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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. I find it also completely hypocritical how the republifuck front runner bobby jindal was crying for smaller government, but now is bitching like whiny cunt about the lack of federal response. why doesn't he ask BP to clean their own mess?
  2. Who cares what FW thinks. At some point everyone should realize that No Child Left behind should be replaced with Leave the losers behind act. Till we stop catering to the white trash uneducated populous, completely incapable of independent thinking every attempt to change things for better will be destined to fail from the start. Let him fuck pigs, but lets leave his opinion out of the roam "what counts" and put it in a folder "who cares".
  3. Very clever, but your comment went right over heads of this highly educated crowd. But what can you expect, when a vast majority of people would not be able to point out where Iraq is on a map.
  4. most likely raided FW's computer. I bet he was frequenting the heavy petting zoo in Sumas.
  5. Well? Yes I am Yea, one who still holds his Polish passport. I guess, in a sense, you could rightly describe Poland as Europe's town pump. I hear she likes it from both ends at once. FW you are one dumb fuck. As the matter of fact you don't even know the laws in this country. Here is a read for you: Dual Citizenship "The concept of dual nationality means that a person is a citizen of two countries at the same time. Each country has its own citizenship laws based on its own policy.Persons may have dual nationality by automatic operation of different laws rather than by choice. For example, a child born in a foreign country to U.S. citizen parents may be both a U.S. citizen and a citizen of the country of birth. A U.S. citizen may acquire foreign citizenship by marriage, or a person naturalized as a U.S. citizen may not lose the citizenship of the country of birth.U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one citizenship or another." No go and fuck a pig.
  6. Yes you idiot, there are no high schools in Europe, they are called Gymnasiums and they are for students with highest GPA asswipe.
  7. refresh our memory: McCain by landslide....., because you know this country better. like i said- don't you have a date with a pig? Only a degenerate scumbag would make a joke about someone's Grandmother getting raped during WW2. Is there a way to block a person entirely? No quotes, no nothing, so I don't have to ever see this worthless loser's spew ever? Throw them down the memoryhole completely? Can't keep yourself from peeking beneath the toggle line, eh? What a fuckin pussy. Anyway, who said anything about rape? My understanding is that GGK's bloodline is pretty, um, shall we say, accommodating. My mom didn't have a nickname "Townpump", so (unlike you) I know who my father was.
  8. I'd post a pic of you, choada, and GGK, but then again folks can just go watch "The Human Centipede" to get their "fill" of that image. I am sure you were a frequent client of the farm in Sumas: Feds bust suspected bestiality farm near Sumas Authorities believe they have busted a local man who was trying to use his Whatcom County farm as a bestiality tourism site. The property, in the 5000 block of Reese Hill Road south of Sumas, was touted on at least one Web site as a destination for sex with animals, said Whatcom County Sheriff Bill Elfo. "It was a destination for (Stephen) Clarke, who came here from England," Elfo said of a man who was arrested at the property earlier this week. "From what we've been told, that Web site certainly conveys that message." The U.S. Probation Department, the FBI and the U.S. Marshals Office raided the property Wednesday, April 14, with help from the Sheriff's Office. They seized three computers, electronic storage devices and pro-bestiality books, as well as four horses, six dogs and a cage full of mice, said William Corn, chief probation officer for the U.S. Probation Department. The raid led to the arrest of Douglas Spink, who lives at the property, which Corn described as a hovel with electricity but no running water, "just a filthy, nasty mess of a place." A visitor known as KKK is allegedly captured on video sexually assaulting three large-breed dogs. He was booked into Whatcom County Jail under investigation of three counts of first-degree animal cruelty. The Whatcom Humane Society is caring for all of the horses and dogs that were on the property, at the request of federal agencies. Thirteen mice from the property had to be euthanized because of their physical condition or injuries, society Executive Director Laura Clark said. Spink has lived at the property since 2007, when he was released from prison and put on probation for a 2005 cocaine smuggling arrest, according to court records. Wednesday's raid took place because authorities suspected he violated his federal probation, Elfo said. Authorities started investigating Spink after he repeatedly attempted to contact James Michael Tait in jail, said Emily Langlie, spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorneys' Office. Tait was arrested in connection with an Enumclaw bestiality investigation in 2005, and he was arrested and jailed on suspicion of similar offenses last fall in Tennessee. "The government obtained some of the taped telephone calls between Spink and Tait because (Tait) was in a jail setting. On those calls the two men share their philosophies regarding the treatment of animals and their common views on that topic," Langlie said. "Obviously the government had been concerned about Mr. Spink's activities." Spink appeared in U.S. District Court in Seattle on Friday, and he'll remain in a federal detention center on suspicion of violating the conditions of his supervised release at least until his next court date, April 30. A call to Spink's attorney, Howard Phillips, wasn't returned, but Langlie said that in court Phillips argued there were no probation violations because Spink just lives at the property and his contact with Tait was not when the man was a felon. Until all the evidence collected in the raid is reviewed, it is unknown if or how many other people visited the property to engage in sexual contact with animals, though videos of Clarke were likely taken by someone else, Elfo said. This isn't the first case of animal sexual abuse in Whatcom County, Elfo said, and it's too early to know if it's the biggest. "It's troubling when we have someone coming here from another country for this purpose," Elfo said. "This is not something we want in our neighborhoods." read your auto sig- it's for you! spierdalaj pedrylu
  9. refresh our memory: McCain by landslide....., because you know this country better. like i said- don't you have a date with a pig?
  10. according to your republifuck butt buddies i am legal, you are not.
  11. FW: why buttfucking produces stupid morons. now go fuck some sheep... sorry- a pig (McSame/Palin by landslide....)
  12. I don't think he'll have a chance to use this education where he is going to get deported by his republifuck buddies. And it doesn't change the fact, this bill is retarded and a real pandora box.
  13. it's obvious to me you are a prime example of the high standard of US high school education. you are a living proof
  14. pure stupidity At least we can start deporting retards like FW, who's only "proof" of citizenship will be birth certificate. Let's not forget his parents will be considered illegal as well, since they also have their b.c as a "proof". it's really opening of a "pandora box" to deportations.
  15. STFU. 25 000 people are cut off from civilization and actually pretty much nothing is being done to help them.
  16. That's Simon and Marko on the last picture (guys trying to steal secrets).
  17. looks like your mom.
  18. a border.. is a border.. is a border. we all set boundary's and wish them to be respected. a douchebag is a douchebag is a douchebag- my boundaries include bitch slapping cunts like you. now go and fuck some sheep teabag asshole.
  19. This is not entirely true. These loans were subsequently neatly packaged and sold as securities. There were companies like Magnatar, (and other similar hedge funds, but this one invented the system- hence the name Magnatar trade), who were even further exploiting the situation. Here is the link to the story: http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/405/inside-job
  20. what an asshole! and now we have to pay for it.
  21. Dale, it is true to the extent. But the avi forecast is moderate even in the alpine (which is rather rare). while we saw a lot of natural activity on S and SW slopes, I only saw old, old debris from several days to weeks ago on N slopes. We walked to the base of Nemesis without skis- when were you able to do so last time?
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