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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. I don't know if a bus is a right thing to do, but a good kick to the balls or a shoe up the ass would be a quite appropriate remedy.
  2. nailed right there.
  3. I am all for epics and I had my fair share of them. Mike had his big epic on Big Four a few years back, when they screwed up on the descent. On the other hand most of us were dealing with it, instead of dialing 911. My beef with this guy was his attitude for the whole shitstorm, which was "fuck you, I am so cool". I think if he would apologize for his stupidity and incompetence, we could cut him some slack. Spraying on FB, while waiting for a rescue shows complete lack of correct attitude. Giving a guy a pat on his behind and saying "good job" and giving him a bunch of excuses just encourages such behaviors in the future.
  4. WTF are you talking about? He was on a South side of Mt Hood. 90% of that can be done on skis by fairly competent skier. There are no crevasses besides one bergschrund, which by now is buried. Quit giving this asshole excuses. He is a dumb fuck, who was unable to cope with consequences of his actions. Post like yours just encourages publicity seeking assholes to continue such actions and behavior.
  5. How about someone that gets distracted on the cell phone while driving and crashes into a semi? Should the paramedics yank him out of the car and kick him in the nuts, you know, for being a dumbass? That's what GGK would do. Of course they should. After being on the receiving end of the stick 8 years ago on I-5, maybe a good kick to the nuts (on in the case of my accident a good punch to the box) is the only way to respond. I was rear ended on a bright sunny day, while doing 70mph. Even more, the woman who actually did it drove off afterwards (without checking if I was even alive), leaving me and my wrecked car in the ankle deep mud in the median. How about little personal responsibility? I guess, some people feel in title to do whatever they want, without taking the responsibility for their actions. I don't buy the argument about this guy trying not to freeze to death. If your fingers are still able to type FB message while waiting for the rescue to arrive, you are not freezing to death.
  6. Gee, bully for you, you must be a badass climber. Not much of a person, but a great climber. Jim Couch Just because I am not blowing smoke up your ass, doesn't make me any lesser of the person. Behaviors like that should be branded. Calling for the rescue because you were a dumbass, doesn't make you cool- makes you a dangerous moron. And bragging about it on FB acting all friggin cool just confirms it. Get a clue.
  7. you sure spout off a lot about stuff you don't know a lot about. I bet did a few routes more then you. In 33 years did not need a rescue either.
  8. what a clownpunch. Sometimes I wish a rescue service had right to tell people to go and fuck themselves. He can bring a phone and surf facebook, but stupid tosser did not bring GPS or a compass to get down! Too bad it wasn't 30 years ago, when we would be able to find this dumshit after some snowmelt.
  9. There was also a study showing obesity and autism. It clearly showed mothers carrying extra pounds were more likely to have children with autism. And you can propagate these studies ad nauseum. Studies like that are also a hefty business as well. Again- shitty diet, sedentary lifestyles, pollution are all contributing factors. Hence one more reason not to inject worthless shit into general public, since flu vaccines don't decrease the number of cases.
  10. There are 5.14 slabs in GB, as the matter of fact more then one. And btw they do get repeated (which nowadays mostly goes unreported) quite often. Which is exactly my point, that for a good climber a 5.14 pitch is a 5.14 pitch, regardless of the type of climbing. And even if the climbers are not familiar with specific rock, look what happened with Hubers. In no time these guys ticked more free routes on Elcap, then the rest of the US climbers put together. That included slab climbing and OW. The reason Ondra doesn't visit Squamish is simple- there are no hard enough routes for him to do.
  11. WTF is it hose FAT??!! Needs a fucking wheelbarrow to move that whale around.
  12. Actually, there are plenty of 5.14 slabs on sandstone in Great Britain and a few areas, Yosemite included (like the pitch on Direct NW of Half Dome). There are some 5.13 something OW, even in Indian Creek. Rudy's (and my too) point is, that 5.10 or 11 is NOT FUCKING HARD, PERIOD!
  13. This is pretty much spot on: Point by point
  14. Good climber is a good climber, period. That has been proven again and again. Ondra right now has hardest redpoints and hardest os-sights. As the matter of fact he actually climbed most of 9a/9a+ at the moment. Let's not forget he also just climbed a route in Norway rated 9a/9a+, as the matter of fact a granite route, which might be one of the hardest in the world. So my take on this is, that if he showed up in Squamish with zero ability to crack climb, he would pretty much be able to layback every crack and not get too pumped.
  15. Most definitely sad news, two of my early climbing heroes dead: first Wolfgang and now Patrick.
  16. Actually from Poland.
  17. Look JayB, in science it is not important what you think, but what you know. These studies don't dispute other vaccines, but basically prove flu vaccinations are worthless, since the rates of influenza did not decrease and rate of vaccination quadrupled. And people are questioning wisdom of this practice, since the current vaccine against influenza is simply worthless. The reality is if this would work, with almost 60% of people in the US getting vaccinated against influenza, there should be a significant drop in number of infections, which is not the case. The science simply doesn't back up the claim pharma is making, end of story. If they have something that reduces the rates, I will be the first one to stand in line, but for now I say this is basically snake oil, and scheme to make huge profit.
  18. One of the best shows I saw was Metallica on the Ride the Lightning Tour opening at Day on the Green in the Oakland Coliseum. saw them 2 times: first time during the "metal up your ass" tour (lineup with Burton and Mustaine) and then "black" tour. I think things went downhill and never saw them again. Saw Motorhead in Buffalo NY, insane show!
  19. iron maiden and motorhead!
  20. as usual you've got it backwards. unfortunately for you, i am staying on the platform, and you are on that train wanking with others....,
  21. yeah, but i was squeamish after doing the second 14d. the nausea from screaming barfies was almost as overwhelming as you should be by now by my bullshit.
  22. yes- tsa is bad! let's just no passenger checking, let the cary knives and guns on board. fucking loonies!
  23. Interesting enough they are mostly southern states. which just proves the point about their self reliance bullshit, since they collect more in federal money, then they contribute. i would say the rest of the union would be far better off if we would get rid off the useless bunch of morons. like i stated- don't let the door hit you on the way out, see how long would it be, before they would beg to be taken back and bailed out of poverty.
  24. so leave! "In the wake of last week's presidential election, thousands of Americans have signed petitions seeking permission for their states to peacefully secede from the United States. The petitions were filed on We the People, a government website. States with citizens filing include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. Oddly, folks from Georgia have filed twice. " as the matter of fact I would suggest not to get hit by the door on the way out! btw, take all your wackos from here as well.
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