Undislosed Sources have revealed that this woman
Judith "Miss Manners" Martin
has recently donated a undisclosed sum of money to Cascade Climbers to "clean up that offending site". The sum came to be sent after a rash of posts from some CC.com hooligans on the UKClimbers board. Miss Manners Martin is known to have a climbing brother who informed her about the posts that were "in bad taste".
The guidelines for the new protocol were said to be taken directly from her runaway best seller:
Nonsense is said to be "not taken", as the long arm of English etiquette reaches across the seas to claim yet another free-stylin' forum.
On a lighter note, I like to think there is a place, let's call it "banned camp", where all the old avatars meet, much like the secret moderators forum, and talk about the good old sprays, when Trask was free-ballin' and Necro was, well, never mind that...