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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. douche...err, I mean touche!
  2. Lighten up, Dood. Gawd, you're not saving the World here.
  3. EWolfe

    drum circles?

    Jesus, Man. Kurt and Jizzy will kick your ass for that shit. Trust a man that owns 8 drums.
  4. This needs to be moved to the sensitive forum.
  5. I think I am high-percentile. It's nice to be a winnar.
  6. EWolfe


    Bare your Soul, Mark McKillop Purge the Demons That Haunt You By You New, True Self. It's Wack, Yo.
  7. welcome back to the mix, Bro! Scary, huh? Waiting for the ax to fall....maybe ice is where it's at!
  8. I would just like to note the rudely desicrated point: Bouldering does, indeed, RULE!
  9. EWolfe


    mark, shove a up your ass.
  10. four and twenty years ago...
  11. Oh, boy. That's a tough one. Uberator.
  12. Thag beat on hollow log with rock, sound good, no hear in long time.
  13. there, there. How about a nice mug of cocoa?
  14. Agreed. R U really that Gay?
  15. EWolfe

    Poor Archie

    no, not what you would like me to have said butt what I said.
  16. Who THE FUCK are you? STFU. N00B!!! p.s. my earlier post is a visual interpretation of " You fucking rock"
  17. EWolfe

    CatBirdSeat Poll

    Brian then can document the results, staying sober himself so as not to skew the results, meaning more beer for us, and resultantly, throwing a non-drinking wrench in the study. STFU, and drink your 60 liters.
  18. EWolfe

    Poor Archie

    Baby got back You like it, don't you John
  19. That's just the lust that's gone, the love is still there, it's just not as obvious, and you have to work harder with less reward to get the same appreciation. Welcome to familiarity breeding contempt, and you saying: "Go To Hell, Contempt!"
  20. Glad you finally got that arm extension surgery you were talking about!
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