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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. In the meantime US Senator ensured our own gun death industry continue to kill 130K per year in the US. Really- Boston explosions are nothing in comparison.
  2. No, diet is. btw, inside the cell, you don't burn fat anyway. It's a simpleton physiology.
  3. For a stellar season! He managed to redpoint another classic (and totally hard) 14a- To Bolt or not to be. Rudy, stop feeding your kids mutagen!!!
  4. Oh enlighten us oh wise one!!! My cat is smarter then you.....
  5. I am just pointing out the mistake you are making. The leader of the group was from Egypt. There were 3 nationalities involved. So why not target all? Like I said before- a knee jerk reaction worked great with the japs during WWII? wtf?
  6. Hmm, let me see.... actually you are incorrect. 15 were from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt and one from Lebanon.
  7. That is totally wrong, maybe workout like that when you are 80. Interval training and weight lifting will jack up your heart rate, period. 95% of people I observe in the gyms are just time wasting wankers, who lack motivation. I just observed crossfit comp in Vegas last months. 120 wall balls (men 20 lbs, toss it above 12ft line after full squat), 90 double unders and 30 muscle-ups- 12 minutes! People don't get six pack because they work out and can talk! Cardio is ineffective in weight loss.
  8. Pretty much sums it up: [video:youtube]8pHOwP2mOs8
  9. This is by far THE WORST approach in regards to public security. And this has nothing to do with political correctness, but with due diligence in investigative work. National origin my ass- reminds me on a knee jerk reaction of putting Japanese nationals into concentration camps. Worked great- didn't it?
  10. You are mistaken- this would never happen, if people were free to construct bombs, so they could defend themselves with them.
  11. in most such cases it's user error. I have hard time believing, that Petzl (or any other reputable company) would put a defective item on the market. I doubt a sawn sling has anything to do with it. Like the poster in the link said: most likely scenario- the carabiner was kicked, leading to cross loading. So actually a tightly sawn draw would have prevented this, vs Susan's advice.
  12. It will be equally important what you eat and how you exercise. If you really want to change composition of your body, you'll need to incorporate a diet reach in protein, fat ( and I mean healthy fat, not from a cheeseburger) and eliminate simple carbohydrates. You will also need to employ a lot of weight lifting (4-5 days a week). Split your time 50/50 upper and lower body. Cardio is pretty much worthless for losing weight. Also you'll have to deal with your stress- fat around the middle part is a sure sign of cortisol access (in vast majority of cases caused by prolonged and high levels of stress).
  13. with a stupidity vaccine I suppose? Gee, my cat is more intelligent than this wing-nut. Makes you wonder about people in her district.....
  14. now, SHE IS on intelligence committee!!! I feel safer now!
  15. glassgowkiss


    No comment needed. She is a complete imbecile [video:youtube]wBILQ_x49SE
  16. Obviously I have read and my conclusions differ from yours. I also happened to talk to people like Steve Swenson, who contradict JK statements. I would also dare to say, that in vast majority of cases, any business audit would bring some form of fines and discover violations. Like also that there is not e single work place that would not be in violation of some L&I rules. And if there was some legitimacy to JK story, there would be no settlement, but there would be criminal charges. It would be interesting to do an audit of JK accounts and tax deductions.
  17. Attorney General in Montana found two things: jack and shit, and jack left town. 60 minutes also have retracted their stories in the past. No, you can't do a journalism over the internet only. JK did not even bother going there, hence I call his statements a complete fabrication. The same way as he fabricated a lot of shit written in his Into the Thin Air.
  18. There is already a nice bouldering gym in town (or just outside). It's private, on need to know basis.
  19. Pretty much sums up the issue. JK is just another fuckface, this just confirms what I was thinking after reading some of the bullshit and flat out lies about Bukarev. I will never ever read another book or article by him.
  20. Sorry Jim, but JK is turning into a piece of shit liar. He have never travelled to Pakistan, and most of the shit he wrote in his first article was discarded as fiction and lie. I happened to talk to a Pakistani national (living in Bellingham at the moment), who have seen open and working schools, while JK is questioning their existence. I also happened to talk to Steve Swenson, who travelled to Pakistan 13 times and knows the area really well. He also confirmed pretty much everything about Mortenson story. Even description of the Everest events and a lot of "facts" in his "Into the thin air" is just pure shit. I think this guy need to have his meds adjusted.
  21. I remember that it was news- for about a day. My point is that after JK first load of shit and lies writeup, State of Montana Attorney General launched a probe. It cost probably hundreds of thousands of dollars from taxpayers account and all they could find were some minor violations. Now again there apparently "call for action" after another JK tale of sick mind.
  22. Hmm, load of crap. Anyone, who visited places like Pakistan knows very well, that about 20% of any budgets has to go for bribes of public officials. From the top to the bottom, everyone gets a cut. Maybe people should paying more attention to facts, that in Iraq about 10-12 billions is unaccounted for. There were also billions of $$$ paid to warlords (including Taliban) by US government (through private contractors) for allowing supplies to go through- any receipts for that? Somehow- nobody is writing articles and "calling for action"
  23. I kind of disagree- there is significant difference in energy output per hour. It's much lower then during a marathon, but stretched over much longer period. While running in general can give you a base for alpine climbing, interval training generally gives better results. Just the fact you usually have to carry a loaded pack changes the equation. Also marathon you are using pretty much lower body only, while in climbing it's your legs, core and shoulder/arm. It's also about efficiency of movement, which running doesn't address as far as climbing goes.
  24. great, wtf is it a ski site or climbing site? Want to spray how great skiing is- wtf? who gives a shit about a sport, where a fat chick can be better at it then me!
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