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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. I trust Kruschev, Reagan, or Mitterand with a nuclear arsenal any day over Ahmadinejad or his successor. The military doctrine starting from the 50's in the entire Warsaw pact was small nuclear strikes followed by armored divisions within 4 hours. So much for your trust to russians. The doctrine you speak of was limited to Europe--more specifically, the Fulda Gap. Little to do with the intercontinental MAD strategy that saw nuclear-armed ships, aircraft, and submarines with specific target lists on patrol 24/7/365 for nearly fifty years. I still believe that we were safer back in the days when the nukes were held exclusively by the US, USSR. We kept them in check; they kept us in check. And we both cared enough about the collective fate of our citizens to avoid a nuclear catastrophe. I'm not sure this is true for the kooks running Iran. that is a load of shit. russians do not care about their own people, never did, never will. they are savages plain and simple, and they always carried out their policies that way. They go from one fucked dictatorship to another. trusting Kruschev?- same guy who was pounding his shoe in the UN? Maybe the only reason soviets never attacked is because of work of Kuklinski? I am not defending current rulers of Persia, but they are nothing in comparison to mass murderers from russia. your statement is just historical revisionism at it's best.
  2. I trust Kruschev, Reagan, or Mitterand with a nuclear arsenal any day over Ahmadinejad or his successor. The military doctrine starting from the 50's in the entire Warsaw pact was small nuclear strikes followed by armored divisions within 4 hours. So much for your trust to russians.
  3. Um, because even the Iranian people know their religious leaders are fucking insane? Still, gotta love your self-loathing lib thang. And that endless harping obsession with "fairness." Either way, your malady is likely more a sign of inculcation than an indication of a well considered opinion. Well, anyhow, there is the whole secular government (we) versus islamic government (them) perspective. Micro level, this is to say, I don't feel the least bit the hypocrite knowing that the alcoholic-insane-evangelical-antisemite-wifebeater guy who lives down the street doesn't have guns and I do. Makes for better sleep. Even if it's not technically fair. secular government my ass. When you have "In God We Trust" on your currency it clearly shows this is not a secular country. I think you are mistaking secular government with freedom of religion. At least in Persia they don't pretend.
  4. Watching at about 3:07 you can actually see me in the shot, also few seconds later along with Bobbie Bensman.
  5. http://watch.opb.org/video/2365124505/
  6. Forget your fluent russian, you have hard time with grasping any concepts in your native language.
  7. i think that what your mom said last night
  8. Lindsey Vonn crashed yesterday. This is very unusual. what is so unusual about ski crashes? if you ride at the edge of your abilities, it's not the question if, but when and how often.
  9. Did someone say T and A? your mom
  10. panties bunch in a wad again?
  11. Bob, as an engineer, I've been thinking about this. If Talk - Action is equal to zero...if we solve for Talk, adding action to both sides of the equation, it would follow that : T=A that is, Talk=Action What do you think? Me thinks that this whole thread should be moved rather quickly to spray, where it belonged in the first place. The best bet to get local route info is still your local crag.
  12. Playground - you can brake bones in. I would recommend full face helmet and a neck brace, since your health insurance policy is only catastrophic. However it is a great place for honing your skills, the same way as Smiff is great for getting stronger. If you want to ride some good bike trails you should make a track to Bellingham. In the summer check some trails in Squamish- a great way to fill up your day- climb in the morning and ride pm.
  13. shit, this topic should be in the spray section, just based upon the title.
  14. T-A=0. Still haven't shown the goods. One of the best spots for sport climbing in WA is Equinox crag. Pretty much 11a and up.
  15. Just because it's hard for me or you, 12's nor 13's are nothing to write home about at this day and age (unless you OS some XXX on gear). And if you go to a lot of areas across Europe young dudes and dudets are flashing these grades left and right on any given day. So instead posting spew nonsense asking about "hard 12 and 13's" making himself look all mighty though chest beating and spray, young skywalker could have asked more humbly what are some good routes to project around Seattle in 12 to 13 range.
  16. 5.12 or even 13 is no longer considered "hard"- just fyi.
  17. These "insurance" policies are just a plain fraud. Your camera will be covered for 1 year no matter what by the manufacturer. Panasonic offers 3 years on some of their pro line. Generally what I would advocate- get it covered under your home owner or renter's insurance. Most of these extra policies WILL NOT cover accidental damage like dropping your camera or water damage.
