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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. since you named yourself after a color of your own cornholed warmring, your comment doesn't really carry much weight. now get the fuck out of my sandbox beotch.
  2. I say you're an arrogant ass and socially retarded to boot. Irrespective of what Palin's daughter does you have some snide comment to make. You're more uptight and judgmental than any right winger I've heard talk on the subject. MKTHNXBYE need a tissue fader? i don't think even fw is as socially retarded as you, salty breath. but to be honest it's a close one indeed.
  3. i did not include my climbing resume in my post, so are you talking about yourself then? Grab a beer and relax. I pointed out to the difference in word meaning used by you in your post.
  4. Word on the street is that GGK had a lot of Russians in him, as a boy; maybe something rubbed off. just like your mom?
  5. Maybe here, but not in Europe. It was climbers like François Damilano, Peroux (sp?) or Thierry Renau, who visited Canadian Rockies and brought this ethic to the old continent. Thats where the statement was from. But that did not happen till the mid 80's. Don't sink to the arguments of penis measurements. It's just lame and doesn't add you credibility. now back to the main subject: as you Quote Rafal Slawinski: , where do you see reinvented or invented? That's the whole point of argument: redefining not inventing. it's more then semantics. Two words and two different meanings. Sorry to piss into your sandbox.
  6. now aren't you a brilliant one? isn't it the deregulation that led to this mess in the first place? and what inflation, we are dealing with deflation now.
  7. just in case someone is wondering: i am not some anonymous troll. my real name is Robert Rogoz aka Polishbob how come are you still trying this approach? reinvented- i think not. maybe improved at the most. the article you are referring to in AAJ by Rafal "Degrees of freedom" pretty much states that. i am in a process of filming a documentary with Rafal, hence i have a few hours of interviews with him, and he always points out the mastery of "old school". Rafal is a friend of my and i know him now for almost a decade and a half, and neither in his article nor in real life i have never heard him saying statements you suggest. If i am mistaken please please provide me with your sources, so we can verify the record. styles change and evolve. they also become more defined. no i did not start climbing in the 70, but in 1980 for the record. therefor a lot what you are talking about i witnessed first hand. for instance- hanging from the tools in your harness while rigging the pro was an accepted practice. now it is not. however you have to remember that "redpoint" or "on sight" was not in a climbing vocabulary till about 1982/83. till that time you were just doing the routes, particularly on big alpine. there are a lot of big routes from the 80's era, which are either repeated nor even attempted again. K2 South Face (Kukuczka/Piotrowski), G4 West face (Kurtyka/Schauer), Broad Peak traverse (Kukuczka/Kurtyka), Golden Pillar of Spantik (Fowler/Saunders) just to name a few. somehow i don't see a lineup of the teams under them. as the matter of fact on some of them bolts were added (Spantik) or fixed ropes were used (G4) later. Is that a progress? is just another bullshit statement posted on internet without merit. also americans were not in the forefront of the development, more like a minority compared to the other nations contributing to the development of climbing. they were a part of the "scene", but much, much smaller then you stated. anyway- i am done with the topic, so don't expect more responses. imo you are stating a distorted picture without historical accuracy, full of hype and spin and you are not doing a community any service by doing so. before writing a bunch of "facts" maybe you should talk to characters and players involved.
  8. you are splitting hair on names. "modern mixed" and "light and fast" was called alpine climbing in the 70's. Routes on Ben were climbed in the 70's, Point Zero was done in the 50's. Routes done in the 70's and 80's are graded now at M5, 6 or 7 (like Colin's and Steve's route on Robson). Who cares if if they hooked on not- they climbed without hanging on gear. "modern mixed" and "light and fast" are just another hype without much substance. Climbers climbed like that long before internet was invented. Hype is nothing new- read "The art of suffering" by Kurtyka.
  9. rush is sooo patriotic: "During his program Monday, Limbaugh, who used a nearly 1 1/2-hour speech before conservative activists in Washington Saturday to assert that Republicans should want Obama to fail"
  10. "He is also one of the guys who invented hard mixed climbing...along with Jeff Lowe and a host of others. Although Gordon would certainly call modern mixed cheating." This is simply not true. in europe and in Scotland people were climbing hard shit for a while. and it was called just climbing.
  11. fw, i am not republican nor democrat- i consider myself independent. but the stupid ideology and politics of the crew in the whitehouse for the last 8 years led to a lot of misery and pain. granted, in a lot of situation it was fueled by greed and not understanding the principals of economy. however the deregulation of the markets is what led to this fiasco. for 8 years, while the republican president was putting the nation in debt, none of the jokers from congress said one word about it. so saying it now is nothing but nonsense politics. just make the guy fail to prove your point. anyway- you are always right. like with mcsame by landslide. the only slide i can see is the brown streak on you pants. anyway- just fuck off for a while, as you are just annoying little cunt. now go and change your diaper.
  12. hey pigfuck, last time you were placing a wager you predicted mcsame by landslide. your opinion is always right on. so fuck off for a bit as we are just tired of hearing your washed up bullshit. your ideas worked so fucking great, that we are in the biggest depression since almost a century ago. you have no argument to stand on.
  13. I'm always curious what makes a "real" outdoor brand. The major factor seems to be it not having been "discovered" it's when the look is more important then function. basically when you go for a wider population the functionality goes down the drain and is replaced with bells and whistles, which over all make the things worst. patagonia and arteryx were discovered, however they still have a line for people who actually climb.
  14. how is a pig fuck going? btw you are just 100% dumbass, regardless of the ancestry. now get the fuck out of my sandbox beotch.
  15. "Burr and other Republicans are calling on the president to restrain spending, make tough choices and put the nation's fiscal house in order." i just wonder why they did not say that for the past 8 years. btw there was tax surplus in 2001, when bush took the office. it is your party that gave it away to the richest 1%. so fuck off for now.
  16. oh yeah, some token dinosaurs will mane it happen. no disrespec to the guys, but they are not so cutting edge now. maybe they should get some names on the list from under 30 category.
  17. first of all i love this name! big wood popping! stimulate this!. My friend had a great idea last night, use 820 billions of dollars to prosecute every home owner, loan officer, real estate agent who committed the fraud. on top of that use the rest to scrub through every no-bid contract on war, through every oil transaction. even more- every quarterly financial statement of every publicly traded company.
  18. on the other hand we should thank bush and his cronies for basically dismantling republican party. also proving chicago school of business completely wrong. it's also funny how mcsame is behaving like a sore looser at this moment.
  19. NOW THAT'S CHANGE I CAN BELIEVE IN!!! so what strategy should be used? after spending a couple of trillions of $$$ close to 5000 dead US soldiers (not to mention thousands wounded) looks like bushes strategy accomplished jack and shit. not to mention we set off a civil war, caused thousands of Iraqis deaths and completely fucked their infrastructure. I wonder how long would it be before you'd turn into a whiny cunt (like you are not already) in a 120F heat without air conditioning because there is no electricity. your kids have no school to go to for the past 5 years and there are no jobs to make living. LOL
  20. oddly enough, where his brother was a governor.....
  21. here all these jobs sitting at the computer and farting, while producing another memo will slowly vanish. can't have the economy, that produces nothing. and no- working for starbucs for 9 bucks per hour and buying 400 000 home is not going to work out either. time to wake up and smell the shit.
  22. That thing is more like M7+/8-. no way this route is M6.
  23. Just opened a package- Blackberry gone. My in-laws were sending us a Blackberry as a gift. Cables are there of course. I hope whoever took it, eventually will die a painful death of constant butt-fuck in the bowels of some prison.
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