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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. o.k., Mr Hard Sell - check your PM's
  2. EWolfe


    I can't imagine your body having more than 3-1/2 liters, there, short-shot!
  3. EWolfe


    Hey! That's not the bushflash I was hoping for!
  4. D'oh! I thought it was "Klen-key." I thought it was "klen-KAY"
  5. EWolfe

    Best Wishes

    Billed the cigar tactician
  6. Don't be a historical girlyman, you know I am right!
  7. EWolfe

    Best Wishes

    There's a joke about Clinton getting excited when his female doctor started talking about "acute angina"...
  8. A laborer on our job just got out of detox, a state-sponsored program, and has 100% medical coverage, so he just got a knee operation long overdue. Cost to him? $0 Basically, because he has no declared income, the state will pay his medical. He suggested to me that one could say one has no income after checking into rehab, and if you were to get caught, going to jail would actually increase your benefit level! Crime, drugs and alcoholism may not pay, but it get's you medical!
  9. Fast and Light rack ( the only way I was able to outrun him): -Shiver-bivvy kit resplendent with liquors and prescription drugs, estimated street value: $250 - Kiped gear from soloing past slow parties and removing excessive placements (complete with list of angry people to avoid). All gear only slightly used, and never by Mike (we all know he never places gear). Estimated Value: $200. Special CC.Commer's Bonus: This set-up comes with a 5.10X climbing ability at no extra charge!
  10. "I miss my ex-wife, but my aim is improving"
  11. I knew the choppers were more than a hallucinogenic flashback!! Remember: Just because you're not paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you!
  12. There are some 11's and 12's up Cocaine Gully that are damn scary without a stickclip. *Ahem* Not that I ever use one. :Pagetoppiiinnn:
  13. Anyone know a good hangover cure they could fix for 70?
  14. EWolfe

    oh canada

    I feel ya, Brutha.
  15. Agreed. If it's this bad now, I can't imagine what it's going to be like around halloween.
  16. Thanks, Toast. I saw your post. Not mine.
  17. Hey, Dick. How's that tent treatin' ya? E
  18. Plus it's so riveting! The fishing channel comes a close second...
  19. I just got this e-mail from a friend in Juneau. Classic Alaskan! PM me if you want directions
  20. ..and there's the additional benefit of really cool back growths to impress the ladies! Musculature, schmusculature! 8=D
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