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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. This doesn't translate well...
  2. EWolfe


    West Virginia is also #1 in nudist camps. I wonder if there is a correlation?
  3. Those Swabian Jura folks sure knew how to have a good time!
  4. From Google: Long-tailed weasel:
  5. First we need to get the auto and fuel companies out of the government bed, obviously. Good luck with that.
  6. too much peanut butter is not good for dogs ..but a little is damn entertaining!
  7. I hear there's some abuse issues in the Enumclaw ones...
  8. EWolfe

    Strange harvest

    I bet McDumalds will run with this: "The lack of nourishment in our food is preparing you for your future!"
  9. Granpa says our youth is going to the dogs...
  10. EWolfe

    specialed's tit

    He's keeping abreast of the important issues.
  11. It is interesting to note that holding the american public hostage with fear and false pretenses of "security" is more acceptable than making statements of "we are not afraid" and following that up with aggresive shoot-to-kill policy.
  12. EWolfe

    Hey, Guido!

    Good one, Pax
  13. EWolfe

    Hey, Guido!

    We must hurry, though! Before they set loose the marmosets!
  14. EWolfe


    If my heart were 1/3 bigger than everyone else's, I'd probably be doing better in the mountains, too! What an amazing run, though.
  15. EWolfe

    Hey, Guido!

    I am the keeper of the cheese, and you! You are the lemon merchant. ...and he knows it! Don't worry little Missy, I'll save you!
  16. Ted, ya bastard! You're gonna make the register all sticky! Great TR, Blake!
  17. Phhhhhtttt! hillclimbers. But, look. It's Bob's brother:
  18. Misrepresentation in the news? Say it ain't so! My world is falling apart. Good job on the letter, Pax.
  19. Try to get her on top.
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