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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. But you'll notice we shake it off!
  2. I agree Darryl. I also have roped up with several of the climbers involved in this accident, and no-one feels worse than they do. I still trust them completely as partners, maybe even more so now. It was just a moment of changing procedure, as mentioned, with the distraction of a group around. Very unfortunate, and Dave is sorely missed.
  3. All avatars should be variants of theme.
  4. I learned the three-two-one method. Three quick tugs means the leader is off belay Three quick tugs by belayer means "belay off" Slack taken up Two pulls by follower means 'that's me" Two tugs by leader means "on belay" One long tug by leader verifies belay on. Doesn't work with severe rope drag.
  5. First free, no-beta, ground-up ascent (downclimbing seen, but still got the onsight )
  6. How about if, in show of our increasing displeasure with this administration, we choose, every day, to NOT use the little green grinny guy? Mmmkay?
  7. WoooooHooooo!!! It's June!!! What are ya gonna do? when the STOKE come for you??? E
  8. (comment suppressed by MisterE)
  9. Yeah, If you climb up to the crux and find that you're out of position or you need to switch your hands, just DYNO dude! Whatever you do, don't downclimb and reposition yourself. That's a sign of FEAR!!! Thanks, Pax. I was trying to hold my back at dis foo.
  10. EWolfe

    Mini Deathmobile!

    And you thought the mini cooper was a rolling coffin... GEMcar Now available at your local Dodge/Chrysler dealer
  11. The Alaska Winter Stare! I would recognize the "ten-foot-stare-in-an-eight-foot-room" anywhere! Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
  12. The down side is he's drained all the time.
  13. Additional note: you are also dialing in the moves below the crux during the downclimbing process, thus making the approach less energy sapping for next try.
  14. EWolfe

    REI T.R.

    I hate it when that happens! According to Simpkins, the jaws work great for pinching flakes, though.
  15. 1.) Find a well-protected clean fall on a sport route, and practice falling from gradually increasing heights until you feel comfortable falling. 2.) Downclimbing is a critical tool to onsighting - remember your last rest and how to get back. 3.) Sometimes onsighting means running it out or skipping a clip. 4.) Look the route over as thoroughly as you can beforehand, visualizing sequences and remembering critical L or R hand/foot placements. 5.) Warm up well, and give yourself an hour or two before trying your onsight. 6.) Visualize moving through the crux as you are getting ready to move to it.
  16. It seems like I am always moving, so the Truckin' Dude seemed appropriate. I like Klenke's I have about 30 bonsai tree avatar pix I also rotate, cuz I have mini-trees.
  17. Here's one that has recently become available:
  18. EWolfe


    Does that mean I can't post the link to kitten juggling?
  19. Yeah, too bad. Distel sent V8 this weekend! Woohoo!
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