  18. FW, your insurance policy was dropped- consider yourself lucky now. Imagine you would actually need it and it was dropped in a middle of your illness? Have you thought about THAT? I also will add, consider yourself lucky living in a "socialist" Washington. There were 26 states with tort reforms, making medical law suites (which includes insurance companies) virtually impossible. So in places like Texas, it would be impossible to have any way to enforce such contracts.
  19. Did you ever have to use it? How do you know you wouldn't be balls-deep in medical bills and fighting tooth and nail to get the coverage you thought you were paying for the whole time? as usual FW is spouting nonsense overheard on "faux news".
  20. Still unanswered question- why is the US system viewed as "better" by right wing loonies, since the cost of catastrophic insurance is higher then the cost of full coverage in Canada? Contrary to the bullshit belief there are no canadian crowds filling up beds in Bellingham hospital.
  21. No they are not, as long as they are contracted with insurance companies. If you have cash only practice (on a rare occasion some offices do), they you are not bound by any laws, and you can price whichever way you see fit. However if you are in contractual agreements (Medicare, Medicaid, L&I and private insurance),they your cash price has to be the same as you medical billing price. You can give up to 10% discount for the payment at the time of service. So whoever is giving you 50% discount is actually braking the law in this state.
  22. I don't think you are aware of much. Earlier you were spouting about price negotiations for medical offices. If you were aware what HIPPA is, you'd know that the maximum discount hospitals and clinic can give you (by law) for payment at the time of service is 10%. Second- even though ER will be forced to treat your sorry cheap ass, clinic don't have to do that and most of them will require payment in advance for services not covered under your useless policy. The same goes for pharmacies. You are just a potential free loader, with the rest of the worthless policy owners, who stiff tax payers and private businesses with unpaid medical bills. And can you logically explain why are you still insisting US healthcare is better then in Canada, since in B.C a family of 3 (or larger) pays $133 for insurance that covers everything, while you pay more then twice that for policy that is essentially worth as much as used toilet paper?
  23. Not sure how this will happen, since I have no intention of paying nearly $900/mo for his plan with all the "preventive" care I'll rarely use. I was completely happy with my $376/mo catastrophic policy. It protected my house and my assets and, in the long run, I found it much cheaper to negotiate a cash price with doctors/dentists for routine visits anyhow. But I'm glad you're laughing that I lost my coverage. Nice. Who is laughing are canadians: $66.50 per person or $133 for family of three or more. Are you still insisting US has a better healthcare?
  24. This is exactly what I'll end up doing. I have to say that I have been amazed at how negotiable dr and dds rates are when you pay cash. I left "the system" about five months ago and have spent far less in dr bills than I did premiums in a "Cadillac" health plan through my former employer. One example: my wife had a crown fitted two months ago--$1300. When she pulled out cash, they gave her 40% off. Ironically, when we had dental, a crown was only covered at 50% "usual and customary" which really penned out to, guess what, 40%! Paying cash--at least for the smaller stuff--is at least a break-even prop to having insurance. I am coming to believe that the insurance market maybe should be catastrophic only. The auto insurance industry operates this way, eg, they don;t cover routine maintenance--only wrecks. And their rates reflect market realities because of it. No so the medical insurance industry--pre or post ACA. The market will continue to be artificially inflated by masses who are insulated from the cost of their care--and doctors/hospitals willing to take advantage of this fact. Actually accepting different cash prices is highly illegal, and medical offices can't really legally do it HIPPA specifically prohibits that. And FW you really have no idea of medical costs. Simple appendectomy will cost you about 20K- that is if you don't have to stay in a hospital for more then a day. A day in ICU can cost you up to 125 grand, heck simple chemo infusion is usually 3-5K, not to mention if you are diagnosed with something like MS, you monthly bill will be around 20K for basic meds. You are truly living in a la-la land.
  25. A lot of insurances being cancelled on people are completely pointless, as they do not cover things like medications, plus a lot of them still don't have out of pocket limits. I a lot of cases people would be better off without any insurance. Imagine a patient is diagnosed with cancer. A simple weekly infusion will run you 3-5K, and if your plan doesn't cover medications, who can afford 20K running tab?
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