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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Friction Is Stranger Than Truth One of my favorites
  2. Why am I not surprised the womans name is [font:Comic Sans MS]Gladis [/font] Let's see, from Ohio or Iowa?
  3. Same answer it has always been: pursuing Darwinism, survival of the fittest. This monkey can climb away from danger faster than many other monkeys.
  4. There's a formula: #2 + great heights = Joy of pooping!
  5. Right On, Man. It must feel good to be making "home" your place again. Keep with it, my friend.
  6. What part of "best TR's ever" don't you get?
  7. Repost your favorite Tricky TR. We need an infusion of quality writing.
  8. I agree with Jens, but am under a gag order for two of my favorites.
  9. Just don't smoke in there or folks get a wee bit upset, if history is any reflection.
  10. EWolfe

    FOX "NEWS"

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUvhC0onpuo Good one, Matt. 8D
  11. Bring your snorkel! Current
  12. I'm with EricB, smearing, as difficult as it is to actually paste your crap all over (off the BB ), it is the best measure IMO to keep it out of the streams.
  13. EWolfe


    You guys are hil-fuckin-arious.
  14. Yes, yes. The best radio stations around here are the Canadian ones, and they have been going on an on about it...
  15. **you are ignoring this user** :moondance:
  16. Glad to hear things are improving, Kurt. Stay with it, Bud. You're a tough Sonofabitch! :brew:Erik
  17. This guy reminds me of Trask. Good to have ya on board, ya Fuckin SWAB!
  18. Sorry to hijack your thread... 5 weeks 'til Flagstaff! If anyone knows folks I could hook up with there for climbing, it would be appreciated! :brew:Erik
  19. Just In! Basic Rockcraft 1 and 2 by Royal Robbins. 1st edition is underlined heavily, but otherwise in great shape. 2nd edition is pristine. $15 for set? Also, Ropes, Knots and Slings for Climbers, Walt Wheelock, 1967 (warning: may be obsolete and dangerous) $2
  20. Very often the releases are delayed due to sheer number of amazing ascents within a given period.
  21. How did I get into spray? One word: TRASK
  22. you are Every tribe needs a Delta.
  23. Baker Fresshhhhiiieeeezzzzz tomorrow! Forcast is 24 inches of new! I love being laid off from work! :moondance:
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