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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. Sorry i missed this John. I was looking for an afternoon partner today too.
  2. point taken. i bet there's some parking for a city/municipal office building somewhere. sometimes residential streets are a good choice too, given that a lot of areas have a 72 hour or 7 day abandonment law. if'n that doesn't work, you've got a place to park a car at our place.
  3. why are you meeting in cle elum? why not go up 97 and over since you're coming from the east side? it's probably faster overall for you guys to just meet there.
  4. fyi- the black prophet isn't the carbon fiber model. bummed it wasn't...
  5. What about that crag up on the forest road (62?)?? Bolted overhanging sport routes is what i heard years ago
  6. i'm looking to get on some long alpine routes the first two weeks of sept. I'd prefer shorter approaches or car-to-car days to maximize climbing time. As a last resort I'd be into Index or Nason Ridge. A few ideas: complete NR of stuart colchuck NE Buttress Freedom Rider NW Face Forbidden Early morning Spire/Dorado Needle/Eldo W. Arete Clean Break willing to lead everything if you don't want to. PM me or email kurt.hicksATgmail.com
  7. Yea, i know. It's just my bum knee from a crevasse fall that is keeping me from going old school on it.
  8. ah my good man...much thanks. you just saved me 1/6 of the rope weight. I didn't know about how much 'horn-ology' there is up there.
  9. climb the coleman-deming. it's faster than the easton.
  10. Never done it. can i take a 50m? or are the raps more than 25M apart? cheers.
  11. he is cilogear. and busy right now with the OR show. pretty cool of him to take the time to write on such a silly forum as this!
  12. there are 4 or 5 single rope rappels that start off a slung boulder just NE of the summit of DTail. it's close to the top of the third couloir. it avoids the crampons/axe dilemma by putting you all the way on the flats of the glacier
  13. i've got one of those. it's a good tool, but the grip gets dinged up really fast when knocking snow off your crampons.
  14. + what gene said. twight's endorsement is ten plus years old. there are much easier to use leashes these days. had a pair, hated them. what kind of climbing are you planning on doing with them? the venom isn't a good performer on terrain where it's steep enough to need that kind of supportive leash anyways...
  15. yea, yasso. get crackers to make you one. they're dope. I've used them exclusively for guiding for the last 4 years. cilogear.com
  16. excellent. thanks jimbo. i can't seem to find in my notes how short of a rope I can get by with...40M? 50M? i recall somewhat short pitches on the pillar, like 100'.
  17. thanks! haven't been on it in a few years.
  18. I haven't been up to the Colchuck cirque this season. how's the approach to serpentine? approach shoes? all dry up high? the descent is still snowy, i assume?
  19. I'd like to add that I saw someone fall into the schrund last week (some folks are rapping it now)...and another person fall all the way down from Bugaboo/Snowpatch Col and then walk away unscathed.
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