: Mount Hood The Deep Blue Zone Story of the 2006 Climbing Tragedy By Hubert A. Allen, Jr. Description: 116 page Hardback Book Price US $23.95 Come into the Deep Blue Zone and experience the final efforts of three brave climbers on Mount Hood last December. Book Description: America's most riveting mountain search occurred in December 2006 on Mount Hood in Oregon, USA. This book is not only exhaustively researched but includes estimated weather data for the summit deemed so useful that it was accepted for many of the investigation reports. What did happen to those three climbers? Get "The Deep Blue Zone" now on your shelves and find out! Lectures are available with travel expenses and honorarium. Thank you, Hubert A. Allen Jr., Author Hubert Allen and Associates. Also - Please take a look at our other climbing books: "The Simpson Incident and Other climbing Misadventures" & "Breakfast with Kamuzu" a novel about Africa including an ascent of the longest rock climb in Africa.
  16. there is a conspicuous lack of a topo line up Backbone...and the obvious ice smear that comes out of the hidden couloir (i think Wayne did this before?)
  17. while you're at it, you should read "Fateful Harvest." It's a true story about Cenex putting toxic waste into fertilizer that was then put on crops in Quincy.
  18. bd havoc 173cm skis on the cheap. edit: gone already!
  19. that last picture looks really steep. is that just camera tilt?
  20. I'm not a crusty cynic, but I do love my PBR. The club is still quite active, meeting once a week and getting folks out onto the rocks and into the mountains.
  21. shoot me a PM if you want. I've been here 7 years. The best local cragging is in spokane (1.75 hrs to crag), lightning dome (2.25 hrs to crag); granite point is 25 minutes and is currently getting lead routes rebolted. skiing 2 hrs minimum (but 2.5 to the wallowas). ice is anywhere from 30 minutes to 7.5 hrs to Banff or Bozeman. Bugaboos are about 6 to the turnoff. here's a bit on the climbing scene: http://cub.wsu.edu/wsualpine/local.asp
  22. it was full of snow a couple weeks ago, but it had gotten socked in when we walked down past it. no idea about the rock pitches, sorry scott.
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