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Everything posted by bunglehead

  1. The Bible.
  2. Reminds me of that SNL skit where Will Ferrel pops out of Victoria Jackson...He comes out all slimy saying: "Whoaaa...It was HOT in there!!"
  3. That reminds me, I need to quit my job so I can pursue this theory full time. Too bad I'm not a meteorologist!
  4. The Mummy range is cool. We (me and various sundry women) would always hike up the Lost Lake trail(?) I forget what it's actually called, we always called it the Long Dick trail, as it seemed to take fucking forever to get up to the basin. From there it's obvious where to go. Lost Lake is a beautiful little spot. Another way fun outing is to go up to the end of Wild Basin in the south end of the park, and then cross country it up past Thunder lake. From there it's across some scree/snow, up a gulley or 2, and you're on the divide. Awesome. Just avoid being up there during a thunderstorm, Like I did so very, very often.
  5. Well at any rate, there are a lot of fucking awesome places to live, you just have to decide what you're willing to put up with. If I had my choice, I'd want to live near Grand Lake, on the western side of RMNP. Colorado is fucking awesome. Yeah, Denver's(et. al) crowded, but there are so many great places to go and soo much shit to do. Sure a lot of places have been run over with yups, but who cares? Live where you want, drink lots of wine, have sex with your partner often, and spend as much time as humanly possible in the woods. One of my favorite spots in RMNP is in the Mummy Range. I don't know why I feel compelled to share that. Whoa. I only got like 3 hours of sleep last night, so I'm disoriented and not as cranky as I should be. Carry on.
  6. Fejas where are you?
  7. It's a well observed occurence that most yuppies are like the legendary "gray ooze" that would supposedly result from nano-bots taking over the world, they won't be happy until there's a Starbucks in every nice little town, all the locals get priced out of existence, and there are McMansions and (insert expensive gas guzzler here) as far as the eye can see.
  8. Ding ding ding!
  9. Man, it's hard to spray in between meetings! I have to go work now... Keep it up!
  10. Okay, which one of you is Chaps? Sobo? Fender? Not Dru. A Mod? Arch? Minx? Lummox?
  11. bunglehead

    captions please

    Please tell me that's a photoshop job.
  12. bunglehead

    iPod Nano

  13. Looks like those white folks "found" some food.
  14. Amen brother.
  15. Made me giggle too..
  16. One thing Molecular Probes does is make protein markers for research. I think they're also dabbling with bioluminescent proteins. I have some friends that have been working there for a while, and they're making less than 38K a year. They don't make a lot.
  17. I thought for sure this was a hoax.
  18. I knew you were kidding. I thought it was pretty fucking obvious.
  19. Hide the Salami.
  20. Add Ins: Analysis Tool Pak Or some shit like that.
  21. Nope, he died a few years ago.
  22. Carlos Santana said that the reason he started palying guitar was because he was working at the Ramada where Sete was playing, and when he heard him he just had to play the guitar. The reason he got the gig at Monterey was because Diz demanded he be put on the roster. He used to go down to the Ramada to jam with him, he liked him so much.
  23. The last time I got a flu shot I got the flu from it. I'm never getting another flu shot again.
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