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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. BTW, it's "Klaatu barada nikto," and it was never uttered in the original movie version--only the book and the remake. Obviously, you've never seen or read any of it. As for "Army of Darkness," no, I am proud to say I've never watched it, read it, played it, whatever it is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klaatu_barada_nikto Also, BTW, it's than, not then. T-H-A-N, for God's sake. Fact of the matter is you really had no clue, Ivan pick it up right away. So don't pretend to be a smart ass now, anyone can do a google search.
  2. There would be no better time for photography then now, since the shrubbery would not be obscuring the views and cliff panoramas. Usually by March foliage will be pretty much sprouting, making the job so much harder. Winter high pressure systems (we already had a couple just recently) are ideal for such projects. Spring tends to be usually on wet side.
  3. Uhhhhhhh, I have absolutely no idea what this means. But I suspect, just maybe, you have been reading a little too much from the fantasy or Gothic genres. it means you need to watch "Army of Darkness"/ The day the earth stood still (old version, not the crap remake) and report back your findings. Obviously I am bit better educated in modern american film then you are. So yes basically…
  4. Basically, yes. Especially since the rest of you are about as original as fifty bumper stickers on an old Subaru. Basically: clatu, verata, necktie…..
  5. let's see how well republifucks do in the next national election? anti-immigrants, anti- women. I am glad shutdown happened and even speaker of the house said all these right wing loony groups lost any legitimacy.
  6. Interesting thing I saw on CNN. Just the fact of discharging a firearm in the public will send you to prison for 25 years. Just the fact of carrying the weapon among general public carries the same sentence. Number of deaths in Japan caused by firearms in 2012: 4. That is right: four.
  7. Also me thinks there is no reason to use rope while on skis, maybe on uphills, but I think on skis there is no way of really arresting a crevasse fall. The vid made me re-think the whole glacier travel issue.
  8. I don't think it's possible over a crevasse. Most likely if the bridge collapses climber will be in the middle, so automatically there is going to be normal leader fall situation.
  9. If your own health, well being and feeling good is not a good enough incentive, do you think fining people for being fat will? How about fining people for being stupid? My incentive is feeling good at almost 50. However shit happens. How about educating people, and regulating better food industry.
  10. That is a load of shit plain and simple. Actually illnesses are very democratic and serve their dishes to all kinds. Just walk into any hospital and see for yourself. The question I have is: why in the hell families should suffer financial hardships, just because someone is sick and maybe dying? I personally know 2 people, who lived as healthy as you can, both are dead now due to cancer at young age. Both families suffered hardships due to medical costs.
  11. It is relevant, as sounds like you have a decent perspective on other places. And my question is: how did you view their systems? IMO we are far from being the best. From my experience Swiss and German system are much, much better. And you know what? Switzerland is far more capitalistic country then US ever will be- they even charge for mountain rescues. However they have mandatory health insurance for their residents.
  12. FW, you still left my direct question unanswered: have you ever been anywhere outside of US/Canada, and if you have ever used medical services outside of of this country? All I want is yes or no answer.
  13. wrong, it was in texas, which had tort reform, so you can't sue. somehow the insurance rates for m.d's in texas did not go down though.
  14. because if you have almost 50% of working people uninsured, the system is broken.
  15. FW, I think I have a very valid and straight forward question for you: have you ever been outside of this country and used a healthcare services outside of the US?
  16. Yes, since 1987 I keep hearing how trickle down economic is good for me, and how healthcare system we have is the best one on the planet.
  17. You still believe is principles of fair competition. That went out through the window with deregulation during the 90's and early 2000. How in the hell is a smaller company supposed to compete with such as GE, when GE gets more tax credits, then tax liabilities last year, and created no jobs? Corporations via media convinced gullible public about the nonsense of tax brakes creating jobs. There were nothing but tax brakes to these assholes- so where are these jobs? In China, Vietnam, or Indonesia. Small businesses are getting financial raping, while large corporations get all sorts of preferable tax treatment, which goes straight to the pockets of top executives, who by the way give themselves bonuses, while running the whole economy into the ground. I am all for tax brakes, but if they are across for everyone competing. Current system is nothing, but rigged by lobbying eliminating of competition of start ups.
  18. I agree about 90%. Still, if you can figure out how to do it, please tell. Abrogate GATT, NAFTA, etc? Relax environmental regulations here at home? Abolish unions? Retrain service sector employees to work in all the new factories that are selling products to who exactly? Nixon thought that opening up China to the west would make it less of a threat. I guess the jury is still out. Unions and environmental are not the cause of production exodus. As an outdoor person you should know 2 things essential to healthy living: clean air and clean water. Living in something less polluted then Love Canal and getting paid for work a living wage is so much to ask for? Stop promoting "race to the bottom" mentality. I think the main issue is tax system and corporate lobbying. Tax system encourages job export and product import, and corporate lobbying is spending big $$$ to convince general and sub-edutated public this is the best and for our own good.
