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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. your response reminds me of the Colorado Hardware and their Alien debacle. Regardless how you slice it, a hanger should not crack like that- period. If the force would be big enough, there should be a deformity of the shape, before material failure. And what "unsubstantiated conjecture" are talking? Are you blind? This picture says everything.
  2. HERE Looks like another high quality gear from China. I might add Metolius is one of the few companies producing gear here in the US. On the other hand Black Diamond moved all their production offshore, that includes China.
  3. Says the guy whose IQ falls 2 standard deviations below the mean. wow, I am impressed with with your vocabulary- whom did you ask to write that? Your mom. Like I said, right over your head!
  4. Says the guy whose IQ falls 2 standard deviations below the mean. wow, I am impressed with with your vocabulary- whom did you ask to write that?
  5. Says the guy who still thinks "your mom" is still a funny retort - beyond the 7th grade, and repeated thousands of times. Well, I have to reply in a manner YOU can actually comprehend. Most of the points and ideas people are posting here, go right over your head.
  6. You are a typical fox "news" listener- incapable of formulating an original thought.
  7. People worry about terrorism. Between food industry, gun manufacturers and pharmaceutical corporations, you have million more chances being killed by them, rather then by a terrorists.
  8. Yes, this is a great lecture. The argument of weight gain caused by proliferation of fructose in our diet in infants is hard to argue with. I would add, that equally damaging effect will have proliferation of Growth Hormone and use of antibiotics. I think there should be a strong push to curb damaging effect of food industry in this country.
  9. Buy one there! You can't fly with a stove, they will yank your luggage out.
  10. [video:youtube]IlzT6VjXw-E
  11. I'm not sure it would be a best seller. People don't want to hear this advice, they want "one weird trick" and paleo diets and juice fasting and fast cures that don't involve hardwork or fewer slices of bacon I am sure eating processed food, containing growth hormone, antibiotics, artificial food coloring, phosphoric acid, BPA (just to name w few things) has nothing to do with epidemic of weight gain. I know a female marathon runner here in Bellingham. She runs marathons in around 3:05, so she doesn't lack training of fitness, but is still on fat side. Sorry, but a proper diet is equally important in weight loss.
  12. You paste a bunch of garbage about the molecular biology of metabolism and then say this. Yes I do. That is exact my point. You have to have a certain base knowledge or you need help. How the fuck are you suppose to achieve weight loss, if you really don't know basics about human physiology? If anyone get to the point of being fat (and in medical terms it's 25% of male body is composed of adipose tissue), it's obvious to me that: A- you don't know a fuck about exercise B- you don't know a fuck about proper eating. Dx- find help or perish from cardio-vascular disease. And Kimmo keeps spouting some complete bullshit pseudo- physiology, without shred of knowledge of the subject. So ML is only partially right- not only you can die of starvation while still fat, but also still stupid.
  13. Looks to me, that in the past 25 years this country is just sprouting a bunch of ideologues and uneducated morons. HERE
  14. BTW, looking for answers on bb such as this (where everyone is an "expert") is by far the worst avenue to get answers. My advice is, find a good trainer, sit down with him/her. Make a plan, change your eating habits, and follow the plan.
  15. There are a lot of factors, all interacting with each other. One of the biggest obstacles people struggle with is lack of muscle tissue. "Glycolysis involves breaking glucose (sugar) into two pyruvate molecules, with the corresponding release of ATP. Also as a result of the reaction, high energy electrons are produced that must be picked up by a special compound (NAD) that carries electrons around in the cell. What happens next depends on whether oxygen is available or not. If no oxygen is available (anaerobic), the NAD eventually becomes saturated with electrons and the cell must find a way to get them off the NAD. It can do this either by converting pyruvate to ethyl alcohol (yeast cells) or to lactic acid (many animal cells, including human muscle cells). The result is that NAD is regenerated, more glucose is split in half, and more ATP is produced. Anaerobic glycolysis occurs in muscle cells when oxygen can't be delivered fast enough. But this is only a temporary solution to the energy needs of the cell. Both lactic acid and ethyl alcohol can interfere with cell function when they reach high concentrations--leading to fatigue of muscles and death of yeast cells. If oxygen is available, then the pyruvate is transported to the mitochondria where it is burned to produce ATP during aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration involves stripping high energy electrons (associated with carbon-hydrogen bonds) from organic compounds (including carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids) and using the energy to make ATP. Aerobic respiration takes place inside the mitochondria. Pyruvate is converted, through a complex cycle of reactions (called the Kreb's cycle) into carbon dioxide (CO2) and NADH (a compound carrying the high energy electrons). These reactions take place in the middle of the mitochondria (the matrix) and results in the production of lots of high energy NADH. The electron transport system is a system of molecules found in the inner membrane of the mitochondria that convert the energy of NADH into ATP.. So where does the oxygen come in? Oxygen is the final electron acceptor that picks up the "energetically spent" electrons as they come tumbling out of the electron transport system. The compound produced when this happens is water. For many desert animals, this metabolic water is the primary source of water in their water balance." Some animals have what is called "brown fat" and it can burn it in that tissue. Humans (beyond infancy) can do this process in muscle only. Hence if a person doesn't have enough muscle mass developed, the whole "eat less and exercise more" principle goes out through the window.
  16. The question is- are they really sane?
  17. Except that Poland is one of the most nationalistic, homophobic and antisemitic countries in Europe. Besides that we are likable....
  18. Oh please! The younger guy lived there for a whole year! If I go postal and start blowing shit up and killing cops, don't blame it on my birthplace. These are the same fucked up individuals as Cleabolt or Rudolph.
  19. I would wait a bit, before making assumptions. I think press was already wrong one in regard to making arrest.
  20. spilled my morning coffee......
  21. glassgowkiss


    Saw Sabbath (think) 6 years ago. Pretty pathetic, Ozzy could not even remember the lyrics in couple of the songs. On the other hand Maiden kicked some serious ass, made all these new wannabe look like a child play. Want to see a good metal show, see Iron Maiden.
  22. 130k gun deaths in the US? Inaccurate. My cat is smarter than you correct, pressed 1 by mistake. However just to put it into perspective, it is higher per year, then death toll in Iraq and Afghanistan (on both sides). I bet your cat would not have pressed 1 "by mistake" you dumbfuck clownpuncher. I bet your fat mom would.
  23. 130k gun deaths in the US? Inaccurate. My cat is smarter than you correct, pressed 1 by mistake. However just to put it into perspective, it is higher per year, then death toll in Iraq and Afghanistan (on both sides).
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