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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Can anyone explain why is it still called by many "the best healthcare system in the world" ? Data points it's by far the worst and most expensive. Here is a report: http://www.commonwealthfund.org/Publications/Fund-Reports/2010/Jun/Mirror-Mirror-Update.aspx
  2. Tax these damn peds! are you back on your meds? start sounding like a democrat.
  3. FW, more frequently it's like this: [video:youtube]bzE-IMaegzQ
  4. shitty bikers, jaywalkers and shitty drivers are on the same frequency- they all have their heads up their asses and think the world revolves around them. Just like tea party. Back in the late 90's I witnessed a case of road rage, where a guy pulled a gun and shot another driver. With the population density increase, people have to start paying attention what and who is around them and what are these people doing.
  5. GW didn't have a "transformational" domestic agenda like Obama does. And I don't like Obama's agenda. Simple as that. no, he only abolished the separation of church and state. that was obviously not transformational politics and agenda.
  6. 2 words dumbshit- patriot act. The whole NSA surveillance bullshit is what bush and his cronies cooked up. now it's just supper time.
  7. Dude, you otta hear yourself now! 3 trillion $$$ question- WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE WMD'S in iraq?
  8. Looks like he is NOT going to lose his foot, and he might make a full recovery!
  9. This shutdown is perfect. Teabag douchery lost their remaining shreds credibility all together, even among fiscal conservatives. The best thing republicans can do at the moment is to give them a good kick to the ass as say so long assholes.
  10. A bit of a hogwash here. I f I showed you images of healthy on torn labrum, most likely you would not be able to tell which one is which. The power of suggestion. Second- if rehab would work or not- this is just physician's opinion, not a fact. Of course he will not say: "the shoulder would have rehabed just fine, but we did a surgery regardless". Again, physicians are not omnipotent and they present their opinions as "facts".
  11. Btw, Smiley produced some of the gear for BD in Taiwan in the early 90's. They had falling out, hence he went on his own. They pretty much were like BD screws, but the hanger accepted 2 carabiners. That is why some folks preferred Smileys to BD at the time. Of course BD kept improving their product, and who Smiley is in "where are they now" category.
  12. glassgowkiss

    Paging Kevbone

    don't vaccines cause retardation?
  13. isn't this why the founders choose to make us a republic instead? Indeed. "Well, what have we got doctor, a monarchy or a republic?" "A republic, madam, if you can keep it." At least that's the apocryphal tale about what Franklin said to a passerby after emerging from the Constitutional Congress. Whenever I think of that quote, I'm usually reminded of this one: "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic. -Thomas Jefferson. I think that the public discovered that it could vote itself money sometime between 1862 and 1913 and the republic seems to have held up pretty well since then, so right-wing hatemongers like myself should probably bear that in mind before playing chicken little over the ACA (nevermind Wickard vs Filburn, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc) - but I think for the first time I've started to feel like I should give "The Anti-Federalist Papers" a look and see if they anticipated any of the more grotesque abuses of Federal power that have been the bathwater we've had to tolerate in exchange for the Constitutional baby....like paramilitary law enforcement kicking in doors and shotgunning black-labs for the sake of confiscating some stale bong-resin, a gajillion dollars worth of subsidies being snarfed down by the corn-ethanol lobby, etc, etc, etc, etc. That's one of the best thoughts I've heard, and I'm due for my first complete read of the Anti-Federalsit as well. Not sure that a guy who couldn't be bothered to even show up for the convention should be looked to for answers 225 years later, but he is a paradox that I come to appreciate more and more with each passing year. Just a trivia question that I don't know the answer to: The Supreme Court has actually cited The Federalist more than 200 times in its rulings; has it has ever reached into the Anti for guidance? time to dissolve the union.
  14. Texas Republican Congressman Randy Neugebauer ladies and gentlemen... Saw that vid on NBC nightly news tonight. The stupidity, and arrogance, of these people seem to know no bounds... d There are only two things in texas- steers and queers. Since we don't see the horns on him, it kind of narrows it down....doesn't it?
  15. I want to make a film, pls unleash your stash of crap!
  16. I have treated in the past 14 years dozens of shoulder injuries, trauma and non-trauma. Most of them resolve without need for surgery, some do need to be operated on. I have also seen some really bad surgical outcomes, where people end up totally screwed up for life. Surgery should be considered after all other options have been exhausted. I would have taken rehab option first.
  17. To me it all boils down to Citizens United decision. It opened flood gates to unlimited and unchecked spending by corporations, rich and powerful. It really doesn't seem to matter who is elected, as the same sources pay both sides. This system outlived itself, having several political parties would make it tougher to grease the pockets of unethical bastards. I think it's time to revise the constitution and revise the government itself. And if there is one ruling to repeal it's Citizens United!
  18. Time to separate the union and let the christian fucktards have their own country. Let's see how long they last on their own.
  19. It's Smiley, because it would accept 2 carabiners.
  20. Yeah, right, like that's human nature. Why didn't the Dems follow this advice - "Hey, let's let Bush whatever the fuck he wants and when the country turns to shit we reap the benefits".... Actually that exactly what happened. End result- stock market collapse, banking collapse and patriot act allowing phone and internet surveillance on US citizens.
  21. I damn near agree with this. I'm not entirely clear on the reason why the employer mandate got a delay, but it sure plays poorly. As to the train wreck, I agree too. If the law is in fact a disaster, than it will need to be amended or repealed. If in fact the American people like it, as we are told they may, than perhaps it is not a disaster worthy of shutting down the government. Shutting down the govt over this is the epitome of arrogance. If ACA works, then the Dems and Obama get all of the credit. But if it doesn't, then I can't see how any of these Ds deserve to stay in office. If this crop of Republicans is the only alternative, well, that's scary too. Dude, did you get back on your meds? For once you started making sense. BTW, the best thing for Republican party is to separate from Tea Party. Tea Party is an ultimate collection of free loading hypocrites. Please make it on YOUR OWN! Start your own party, have your own candidates. Yes, Tea Party deserves representation (as insane as they are), but for crying out loud: walk the walk and do it on your own.
  22. I would have advocated a rehab first, combined with quitting swimming for a while, hitting the weights to rebalance the muscles. 95% of injuries like this can be fix without surgical intervention.
  23. glassgowkiss


    with looming shutdown my climbing plans at Red Rocks might change quite a bit, same with Yosemite, Zion and all the rest of national parks. Thanks republifuck assholes!
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