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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. I was biking in the foothills outside of Claremont, CA and came around the corner to see a Mountain Lion in the road. I braked hard and looked at it. It was big. There was a cliff on my right and a drop off on the left, both steep. That cat shot straight up that cliff, it's paws loosening some dirt at about 15 feet, and it was gone. I was highly impressed, as well as relieved.
  2. EWolfe


    Just bought my ticket! Feb 13-23rd!!!! 10 DAYS OF SURF AND SUN!!! Thanks for the book tip, cj. Got it in my hot little hands yesterday WooooHoooo! C'mon Lummox!
  3. Just doesn't sound right: "Tao" and "W" together
  4. EWolfe

    Offensive Content

    "Pleased to meet you. Dwayne Freely, associate."
  5. EWolfe

    Stone Nudes

    Hey,speaking of tools - is that pump system helping with that impotency problem, Trask? What kinda PSI you run in that rig?
  6. EWolfe

    Stone Nudes

    Next year, lets do a shaved calendar.
  8. EWolfe

    News Brief

    Bourbon Helps Carpet Salesman Forget About Carpeting For Awhile HOUSTON—Carpet salesman Martin Janowski, 53, was able to forget about carpeting for just a little while Monday after consuming a fifth of Jim Beam Kentucky bourbon. "For a few glorious moments, I cleared my mind of Anso II Stainmaster Plus and Bigelow Dura-Plush carpeting," said Janowski, a 26-year employee of CarpetMart in Houston. "The bourbon made the floor coverings go away." To help him forget about carpeting tomorrow night, Janowski said he will likely employ Southern Comfort, Wild Turkey, or some combination thereof. -Onion
  9. It is wrong to eat people, Mmmkay? So don't eat people, Mmmkay? Because it's wrong, Mmmkay?
  10. Ok, The pictures are up in my gallery for whoever wants to use them. They don't print well from CC.com, but you should be able to save pic and mess with it. Here's another sample:
  11. Muffy, can you give an astrological analysis about the reasons why so many capricorns climb? Goat = mountains I would think that would be aries though True, but capricorns are notorious for their desire to "lead", as well as being driven to succeed. That and the goat make climbing a natural outlet, perhaps.
  12. Muffy, can you give an astrological analysis about the reasons why so many capricorns climb? Goat = mountains
  13. Got up there at 8:50, and it was raining with 25 MPH winds.
  14. Pass me by for the young boy ahead of me, as usual.
  15. I live 1 block from the Mt Baker Highway. I can catch a ride with the snowplow! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  16. I prefer to think of him as a liberator of tortured tree spirits.
  17. MAD FRESHIEZ 10" in 24 hours + freezing at sea level = OMFG! Bye-bye working wednesday
  18. EWolfe


    Trust me Griz, the locals can handle it - it's the recently relocated that give us a bad name.
  19. There's always the Dan-Osman-may-he-rest... exciting games: Long roped falls! Cutting quickdraws so they fail in a series! Speed free-soloing! Hard free-soloing to death metal! There should be hours of challenging gaming there...
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