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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Went to Squamish today. The day was superb, almost summer like.
  2. faq u, i have to work all day on sat: 5 am to 7 pm
  3. WTF? actually it's good, one less breeder.
  4. It's going to kill completely any chance of climbing there on your own: "As a final comment. A very influential character (sorry no names right now) has asked the Ministry of Tourism to have written on every permit that climbers are not allowed to climb before the fixing team. If this happens it means the only way you can climb Everest is by climbing in a nice big track and on fixed lines with tons of people. It also means that any teams who want to climb something (in alpine style) apart from the Normal Route will not be able to acclimatise in advance before their ascent. It is insane, but it shows the attitude towards this mountain."
  5. Another first hand account: http://www.ukclimbing.com/news/item.php?id=68025
  6. 0.8% of deaths are homicides, more then 50% are due to cardio-vascular diseases.
  7. I think your comparisons between this and the Italian Mafia are 100% non-bombastic. It's basically identical. it's obvious, you don't get out much. Or do you have issues with understanding simple concepts?
  8. next time I kick someone to the face, hit them with a rock in a head, pull a knife on them, just because they climb next to me or above me, please give me such support, and try convince everyone about my side to the story. Why don't you understand, there is a line in each end every culture you do not cross. Even if 100% of the story told by Sherpas is accurate, don't you think what happened in the camp had ANY validity?
  9. Here is the first hand account from Simone: http://www.planetmountain.com/english/News/shownews1.lasso?l=2&keyid=40824 I really don't give the shit what sherpas would say, the same way I don't give a shit about what criminals have to say. There is absolutely zero reason for such behavior.
  10. well, go ask fox "news", as they have hard time figuring out, why Czech Republic is not muslim.
  11. First hand account: http://www.explorersweb.com/kellogg7
  12. well, that doesn't explain Italian, doesn't it!
  13. According to your friend in Bellingham? No according to someone, who summited 8x8000m peaks and is a correspondent to the Alpinist.
  14. Actually this is new. First of all Moro/Steck were not using the sherpas for support. So (according to some sources) sherpas were pissed, that these guys were making them less relevant. This is also first time someone was physically assaulted by sherpas in this manner. Yes, I know about verbal exchanges and such, but this crosses into a completely new territory.
  15. Sherpas need to figure shit out. The only reason these jobs exist is because high altitude tourism. The moment this shit is happening a lot of it will just move to another location.
  16. Sherpas are becoming like cosa nostra very quick. I have a first hand account, by a polish climber, where sherpas just took down his tent (late October), while he was soloing without oxygen. Upon return to 7000m camp, he found no tent, no stove or sleeping bag.
  17. read so besides blowjob serving rich bitch we have now low in the everest saga- a fist fight in camp 2. looks like sherpas want to work mafia style, you don't pay, you don't climb.
  18. I have work at Metolius in the past and they use ISO9000, which requires material and product batch testing. And nobody in climbing industry will accept static load testing. Most likely it was a combination of weak material, combined with bad forging, but again- that should have been caught before the hangers went into circulation.
  19. Rat, it's not 70's anymore. Yes, I agree- climbing is dangerous, but selling sub- standard bolt hangers is simply not acceptable at this day and age. Climbing gear moved from a garage operation to real manufacturing, with material match testing and all the ISO9000 blessings. To me it is important, that if I am on a run-out pitch, I don't want to worry, of my cam fall apart in case I take w whipper. The same thing- if I am sport climbing- I don't want worry if the hangers are strong enough. selling shit, because you want cut corners on costs of manufacturing should be branded and companies like that should be kicked to the curb.
  20. most likely bring boots for the descent.
  21. don't feed the troll, don't read her blog. If she had zero clicks on her blog, she would stop posting bullshit. "Climbing" 8000m peak with oxygen, following fixed lines, with sherpas carrying your shit is not climbing. If you are not doing it on your own, you are not doing it, period. Call bullshit- bullshit.
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