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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. These boys are talking their skills to the hills:
  2. EWolfe

    meet Muffy

    Here's a quote for you Muffy: "My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling, but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places." - - Winnie-the Pooh
  3. Let me just check my NEW SMITH ROCK GUIDE here.... Yup, .10a
  4. EWolfe

    weekend plans?

    Sweet! I can belay from the car!
  5. That's an amazing lenticular!
  6. EWolfe

    weekend plans?

    Stupor secret party saturday! Muffy, I'll bring your water bottle. Swimming on sunday in training for Costa Rica in t- 4 weeks
  7. EWolfe

    Speaking of Shit

    Guinness Book of World Records, 20th Century Art Book, Pocket Rumi
  8. EWolfe


    It does fill the liquid space nicely
  9. EWolfe

    did someone say

    Le chat? Engrish, Dammit!
  10. I have come across two discussions recently about Tomo Cesen's on-sight solo first ascent of the South Face of Lhotse in 1990. One in "Beyond Risk", and again in "Postcards From The Ledge". What is the general feeling about this feat? Yes or No?
  11. EWolfe

    Hey. Dipshits.

    "Ahoy, Skipper, can I dock?" [buggerLugs Recommended]
  12. EWolfe

    Hey. Dipshits.

    "Dock-To Oral Rim Blowing"
  13. Ain't that the truth....Knobbers
  14. EWolfe

    Muffy says,

    There's a glimpse of truth among the frivolity
  15. If you take the early North Bend Exit as your head east, there is sickness on embedded rocks on the overpass structure you turn left and go under. Park. 30' boulder probs, sick traverses. Have fun!
  16. EWolfe


    You are very close. Give it a couple of years
  17. EWolfe


    Are you in love? An Aires? Pull yourself together , man! You have a to go on!
  18. EWolfe


    Sounds like a statement that significantly decreases probability of location
  19. EWolfe


    Classic stoney move Re: routes? You can: a. Get on and get off b. Get off and get on Decisions, decisions.... Have fun!
  20. Here's my best effort: Indoor climbing is so suck - I have 250 of these
  21. Huge waves move through there constantly. Death zone, for sure.
  22. EWolfe

    New Forum Police

    ...and he locks his own threads fearful that they will be "sprayed" upon! Oh! The Humanity!
  23. EWolfe

    New Forum Police

    I would like to point out that absolutely no spray is allowed in THE NEW ROCK CLIMBING FORUM according to reigning chopper PP (see Jim Donini post)
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