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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. well, at least i am not fueled by wanksause, like you dru
  2. or there is a pair of pliers to pull that log out of your ass.
  3. getting the subject on track: http://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/weather/live/index.htm at 5 pm it's already -1C at the top of 7th heaven
  4. well. if it formed it would be climbed. next time get out of your car and look for yourself. according to your betta cryptonite was formed up too. to bad you forgot to mention to bring some wings, since at least 10m section on the bottom was missing.
  5. if you'd train a bit and and wouldn't be such a wining beyotch you'd get up some really cool routes. somehow i did not see the crowds on as seen on tv or mr freeze. happy trails fader....
  6. now why there aren't any free ratings on this route? it looks like on several pictures (#2,3,5,11) that there are rather long sections of cracks, which did look quite modarate.
  7. i'd like to suck cock this big- just like your mom
  8. the bolt is for poop and dwanus to bitch about. just about their level of climbing
  9. some stuff at the entrance to grotto canyon. also at heart creek, the rest you need a rope gun.
  10. need a partner for wa pass project.
  11. new year in littlewet? party!party!party!
  12. well, leave old routes as they were. replacing bolts or other fixed gear is one thing, adding bolts is another.
  13. never too early to lay some fresh track on the back of the bowl.
  14. now this one top them all, but i think lenin had waaay better ratio of kills per year
  15. my was a tripple coiler- top that biatch!
  16. and i thought you were talking about gerbil cannon.
  17. cornhole child of two jack masters- dru and eric
  18. well, mike's post is drifting into spray- so i think let's leave the route description to fa party and move this into spray. josh wrote i think there is a huge difference between reading another stuart nr tr and a new route description. discussing grades is always healthy. another write-up about wank fest on some moderate classic isn't.
  19. Dru throws down the respect occasionally. I'm pretty sure glassgowanger will have plenty of reasons why you are a huge pussy tho. wow fuckface- don't put your words into my mouth. i think the grade VI is legit. this is not only commitment grade, but also over all effort used to do a climb. you can bail off the nose on elcap any time- the rap stations are all fixed. so according to you it should be a grade IV or V, since a competent party can do it easly in a day? there are plenty of places to bail from Mike's climb, but i am sure there are pleenty of spots, where bailing would be a serious matter. and this grade is for sure more about energy expended then anything else.
  20. glassgowkiss

    hey fatty

    yeah, i have a solution- get all the stupid american companies like mcdonnalds, pizza hut and all this shit out of other coutries. who needs them? i hate fat people- have to work with them every day.
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