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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. One thing gym are responsible for is proliferation of tick marks. Clownpunchers should smoke weed if they can't remember a sequence on a simple 5.11. Kind of ruins fun trying to OS.
  2. in a position it would do two things: jack and shit, and jack left town.
  3. Mike, I don't care who is talking in the background. Shit like that scares me at the crag. Yes, everything is peachy till you hit the ground or a ledge, because someone did not have brake hand on the rope (which happened to me 4 years ago on White Blotter).
  4. this is also a prime example, why system of guiding in the US sucks. Time to join 21st century and implement system the rest of the world is using.
  5. Look at the braking hand. If loaded, this rope will go through the belay device like there is no tomorrow. Without autolocking device (like Gri-Gri), the brake hand has to be in braking position. It's the angle of the rope, which is basically useless in the technique shown. IT IS DANGEROUS!
  6. Yes, but the very same people make it later to the local crag. They pretty much make me cringe, on the top of that usually they get upset, when I tell them, their belay technique is incorrect and they put the other person in danger. Even more- this stupid ass technique is described in manuals, training videos, and is pretty much a norm in most local gyms.
  7. This is down right stupid. Who the fuck come up with this idea of belaying like this? I see it in gyms all the time, which scares the shit out of me. Check this video- this is from actual "climbing school"! How in the hell can someone catch an unexpected fall, if the rope is not in a braking position? [video:youtube]v=XW2IbQtkp8Y&feature=youtu.be&noredirect=1
  8. wait till they have to deal with wild boar from poland, drunk on everclear!
  9. i second mobile version. much needed or trips, shitter sessions or sheep sessions.
  10. Have admins looked into cc.com for mobile devices? It would make life easier, particularly for spray, while on the road, or in the shitter.
  11. sheep shagging is far more fun to do then any climbing…. just saying.
  12. my tel 360 nine two7 four 861. Please one of you txt me!
  13. way more interesting then most climbing vids I have seen: [video:youtube]P-SEWzFxeSA
  14. Anyone for a session at Index? Supposed to be sunny
  15. glassgowkiss


    Where were you when it started? Remember incursion (still present) into Georgia?
  16. Joke away, I don't think you realize the real gravity of the situation.
  17. Obviously, it's because Fremont has a statue of Lenin. ONE FIX FOR SEATTLE NEEDED!!!! Hey stupid fuck, why part of offensive you don't get? Maybe if the half of your brain did not drip down your mothers leg after she fucked a football team, you'd grasp a concept of offensive symbols.
  18. Oh, here is read for you: http://www.gendercide.org/case_stalin.html
  19. and wtf are russians doing in ukraine? If they don't like it so much, why don't they follow their fallen leader? And how is a president of a country, with no ties to any business worth 12 billion dollars? Don't you find it strange?
  20. No, not complicated at all, you are just falling for a soviet propaganda. As the matter of fact if you'd known basic history WW2 started on a pretend of protecting german minority in Gdansk area from nationalistic Polaks.
  21. wait, they tore down the statues but that still didn't fix the problem? WEIRD! Maybe we should try again in Fremont, probably the last statue has to be destroyed before they all lose their power, like in Harry Potter. Wait! this is how a half wit moron would answer the question.
  22. Really, is this truly the best way? Really deviant and fucked up. The events in Ukraine were predicted in 2008. Here is an article, but back then nobody would listen. Read http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1832846,00.html?xid=fbshare BTW thanks to GW and his crew for fucking it up! Here is to the retards!
  23. ignore history and it's lessons, hide your heads in sand- American Way! Until Pearl Harbor, or 9/11. Because till 9/11 who even knew where Afghanistan was?! And what lenin started, looks like putin is trying to finish, I predict a massive military conflict in Europe (tactical nukes involved) in the next 3-5 years.
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