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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. these ticks are easy to spot, compared to these on east coast and in europe- they are much, much smaller. during tick season i have a change of cloths in the car, so when i get back i strip everything, change all my cloths, put the climbing cloths into a plastic bag, sinch it and wash when i get back. getting rocky mountain spoted fever is no fun
  2. need partner for wed/thursday next week. i can ropegun, but pls be legit. if i don't know you have your resume ready. i'd rather solo then go with an idiot. i'm a total dick...
  3. nothing to write about. one trip up on stanley glacier headwall and a whole bunch of moderates.
  4. after climbing with darts for 2 years now, i think this is the best crampon i have ever had!
  5. so the rockies didn't suck at all. as the matter of fact i enjoyed 2 straight weeks of sunshine with some of the most stable snow conditions i have ever seen in the past 13 years. some of the routes (field in particular) are chipped to shit, so you end up climbing ladders. Pillsner is in 4+ shape, Even Thomas Creek routes are WI3 at the most. both left and right weeping wall are WI3-4 at the most. ddin't go to the ghost, so i don't know what shape the routes are in. Janez and i did French Reality on wed. The most amazing line! there was another party on Nemesis, so we had the whole headwall to ourselves. the route wasn't chipped to shit, so you actually had to swing your tools now and then. after doing several routes on this amazing wall i am convinced this is THE BEST area for doing hard long mix and ice routes. the exposure is amazing, the lines are superb and i am exhausted every time i climb something on this wall. acid howl is not in, but all the rest is. nemesis (first hand info) is in great shape, so is suffer machine. the routes just to the left of suffer machine are not in anymore, but Mr Hullot area is in fine shape. looked like French Toast was in too. team Sample/Slawinski/Wallsh did FWA of Mt Alberta in fine 3 day effort (via Japanese route), so one of the last unclimbed peaks in winter received proper winter ascent- congrats!
  6. i see the weather is still shit since the dicussion is about gear instead of latest route conditions.
  7. there is absolutely no ice this year in the rockies. avi hazard is through the roof, the weather is total misery +2C and rain mixed with snow all the time. the mosquitos are out too. stay home, don't come here. specially republican voting suv driving money hungry shit for brains seattle fucks . we don't need your type here
  8. no 4 legs and furr, so i guess not. anyway, i am on the way to the rockies in 2 days, so later mofos
  9. when i was flying to poland this october managed to see the most amazing aurora borealis of my life. at 10 km above the earth it was like being in it. the still pictures also don't do justice, the movement and fluctuation of colors is just amazing, nice pic though.
  10. so we have another useless internet spray central. some of the shit people post is like nightmare on elm street meets twighlight zone. here is a litte something now before you jump on my case- stop and think! if this post was in a format- i am a wanker and i suck, but i am learning it would be even funny. but if this is your max you can do this guy would be waaay better off keeping his chest beating to himself. now the ascent list is not that impressive to start with. and how in a hell can you even get lost on guiness!!!!????? it's a gulley, so for crying out loud all you have to do is follow (usually the trail is broken) this feature up. you can see this climb from the road, you can see the first pitch through the trees and the directions in the guide can't be any clearer. i, for one would be kind of feeling stupid if i made a dolt move like that and most definnitelly would not spray about it to everyone on internet. the point of my spray is that these web sites spread like a bad weed. people hide behind annymonity of internet and post brainless shit like there is no tomorrow. i mean if you said something like that at the drake while drinking beer with a bunch of other climbers a comment like that would not only raised a few eye brows, but you most likely be a loughing stock for an evening. a little self control would be nice.....
  11. as far as a descent AA col late in a season made me want to sell my climbing gear. not hard but freeky scary. same with the late season descent from nf of stanley. the worst descent (scary) after a new route on torre del elefante in the dolomites.
  12. better bhurry dru, since it's supposed to be 1C/5C by friday.
  13. yes i did. you know, the treatment during his captivity and in gulag is so true. some of my family members ended up in kazachstan in 1940. so if we are talking german concentration camps during ww2 someone should talk about soviet part in extermination of several millions of people during stalin era. but this is heading for spray.... as usual
  14. mike- a couple pointers. first of all, yes editing. it takes a lot of work to write even a page of good text. if you want something published, first you have to earn your name recognition. so cutting this story to 500 words and getting it on paper might be a good idea. second- try less known publications- like nw papers. have a bunch of people read it and make notes, so print it out and give it to people, get it back. the format of writing is important- so what do you want to communicate. chest beating is ok, but your story should have clear point. you are telling 2 stories in one. of course don't listen to me too much, since i am polish, so what do i know?
  15. it's heading for a civil war Yugoslavia style.
  16. glassgowkiss

    Send it!

    No, Weenus breath. What you were looking at there is a picture of vandalism in the form of a bolted hand crack. Get it? The vandalism is already there. pope, all i can say you just showed us you are a dumb fucking retard. the pic is of perry's lieback, that goes at 11a, which you would know, since you have to "crank" on 5.8. judging by you complete dolt statements you are not capable of getting your ass up on grand wall - period. so do us a favor, take a long walk on a short plank and then shove a big dildo up your ass. pope, btw, who the fuck are you. if you have balls (like you claim you have)- let us know. oh yeah btw, just shows how much you know about climbing- your little comment about hand crack. since #5 cammalot is too small to protect this crack.
  17. so what does the initial post have to do with ice around here anyway? yeah, i am the master of spray
  18. dry-tooling rules. squamish rules. for all you cry babies- there is climbing right now. just need to find it.
  19. anyway, go to canadian rockies over your spring brake. then you'll see what's missing in colorado.
  20. oh yea, pope, that's your creativity showing? now first of all i told you to piss off (but of course you didn't - just to show that you are indeed the sheep-shagging dolt). if you took this pic i'd say ok. but instead you copied something from one of the fag pages you frequent so fondly. you little comment just shows how lame of a wank dushbag climber you are- who needs to crank on 5.8? your climbing abilty matches your mental capacity- you can climb two things jack and shit (and jack just left town). so do us a favor you slab of walking fat and piss off. or better eat shit and live. or even better- kiss your morning shit and give it a name. and do share it with us you brown lip bastard. johny cason's gone, (d)winer moved onto fisting pope, but it's hard for him, since pope left his head up his ass to. i am you can find a a pic like that on one of the puff pages you have book-marked on your favorites you salty breath brown lip turd licker
  21. so what's your point? oh yeah i get it- i am colorado poseur but now bikrenstock wearing pseudo-hyppie? but by no means- don't take it personally you late drinking, dreadlock hair, lycra wearing, suv driving doper. ice climbing- a plus for you and that's the only thing holding my wrath back
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