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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. I am using go-pro, the main reason you can check the settings without the computer. I looked at a lot of footage before i bought it. there are several advantages to this vs. contour: can change settings without computer is one. second it has the widest FOV in 720/60p. btw that setting produces very smooth image, even for fast action. Side by side it reproduces colors much better then contour. yes, you can change that later in post, but why? it matches really well with my HM100. Since it's H.264 it the pain to edit in FCP, so the footage has to be transcoded to something i can edit with (like ProRes). It's waterproof, so no big deal for ice and snow in winter, also good for surf or kayak vids. also jello skew is much less noticeable with go-pro vs contour. also there are more mounting options, even tripod.
  2. shit I am going to miss this window. I can start working out though, but nothing hard for another week. Anyway- keep us informed!
  3. Spend more? After B-HO's and D-controlled congress's two-year, multi-trillion dollar spending splurge, you've got a lot of nerve on that one! so where are WMD's?
  4. I am really looking forward to republifaq "economy improvements". Bringing back the same crew, which wrecked the place 2000-2008 will guarantee the success for sure. I am really looking forward to the return of trickle down economics, more bailouts and cuts in education. I am also looking forward to tax cuts to the richest few and fucking over everyone else. but we will have our "cheesus". i am sure they will try to resurrect another mid-east crusade.
  5. Fuck yeah, in most of the communist countries you had to have a "license" to ride your bike, even in a park. FW true (read red) colors are out again. next time you have a car accident you should cover any police and emergency costs.
  6. glassgowkiss

    Dino Rossi

    you dumb fuck! fresh ideas? how about addressing old problems? and reduction of 100 billion doesn't even touch the 1.3 trillion deficit. It would be like trying to pay off 60k on a credit card bill by adding 10 cents to your monthly payment- doesn't do squat. i guess math was not your strong subject at school. so unless you start cutting from military spending, medicare/medicaid or ss programs you can't even start addressing the problem. and of course you have to raise taxes, as somehow we all have to pay for happy republifaq handjob 2000-2008.
  7. glassgowkiss

    Dino Rossi

    three words: faq ufaqing faq
  8. Also note you'll have to add skis and canopy/harness for speed flying setup, so count on at least 10-12 pounds extra at minimum. That pretty much makes any technical climbing impossible, due to weight/size issues.
  9. I have two female Main Coons, both are quite fricking long. One is about 12 pounds and she is not fat by any means. These cats are huge!
  10. Mitch McConnell stated that republifucks should return to power and undo financial reform, as both wall street and republifuck party learned from their mistakes. straight from the soviet playbook.
  11. [video:vimeo] This looks good, but fricking scary. BTW in 2009 there were 9 deaths.
  12. Proposed increase to $500 (for everyone) or $350 for people from the US and $800 for the foreign climbers. What a bullshit!
  13. I wonder how can you justify proposal of peak fee for Denali NP $500USD? If it goes through it will be cheaper to go to Pakistan and climb on trekking permit. Gee, why don't they raise the cost of everyone entering NP? Why targeting one group?
  14. Unfortunately fees lead to more fees: http://www.americanalpineclub.org/pt/denalinatparkfeeincrease
  15. I met Kurt several times, when I lived in Germany. He was a great guy, one of the nicest and funniest people I have ever met.
  16. yeah, you are rich, if you measure the level of shit in your brain, cunt. now go and fuck a pig.
  17. it's obvious you know how to read a chart- not!
  18. good job- not! and now they want the same! good fucking job!
  19. You might have some of the best mixed climbing conditions at the time. Colfax would be in shape, some of the N facing routes on Baker and other higher peaks.
  20. I am selling some ice gear: #1 Petzl Ergo- hardly used, with BRAND SPANKING NEW PICKS! ($49.99 each). So basically brand new leashless tools for $250 (plus shipping if you are outside of NW Washington). Cosmetically they are 8 out of 10 (picks are brand new). My wife doesn't really like ice climbing, so it's time to clean up some space and have someone else using them. #2Fairly used up BD Sabretooth (cosmetic condition 5 out of 10), with antibott plates. One of the screws on the heel lever is partially bent, so the heel lever has only 1/2 adjustment. They were used by me for one season of ice/mix climbing in Canada and then I passed them on to my wife. Price $50 (plus shipping if outside on NW Washington). I am known on this board, so don't be afraid you are going to get ripped off. I will be posting some pictures shortly, I can also send some detailed pictures upon request. My email crazypolishbob at gmail. Please feel free to drop me a line.
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