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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. I think you are completely full of shit and completely out of line. Maybe you should say what you said to the families of people in the film below. Please click this time before spouting more nonsense. Yes, pretty grim footage: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/20/ukraine-dead-protesters-police
  2. This is what statue of lenin in seattle is representing: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2014/03/01/284345466/russias-parliament-prepared-to-authorize-crimea-intervention more death, more oppression and more misery. I am sure a statue of hitler would not survive a single day of jewish protests.
  3. Don't know how to break this to you, but, other than your fellow teachers, there aren't too many folks who actually like your union. There are those who hate it, and those who tolerate it. And when the bill for McCleary comes due, it's gonna be even less popular. no wonder you like lenin in seattle- unions were outlawed in all the countries controlled by moscow.
  4. Don't know how to break this to you, but, other than your fellow teachers, there aren't too many folks who actually like your union. There are those who hate it, and those who tolerate it. And when the bill for McCleary comes due, it's gonna be even less popular. well, I wish you'd stay in a non-union hospital then, as non-union usually have twice as many patients per nurse. So when you are shitting under yourself in pain, waiting for a nurse to answer your call light, thank non union management for streamlining your care.
  5. I respectfully disagree- the cooles was McKinley.
  6. I am sure neo-nazis could argue the same way, that a statue of Hitler could be interpreted the same way, so let's put it up as well.
  7. Actually I was, so fuck you very much. I was born and raised in a communist country, I have a political refugee status. My grand uncle was killed in 1940 in Ostaszkow, my grandfather served 10 years on death row (lucky for him stalin died first). My father was fired and demoted in his workplace 2 times, because he refused to become a party member. I was kicked out of college, because of my political views, so excuse me if I don't share your fucked opinion.
  8. This was established already after 1917 soviet revolution, so if you are so worried about NSA, you should thank vladimir for breaking the trail and showing NSA how it's done. So by this way of thinking even one more reason to remove this mother fucker. BTW, this continues to this day, by installing cameras in hotel rooms and even bathrooms in Sochi, so GRU can spy on visiting foreigners. BTW, by your mentality why not built a monument to bin laden in NYC? Yes, this syphilitic mother fucker is offensive, as a large part of my family was deported in 1939 to Kazakhstan, and my grandfather spent several years in prison . So fuck your statement asshole.
  9. one fix i would like to see is to take fucking lenin's statue down. i am equally keen on having it standing, as any Jew would be psyched on having a huge statue of hitler on a street. just plain fucking offensive!
  10. First of all renaming peak like this, particularly after a bunch of overpaid wankers is lame. Also it opens doors to corporate circle jerk of renaming peaks. Let's have friggin Microsoft Peak and Boeing Peak, along with a traverse from Quest Peak to Comcast Peak.
  11. Doesn't our state have more serious issues needing attention from the legislature? Like high long term unemployment or cuts to mental health? Or crumbling I-5? or trains carrying crude? WTF? If they want to play phantasy football, please don't do it on taxpayer's account!
  12. Sweet! that water ice on one of your pics looks really impressive! What length would it be and how much objective danger is above?
  13. there were some guys from Canmore AB climbing there a while ago, maybe ask on Will Gadd's page? (http://www.gravsports-ice.com/icethreads/). Also Chris Geisler from Vancouver climbed there a few years back.
  14. BTW you should try It ain't over motherfuckers on Pyramid. A longer and bit harder version of NY Gully.
  15. Does anyone have a copy of a film "Cumbre"? with Pedrini soloing Compressor?
  16. Probably Power failure early in the morning. Crimson is going to be way too cold in Feb, unless there is some sort of heatwave. Browstone wall will have some sun on it, Ginger cracks is very good 5.9 (not easy for the grade), but again- will be too cold. Black Orpheus will be in the sun till noon- upper pitches will be cold in the shade, which will hit it by 12 or 1 pm. Impeachable Groping is a bolted multi pitch 5.10 and will have sun till about noon.
  17. judging by the recent temps, bring your fins and snorkel.
  18. I must take back my previous comment. I looked at the picture from 10 years ago and there was more ice on the bottom section. The crux pitch was mostly rock gear.
  19. If this is considered "bad rock", don't bother going to the Rockies.
  20. I guess you are suffering from comprehension issues: "In actuality, the Fast and Furious program was started in October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency. Previous programs involving ATF agents allowing guns to “walk” across the border so as to trace them were run during the Bush presidency, but not this particular “field-initiated program.” The statement is very accurate, simply the program did not have a name. The only thing can be in question is, why did it take so long to shut the program down? However it just proves the point that most of the issues at hand were started far before Obama started working in the Whitehouse.
  21. I have a pair of used, but in very good shape FiveTen Anasazi SW US size 9.5. They are simply too big for me. $30 plus shipping. Consider resoling costs more then that. Free pickup in Bellingham. Three 30- 927-four 861 or email crazypolishbob at gmail http://www.rockclimbing.com/images/gear/products/3/723-large_391L.jpg
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