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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss


    So the birthers and right wing loonies have their rumors spred all over interweb about Obama. The bullshit questions about the place of birth, spewing bullshit about him being muslim, and all sort of baseless crap. So I decided to start my own baseless bullshit, pre-emtive Romney rumors: 1 born in Mexico (as his father was) 2 multiple wives (some of them as young as 13) 3 hundreds of kids with multiple wives Now, please prove I am wrong.
  2. Spend this- 1/4 of the country is out of power. Now this is not only just convenience issue! This is a real threat to safety of people, to national security and economy of the country. In the moment like this, it is hard to justify just $$$ value on infrastructure investment. Lucky, it is not that cold yet, however sitting in the dark house can present a real threat to a lot of people. Looks to me this near sighted policy of placing residential power lines above the ground has to be revisited.
  3. both those atrocious beverages are currently in my fridge, maybe next time I'll just cut to the chase and mix isopropyl alcohol with club soda. For such recipes you should read "Moscow-Pietushki" Explanation "At the start of the story, he has just been fired from his job as foreman of a telephone cable-laying crew for drawing charts of the amount of alcohol he and his colleagues were consuming over time. These graphs showed a clear correlation with personal characters. For example, for a Komsomol member, the graph is like the Kremlin Wall, that of a "shagged-out old creep" is like "a breeze on the river Kama", and Venya's chart simply shows his inability to draw a straight line because of the amount he has drunk. Venichka spends the last of his money on liquor and food for the journey. While on the train, he engages in lengthy monologues about history, philosophy and politics. He also befriends many of his fellow travellers and discusses life in the Soviet Union with them over multiple bottles of alcohol. Eventually Venichka oversleeps his station and somehow ends up on the train headed back for Moscow. Still drunk, half-conscious and tormented by fantastic visions, he wanders aimlessly the night city streets, happens upon a gang of thugs, and is promptly chased and murdered by them."
  4. I think that was the case already about 10 years ago.
  5. A lot of parties just climb first 4 or 5 pitches and rap down. The real crux is the crappy moss covered fleering crack 2 pitches from the top (rapping after pitch 4 would explain why the bottom of the route is clean and the top is covered in dirt). Also some parties claiming doing the route, never do the crux without hanging or pulling on bolt. I think also that the crux is totally dependent on your wing span. I am 5'6.5" and I have really hard time reaching between the holds.
  6. Traders Joe Name Tag beer is even worst then PBR. BTW remember Rainier Ale (aka green death) and milwaukee beast?
  7. well, what you expect from a mormon? that so called "religion" is all about having sex with underaged women and extortion. Just read "under the banner of heaven".
  8. that's a good'un - you get that from biden? no, your mom?
  9. Whores in a whorehouse changes her position less frequently then Romney.
  10. don't rope up, you'll be safer. unless it's for crevasses.
  11. glassgowkiss

    Montana Men

    I liked the video, nicely done.
  12. glassgowkiss


    After watching last night debate I am convinced Romney will say anything, just so he can get elected. By now, he pretty much changed his opinion about 3 to 5 times on EVERY subject. Like he now likes teachers, but wants to dismantle department of education and cut funding to schools? WTF? Looks to me he was coached by Gromyko. And why is it, that republicans claim they are anticommunists, but sound exactly like them?
  13. Very big- what a whack job!
  14. Yes, and I have heard on CBC, that the guy who formed the party moved to Canada.
  15. Quite different. Science is empirically proven and each of the rules can be reproduced with 100% accuracy during an experiment. This is what differs science from religion, where some drunk can hear what a friggin hat is telling him or some other imaginative bullshit.
  16. Actually a lot of times the best conditions are early in the season, before there is much snow accumulation. The general rule is to wait for the wet/warm front to move through and cold air to follow. Most of the times you'll have to go the moment it starts clearing up- hence you'll need job flexibility. Routes on North side of Mt. Hood would be a good into to winter alpine climbing. On a low snow year North Sister is a good objective (as long as you can drive ways up. Also there are some good ice/mix routes on Broken Top.
  17. yes, if you have a sprain/strain joint injury, don't reset it in place. great advice! No, don't listen to the clueless anonymous idiots on internet.
  18. SI disfunction is usually (unless you suffer trauma) due to severe muscle imbalances in the pelvic area and legs. Also it's a lifestyle issue (prolonged periods of sitting) and chronic stress combined. Looking for a "silver bullet" solution is completely futile and usually doesn't bring desired results. You can contact me via pm if you want some specific pointers.
  19. glassgowkiss


    Wars are a good business? Oh yeah, worked great- till 2008. WTF? McKenna can suck my balls, since he pretty much wants to gut higher education funding. With my wife in a nursing program, and me heading back to school next year, there is no fucking way I will ever vote for him.
  20. glassgowkiss


    Stupid people will not make their decision based upon rational argument. Making any attempt to influence their vote by logic is utter waste of time.
  21. glassgowkiss


    if people are making a claim of not made a decision in the presidential race, they are either: 1 Liars (they will vote for Romney) 2 They are too stupid, and who gives a fuck what they think.
  22. I know! The last time I was in there there were all these chain-smoking coho playing the slots when they should have been spawning and dying. and when one whipped on lead, while clipped to the fixed draw, the rope snapped.
  23. You obviously know tons about salmon fisheries. Good on you for speaking up. Well, after fishing on a commercial boat in Alaska I think I know a thing or two about salmon fisheries. Also having 4 years of college with forestry major would give me a pretty good idea about general dynamics of eco systems.
  24. I am not for illegal camping and leaving garbage behind, and in no I want to excuse a bunch of dirtbags leaving mess behind. But to argue, that it will somehow effect fish in the river is an utter nonsense. What effects the fish runs are casinos, subdivisions and tree cutting operations. People using fertilizers, oil and chemical runoff (leaking cars) and general deforestation are the REAL causes. So it is a bad form and garbage should not be left, but to argue that it somehow effects fish runs! That argument simply doesn't add up. And yes, it bothers me that people are not using campground, but it also bothers me how much dirt and rock was dumped near the trailhead to Slhanay. It also bothers me that a whole bunch of trees were cut and 50-some houses are going up on Plateau Drive. I also happen to think, that a casino at the base of the Chief is a bad idea.
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