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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. hey shitfeather- get your head out of your ass- i think you are getting high on fumes from your own turd! you are just one dumb fuck.
  2. this is some funny shit! looks like this guy is from spinal tap! maybe his dick goes to 11?
  3. no real climbing gym. the drive to squamish or index is at least 2 hours (mostly due to slow pieces of shit, who can't drive worth a fuck), 9 mo of rain a year (yeah, it pretty much rained every weekend this summer). for ice you have to drive up to BC- at least 3 hours! anyway- as soon as we can move- we are out of here!
  4. 1.Lead on route, then you lower and block 2 routes with your stupid top-rope! 2. you chuck a rope from above without warning (actually loud enough, so people below can hear!) 3. talk on the cell phone while belaying (even if it's top-rope!) 4.aid on popular free routes for hours. 5.have multiple top-ropes blocking several routes. 6.you are in MY WAY
  5. I am a bit confused upon reading the guidebook: 1 is "Hit and Run" pretty much the same route as "Air Care", but going 5 meters higher to the top of the cliff? (and if so, why name the same route twice?) 2. is "Fender Bender" pretty much the left side of Icy BC? or is there another pillar between "Air Care" and "Icy BC"?
  6. looks almost the same as the route Steve Swenson and I did about 10 years ago. it was winter, but it pretty much was exactly the same. I remember a quite steep (vertical) buttress, just to the right of us. Can't comment on crack- since most of the stuff was snowed up, however Steve placed a fair number of cams on pitch 1 for protection. I am quite sure we had our second belay on the same tree (the pitches we did were quite long- as I remember). Steve was quite sure this line was climbed before. anyway- imo i would not claim any "new" lines on this peak
  7. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/CABC0045 looks like more cold on the way!
  8. sorry to burst your bubble, but what you are saying doesn't make any sense. Patagonia, along with BD, Metolius (except harnesses and cams), Mammut and even Alpinist relocated their production to China. Hmm- maybe you can explain to me how does it fit into your "feel good"theory? these items are produced in exact same factories as the good that end up in wallmart! let me remind you that workers in china are paid pennies per hour and the environmental regulations are faaar more lax compared to those in the us. so how does it fit into "environmentally friendly" category? I buy from Feathered Friends and I have a lot of Wild Things gear. but let's face it- patagucci isn't producing their stuff in the US anymore.
  9. oh give me a fucking brake! anyone producing their shit in china or in se asia and are claiming they are for the environment are bunch of liers!
  10. after looking through the latest issue of the patagonia catalog I must say: 1. prices of outdoor gear are out of control 2. a lot of gear is just crap only good enough to wear on the street. really pisses me off that my most favorite activity is turning into sport for rich and famous, not exactly the crowd i want to hang out with. discuss
  11. german movie "The Experiment", "Finding Kitty" and "Hard Candy" are the best 3 movies I have seen so far this year.
  12. Oooh! I'm so hurt! All that anger and insult because someone doesn't appreciate your favorite bolt-raped piece of choss! (By the way, when did you become an expert on my life?....what?...you aren't?...you don't have a clue!... I suggest you tone it down a bit...and while you're at it, if you're going to cite my real name as you did above somewhere, I suggest that you come out from behind your cubicle and use YOUR real name). If you fully understood the bolting polemic, then perhaps you'd understand the nature of my comments. I'm glad you have fun out at Exit 38...have at it...the place is ruined and in my opinion, it's a disaster.....I'd have more respect for it (and a lot of other smaller crags) if people would settle for top-roping these cute little routes rather than using it as a stepping stone from the gym to rampant bolting elsewhere. You can disagree if you like....others certainly do. P.S. So...what's your real name, "Lucky"? Come forth or sit down! And by the way, "expert", that's not even my photo...nope...and those aren't "hamburgers", they're "B_LT's". If you knew your cc.com history, you'd know that a couple of years ago, some of the bolt-drillin' folks here were paranoid that THE MAN might be monitoring cc.com and discover (SHOCKING!!!) that not everyone approved of bolting so in order to continue the discussion, some such folks resorted to using the term "B_LT" to thwart THE MAN and his insidious attempts to "google" the word "bolt" and learn the truth. I'm still laughing! "you one stupid fuck" can sum up your spew. what do bolts at some crag have to do with west face of k2? can you for once stay on topic? or are you just incapable of any logical thinking?
  13. #1.chisselchest we are not talking about loosing freedom, but about stupid ass comment by stupid president. #2.asswipe- this administration is a complete failure as far as securing the coutry. do you know, that new EU countries are still required visas for the citizens to enter united states (like Czech republic, poland, baltic republics), while saudis are on visa waiver program? so how is it making our borders safer? i didn't see poles, mexicans or czechs flying airplanes into buildings! no, they were saudis/. #3. this administration is selling tis country to china- the biggest lender of the money to the us government. let me brake news to you- china is not a democracy. it's an ugly communist regime. something i know myself waaay more then you. so shut the fuck up you stupid fuck and don't tell me i am leftist.
  14. yeah, i am sure you could check yourself about fixed lines?! i am sure you send a bunch of hard alpine routes on high peaks. get off your high horse and from behind your computer and show us how it's done. for all you complainers i must say- you can go up there and show how it's done. when you are sucking air your focus is on not loosing your fingers not on some fixed lines (that only a handful of people will ever see first hand).
  15. Nothing wrong with that. Seriously. I still feel that Bush - despite his obvious shortcomings - is superior leadership to almost anything Democrats or a third party have to offer. I believe that the line differentiating liberal and leftist is getting more blurred every day and that the communal ideology ensconced therein is a threat to my freedom and the country I know. do you actually live in the us or some kind of utopia? first of all the guy can't speak. his vocabulary is about the level of an average teen. maybe you can also tell me wtf is us doing in iraq? for starters bush managed to lower defensive abilities of this country to the level not known before. at this moment i don't think this country would be able to defend itself against even mexico. with energy prices soaring, the economy is just one terrorist attack from a total recession. It's not about leftist ideology, but about fucking national debt and this administration selling this country to a communist china! this administration managed to disable NATO, also managed to rack up national debt to the point of no return. let me remind you about constant streams of lies, like Powell going to the UN (as an official from this administration) purging himself about wmd in iraq! so where are they? and where is the man who actually attacked us on sept 11? 6 years in the office and where is he? like i said- you are in title to your opinion- which doesn't change the fact you are a complete dolt
  16. I can think of many cc.comers who would say the exact same things! Is al-Qaida taking over cc.com? Exactly. But I still fear the left-politics of many of the goof-balls here more than some old bearded turd who may or may not still be alive and who's fucked-up religion will never take root in anglo-western culture. "one stupid dumbfuck" pretty much sums you up shithead.
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070908/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_bin_laden so where is binladen?
  18. South= stupid http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070829/ap_on_re_us/odd_saggy_pants no comment
  19. holly shit. i thought he was indestracto!
  20. white MAC/PC USB keyboard and mouse for all your spraying needs. $10 in Bellingham.
  21. glassgowkiss


    like what exactly does it that's so right? somehow you missed a little fact that people get on rafts and risk their lives to flea from this "paradise". i don't see too many americans doing it the other way. i had a taste of this system first hand. it's exactly the same way as moore would go to north korea and show how well system works there. before posting some pinko bs think- that's my advice.
  22. don't know why youtube link doesn't work. copy/oaste this instead:
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