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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. fuck, talking about blowing... looks like you are blowing a large horsecock. tell me grasshopa- is this sausage gooo salty?
  2. not true, this is totaly old school. scarring is caused by healing with no motion. what you need to do is start rehab proper. ice, mild foot ankle excercises to preserve the range of motion and prevent edema. Next more rehab. after the pain and most inflammation is gone start strength and proprioceptive rehab (the last is as important as strenght). you can use "wobly board for it". Contrary to popular belief lates study show using NASIDS (ibo included) prolongs the recovery time and might lead to weaker tissue (moslty due to the fact of decreased number of fibroblast cells). anyway- go and see a chiro and have your ankle adjusted and reset. good luck with your recovery- and don't listen to pseudo- science.
  3. heart of darkness east face of pyramid (right of ain't over)
  4. harsh is the sheep-shag this guy is sporting here on this bb. don't blame the messanger...
  5. yeah, some time ago on live-the-vision web page a character named "tough eddie" popped out. talking shit like a pro. after litte tracking through IP address turned out he was some wanker from vancouver bc area, who could slketch his way up on some 5.7's on top-rope only. so here mr arc- T-A=0. show us how it's done. say who you really are. but i bet in real life you preffer velcro gloves and high boots. i bet your dick gets stiff when you see a wooly ass (just like your mom's). now piss off jizzface. btw your spry is pathetic too, soince your vocabulary ends on word fuck.
  6. arc, you are so full of shit that your eyes turn brown from turd overload. i bet you lost your job because you didn't suck your bosse's dick good enough. your girly caught your puff ass in the act and rightfully dumped you as any girly would dump a jizz-burper like yourself. a piece of advice- go and fuck some sheep wanker.
  7. oh you one stupid clownpunching sheep-shagger. you're so tuff motherfucker, but only online. in real life you're some fat, bold desk clown.
  8. how about yo'mama? didn't you know this site is full of fat ugly clownpunching fucks- yes buddy, you're in it too.
  9. too small for me- used only a couple of times. They accept step-in crampons. contact me muscletx at yahoo dot com or 360.927.4861. I can deliver them in Bellingham, Vancouver or Seattle. If outside of this area buyer pays shipping.
  10. more like contract on america- and it's economy. stupid tax refund- instead of paying off the debt. i am sure republicans are shitting their pants now. it's payback baby!!!! kick shrub out of the office! oh yeah, i forgot wiretaps on phones without court warrant- how fucking legal is that? personally i will never forgive for this.
  11. Somebody on NPR was speculating this morning that with such a slim margin, they're probably going to be tempted to make the same partisan plays and attempt similar corruption of the process. I'm afraid I agree with KK here, that we will probably see lots of rhetoric but little change. One can hope, though. I know it is idealistic, but perhaps somebody could look a little longer term and think about rebuilding the Nation or at least the Democratic Party in a better image. Actually I thought the Dems would only have 215-220 seats. They may have as many as 235. Not such a slim margin (compare to the 1994 congress). If the Dems are smart they will push an agenda - like the class of 1994 (well 1995) did. Hard. If they bog us down in impeachment proceedings and investigations, it will backfire. Many people (myself included) are sick of this ridiculous cycle of investigation/politics of personal destruction (to quote a phrase). It all started with the Iran Contra hearings and the Jim Wright ethics investigation counter-punch. It's continued on endlessly and has gotten us nowhere. that's a coplete horseshit. the only agenda i saw after 1994 was how to kick clinton out of the office and how to stuff the pockets of the corporations that brought these assholes to power. fuck being nice: like the old phrase said: you do the crime, you do the time. for one i would like to see what 9 trillion $$$ was used on by "smaller" bushes govenment? and i also would like to see why did they drag this county into the war? so where are the WMD and where the fuck is bin laddyn? now his administration wants to spend another 6 billion od dollars on 700 miles of fence with mexico- as a security. i don't think mexicans flew jets into world trade center. if i was in mexican government i the first thing i would inplement would be a visa requirement for us citizens and fingerprinting on the border. collect 100 USD for a visa and have them wait 2 weeks for a decission- beacause this is what us does to other coutries.
  12. Orgazmo, Monty python and a holly grail, army of darkness(evil dead3), down by law
  13. oh where are his high boots. he would have much better results with his sheep at the edge of the cliff, hind legs in his boots- then they push back! friggin puff wanks
  14. it was the golden rock area with some nice looking corners. second pitch would have been an overhanging corner. the first one was a crack, that looked like butt cheecks (no positive jams either). felt like some sort of 5.12. it's hard to judge these pitches while your feet skate every move. anyway Brian- i'd like to ask you to change in the approach description the distance from the notch. it's like few hundred yards rather then couple hundred of feet.
  15. looking at the topo og the face i think we did get on Malboro man. in bourdo's description for passanger he said it's only w few hundred feet from the notch. as far as i remember the climbing was ok, but the main problem was crappy film of crust , causing your feet to skid every move. good job on a new route
  16. well, let's see. on the issue of security. i would like to ask- where is bin laden? on the issue of smaller government- i would like someone to tell me why is there all time high budget defficit? looking from a historical pespective things work out the best if white house is in hands of one party and house in in the hands on the oposition. plus republican candidates fro the local elections didn't impress me too much. you know- and the two democrats i voted for- i actually talked to them. as the matter of fact Jessie Salomon went house to house in our district.
  17. oh, one more thing. a small crew, interviews with people who actually paricipated in the events (both the protestors and police), shots on location would tell the story 10 times better then pseudo hollywood bullshit. anybody could do a documentary like this for a couple of grand.
  18. ok, here is a good one. from craigslist in Vancouver: http://vancouver.craigslist.org/tfr/227779125.html here it goes: We are in search of volunteers to be extras in a film based on one of the most incendiary uprisings in a generation. "Battle in Seattle" takes an in depth look at the five days that rocked the world in 1999 as tens of thousands of people took to the streets in protest of the World Trade Organization. This will be a unique opportunity to participate in the production of an extraordinary film. The location will be in the Vancouver area and food will be provided throughout each day. This is a topical & controversial independent feature and our budget is low. We are seeking activists with a passion for taking it to the streets when the cameras are rolling, who are willing to volunteer their time to be part of a film that will tell a story of profound global importance, a story the mass media suppressed and a story that is, in itself, a movement for human rights and environmental justice. nice load of double standart crap. first of all- they are filming about seattle in vancouver! with exchange rate of 90c i don't think they are gaining any real value. but then these "socially responsible" assholes are trying to scam their way in industry. being extra on a movie set is a job, sometimes a very shitty job. and not to pay people minimum wage for their time i hardly call "socially responsible". I am sure that director, grips, camera crew and producer and editors will work for free- don't think so. and i am sure that once the move goes into distribution all of them will donate all the earnings to right cause. i am sure though, that the right cause in this case will be their bank account.
  19. ok, so after long, long time i finalized my citizenship. first thing i did i registered to vote. i never voted in my life- since there was no reason to vote. anyway- i am not very happy with how things are- so i voted- against each and every republican. not that i really like democrats all that much, but enough is enouch. with 9 trillion dollars in debt it time to think about the future
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