  19. FW- in regard of building nukes by Teheran, US can do 2 things- jack and shit. The same went for N. Korea, Pakistan and India. Militarily Iran represents the smallest threat, as their military does not have long range delivery capability. Iran is not seeking world domination, nor destruction of this country. Looking back, going to war with Iraq, destabilizing the region, triggering religious civil war was the biggest gift this country could deliver to Teheran, and thanks to the hawks and GW crew we did. So instead now panicking over Mullahs with nukes, you should thank previous administration for creating this situation in the first place. And if you REALLY worry about national security, the first step would be moving production capacity back to this country. I would be far more concerned with N. Korea and China.
  20. US foreign policy is on parr with a crazed firefighter, who was setting up blazes in Oregon in the 90's just so he can feel like hero fighting them later. FW doesn't like soviets, yet he really likes their methods. He seems to also neglect that almost every single crisis this country is forced to deal with, was in part created by the stupid and unwise politics of this very government. WWII, cold war, Vietnam, rise of Taliban, crazed Teheran rulers, and the list goes on. Let's add Panama to the list as well. The whole issue of cold war would not even exist if US and GB would not hand over eastern and central europe to stalin. So I am glad that for once there is an administration thinking in terms longer then 4 year election cycle.
  21. No fucking shit. But still, you support a collectivized/centralized medical system here in your adopted country. Healthcare today, agriculture tomorrow? Like you said, it's the system. I'll take my chances with capitalism's invisible hand over the commie bureaucrats you seem so fond of. Not sure why you aren't making the connection. You can't have your cake and eat it too. (You'll have to look it up.) I am sure using PUBLIC roads, or sending kids to PUBLIC schools is like entering gates of hell of a road to communism. Another load of shit argument. First of all, there is no longer real free market system- it's weird hybrid of privatization of profits and socialization of loss. All the rest of developed countries has some form of regulated health system, it doesn't mean collectivization, that is some strange hyperbole of thinking- looks like your domain. Roads, no problem--although I will say that the lefties have spent a good deal of time and effort of late trying to get us all out of our private automobiles and onto buses and trains where we can be "less individual." As for public schools, well, sadly the record speaks for itself, no? Healthcare, however, is viewed by many (including me) as a step too far. Once the gloved hand of government is literally up your ass, all bets are off. Random wiretapping, illegal email surveillance is going too far- every item a shit results of fucked republican legislation, pushing this country into sovietization way more, then any healthcare law change. Thanks to GW this country is closer to soviet model then any leftist could ever accomplish. Back to the topic, I still stand by my statement, that soviets were far more radical and unpredictable, then Teheran ever was. And we should be paying far more attention to what is going on inside Pakistan, which already IS a nuclear power. Sending drones and killing civilians inside a sovereign country is not a wise foreign policy. We would not have to worry about radical islamist government in Teheran, if this country would not blindly support mass murdering maniac (Pahlavi), who was not any different from Hussein or current royal family in S. Arabia.
  22. Heart of Darkness on Slessee.
  23. No fucking shit. But still, you support a collectivized/centralized medical system here in your adopted country. Healthcare today, agriculture tomorrow? Like you said, it's the system. I'll take my chances with capitalism's invisible hand over the commie bureaucrats you seem so fond of. Not sure why you aren't making the connection. You can't have your cake and eat it too. (You'll have to look it up.) I am sure using PUBLIC roads, or sending kids to PUBLIC schools is like entering gates of hell of a road to communism. Another load of shit argument. First of all, there is no longer real free market system- it's weird hybrid of privatization of profits and socialization of loss. All the rest of developed countries has some form of regulated health system, it doesn't mean collectivization, that is some strange hyperbole of thinking- looks like your domain.
  24. Like You're right, I could have chosen my words better. Not trying to defend the Soviet communist dictators in any way--bastards all. Especially Stalin. But I certainly don't think the people of the former USSR are or were "savages". Just people trying to get through life like the rest of us. The point I was trying to make was that Soviet leaders cared about their own physical survival in some manner. And since they weren't big professors of any sort of afterlife, it stands to reason they wanted to extend their lives as long as possible. Iran's leaders--including the now-gone Ahmadinejad--have professed a belief that their rewards lie in some sort of glorious afterlife. They have also stated publicly that Israel should be wiped off the map. They cannot be trusted with nukes, and I hope that BeBe takes out their program before it's too late. It's hard for me to fathom the darkness that steers someone like Ivan into moral equivalency arguments. Just plain dumb. The Soviets were atheists. If you believe this is "it", you are a bit more averse to launching armageddon than if, say, you believe 72 virgins await you in the afterlife for your righteous holy war Yes, I am sure Persians starved to death millions of their own people, they also built concentration labor camps, killing in the process millions as well. Soviets also wanted openly to wipe out entire US. And why in the hell do we really care so much about Israel? Wtf? the truth is communism killed more people then any other system put together. FW and KKK- you are totally re-writing history, nothing new here. Deep down inside you are just commie loving shitheads. Stalin did not do these atrocities by himself. He had millions of people following orders, they carried out the actions with prejudice. That justifies terms savages.
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