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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Mcsame pulled out of michigan!
  2. wtf? Matt is right on target, just look at me.... went from land of 5.13, nose in a day, alpine and ice, to desk jockey, struggling on 10+. but i have 1800 posts on this site...
  3. from NPR- looks like Obama is 7 points ahead. also only 40-some percent stated Palin was qualified as vp candidate. Obama is leading in florida, colorado, ohio and pennsylvania. chances for bailout are also not looking too good at the moment. one of the "experts" stated, that proposal was kind of like this: there are several boats on a lake, some are starting to sink. the solution- let's drain the lake.
  4. all these people are wrong? this is exactly why it is a good thing the bail-out failed in the form it was presented by the administration. i am sure some of the administration cronies will be unhappy, since they can't get their hands on this vast sum of public money. however life will go on, some of the banks will fold, some of the business will fold. predicted unemployment might reach 8%. but for a vast majority it won't change a thing and at least it won't wipe out SS trust fund now. BTW to put some face to the numbers it would cost over 31K to pay for the debt this country has so far.
  5. i am impressed with your drawings. my nephew drew something similar, when he was 3. maybe he should be a treasury secretary- same end effect. now be smart and show us a graph explaining "panic selloff".
  6. hey shmegma boyee- find your own insults, you sheepshag
  7. oh and they forget to mention, that in 1995 republifucks had a complete control of House and Senate....
  8. it accounts for only one side of the balance equation; no real measure of supply or environmental externalities on relevant time scales, which suggests that your brand of economics isn’t a science, economy is not a science. it's a system of trust. it's something that constantly evolves, therefor we can make assessments about the past and try to predict the future.
  9. but the principles of our economy are strong....... yeah, where the fuck are the neo-cons to put the spin on this one?
  10. here is something to think about. Team Obama: Paul Volckler- as treasury secretary whipped out inflation Robert Rubin- erased deficit Austan Goolsbee, Laura Tyron, Larry Summers are the others. here is a team McSame: Phill Gramm- no commentos Carly Fiorina- fired from a position of a CEO of HP Douglas Holtz-Eakin- head of CBO and Bushes senior chief economist. The choice is simple: McSame is yet another tax spending conservative, who wants to continue with failed trickle-down economics.
  11. can anyone LOGICALLY explain how buying a lot of bad debt is good for me?
  12. i think the reason there is such a strong push for the bail out is, that for the first time, actually people with money, who are going to fill it. a lot of "rich fucks" were only rich on the paper, not in terms money in hand. you can't take away from people who don't have. i think the real issue here is if the bailout happens the programs have to be cut and it is where the hit on low income is going to come from. personally the "sky is falling" cry wolf shit is just shit talk of the group of people, who don't want to give up the high life of credit mongers.
  13. i don't buy this bs about issue this issue being so complex, that only a few "chosen" once can comprehend it.
  14. dodge and weave. add hide, and wait for a hand out.
  15. FC Express HD, unregistered. Retail version, therefor upgradable! only $50 includes shipping. item is also on ebay for another two and a half days. contact: muscletx at yahoo subject FCX
  16. Rudy, of course he is. this country one step nearer becoming a christian republic. who needs healthcare or working economy, when you wage a crusade in a middle east- cheesus will rule.
  17. started 10 years ago and for last 8 years he did nothing to correct it! he is right, it started even earlier, but he expedited the process to new highs. his administration was warned numerous times about wall street, but he decided to look the other way and support people who brought him to power. now this cry wolf shit game! i say bring it on, let it collapse. who gives a fuck if some white collar thieves get their asses kicked. it will do them good. so it will do good for the rest of the society, maybe finally people will start living within their incomes.
  18. glassgowkiss


    ask me about my smell
  19. yeah, looks like gb is not so enlightened.....
  20. try hanging and jugging with JVC GY-HD100 and Anton Bauer battery pack on Yamnuska! plus carrying camera, ropes and tripod down a scree (2500 feet) in a rain!
  21. rescue package, but more like 200 bill to start (which is huuuge anyway!)
  22. I totally agree. We need to protect our assets from foreign takeover but at the same time I think this country needs a hard lesson that as individuals, companies, and government that we can't live off of credit and loans, especially when an increasing amount of our money is leaving. what about american companies taking over firms in europe , s america or asia? free market means everyone competes with everyone.
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