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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. that's a good point bob climbers are more athletic these days. climbers have put down the pipe and bottle, the stopwatch has pushed climbing to the next level weather it be first ascents or classic repeats. good post bob, ur contributions and rad music has honestly taken cc.com to a whole new level, like a track and field event. way to pass the baton mister . T-A=0. The Nose in 19 hours, Grand Wall (Apron Strings start) in 2 hours 35 minutes. Care to share your experience in fast climbing with wider audience, or are you just another couch "expert"?
  2. Full text "If the legislation is approved, the Border Patrol would not have to comply with the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Solid Waste Disposal Act and 32 other federal laws in such popular places as Olympic National Park, Glacier Park, the Great Lakes and the Boundary Waters Wilderness Area." "Under the GOP plan, the Border Patrol would have free rein to do such things as build roads and offices, put up fences, set up surveillance equipment and sensors, and use aircraft and vehicles to patrol in all national parks, forests and federal land included in the 100-mile zone". I could see an argument with 5 or 10 mile zone, but 100 miles basically goes South of Tacoma or Spokane. This doesn't make any sense, and while there are cuts to EVERY other program, Homeland Security and Defense Departments are increasing their budgets. Please call your representative (Both House and Senate) and insist of voting NO on this bill.
  3. the problem is that more then half of the people in Congress make over 1 million. I think the easy fix would be to have every member of Congress living off median wage, without any other benefits (like sweet hart health insurance).
  4. glassgowkiss


    Dru, you are so busy posting 20 000 times a year on this site, that you don't have time to go to a grocery store? Weather you call it no tax or the tax is 0%, at the end of the day it doesn't make any difference to my wallet. As far as healthcare in Canada goes it's not the government who is funding it, but it's ultimately the tax payers- you just have a single payer system.
  5. I think Colfax would be good now. It forms from snow melt, not drip water and the routes start about 8600 ft., which is much higher then anything else. When my route exactly in this type of conditions and exactly same time of year. I bet is about 25F day and low teens at night. The same year I drove up Duffy, over a months after doing Colfax and there were some driblets of ice, but even Marble was not really formed.
  6. I don't find being fucked up the ass without vaseline by large banks and worthless corporations like Goldman Sachs very funny at all. I also don't find funny that demonstrators are being roughed up by police. I think your sense of humor is on parr with people who make fun of people with handicap. so lough away assclown.
  7. I am talking about Rainier and Everest records. While it is in the mountains technical difficulties are rather slim.
  8. I am sure he is a hyppie too. fuck you very much.
  9. glassgowkiss


    Massive oil spill due to closing Energy Department, maybe toss a nuclear meltdown here and there, or reversing to the age of illiteracy due to dissolving Department of education? mmmmm..... good! Ron Paul is a lunatic. This guy is just plain mental.
  10. [video:youtube] I am getting psyched to go back and shoot some more, so I can finish project this winter. I bet the routes on Colfax could be in shape and the road is still open. I am sure the temps stay below freezing all day and that face doesn't see any sun at this time of the year.
  11. I know Steve and he is not a bitter person. He just speaks what he thinks. And honestly running up peaks has more to do with track and field then with climbing imo.
  12. glassgowkiss


    when i had to get stitches in Jasper I did not pay GST on my bill. You also don't pay GST on items like bred, cheese or milk, right?
  13. glassgowkiss


    Basic food items, as well as medical services and prescription drugs are not taxed through GST as far as I remember. Under this stupid plan, last year I would have had to pay additional $1800 for my surgery! Fucking great idea!
  14. glassgowkiss


    He has an M.S. in Computer Science from Purdue. He also worked in ballistics in the US Navy, and ran a corporation. And you? did you learn all these facts while sucking his cock? good boy.
  15. glassgowkiss


    Yes, the plan 999 should be called plan 666 as it is straight out of hell. My last year emergency appendectomy would have been taxed at 9% under this mental abortion. I mean wtf? Taxing food, pharmaceuticals and medical services!? This guy is seriously fucked in the head.
  16. If I was the fastest, you would not inherit stupidity gene.
  17. I think the author should read up on newer literature. Most of the research used is either from the 90's or early 2000. There is a lot of recent research done in the past 2 years, which proves hydration, diet and stress as leading causes of muscle cramping. Muscle weakness plays also huge role as well. No silver bullet for an answer, but there is an scientific evidence contradicting the article.
  18. Yes, the other three quarters ended up as a brown stain on a mattress.... which you proceeded to lap up and gargle, as per usual. no, your mom. that would actually explain your behavior.
  19. Yes, the other three quarters ended up as a brown stain on a mattress....
  20. You know you self-righteous prick, you are just like any fucking commie- I think russia would be a wonderful place for assholes like you.... "it's medication time, it's medication time" Sarcasm is not his strong-suit, but then again his brain has been long ago completely addled from years of gargling butt-gravy. Your pic
  21. I am sure your parents or grandparents or grand-grandparents were from native tribes. Because if not they should have been sent back packing. It's completely and utterly hypocritical for people to complain about "illegal immigrants", while their ancestors were just as illegal. Btw, it's not Mexicans, who moved to Southern California- it's the US, who moved the border. But I guess it's easier to stick to talking points for someone with IQ of a 5 year olds. Now fuck off clownpunching maggot. I WIN! Your gold medal.
  22. You know you self-righteous prick, you are just like any fucking commie- I think russia would be a wonderful place for assholes like you....
  23. I am sure your parents or grandparents or grand-grandparents were from native tribes. Because if not they should have been sent back packing. It's completely and utterly hypocritical for people to complain about "illegal immigrants", while their ancestors were just as illegal. Btw, it's not Mexicans, who moved to Southern California- it's the US, who moved the border. But I guess it's easier to stick to talking points for someone with IQ of a 5 year olds. Now fuck off clownpunching maggot.
  24. Maybe yes, maybe not. If he was roped up he would not end up dead. Sea cliffs and waves is like alpine and avalanches.
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