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Everything posted by cracked

  1. Talk about misuse of .
  2. Be realistic. That isn't happening. Although the pages of snafflefucks and horsecock shit were damn annoying to me, I don't think moderating was necessarily the best way to deal with it. It could have been moved to Spray. However, given the circumstances, I think Mattp did a respectable job of mercifully killing the thread. Is there not enough spray on this board? Let's remember, posting here is a privilege, not a right, even if you have contributed $ to Jon and Timmy@, which very few people have done. Come on, let's stop bickering, or at least only spray in Spray. Grow up people! (flame away)
  3. Yeah, I know a guy who got six of his fingers frostbitten on Glacier Peak three weeks ago. He was standing around waiting for his buddy to catch up and his got cold. When he started skinning again he warmed up, but not his finger. He's got pics too, check out frostbite
  4. Some dude in scotland was buried for 23 hours in the 70s and came out unharmed. It's the record. So this snowboarder dude incident could have happened.
  5. About that east couloir that exits right below (above?) the Crawl, when does that thing get iced up? In the spring? Must be hard to get perfect conditions, no?
  6. In my (limited) experience, the barfies don't necessarily have to accompany core cooling. Every time I experienced them I wasn't shivering, let alone past shivering. In those cases, my hands got cold from being pressed against the ice, constricted by leashes, and plunged into snow. Another interesting sidenote: once my hands get cold and warm up, they then tend to stay warm and not get cold. Is this due to blood vessels expanding as blood is forced through them when they're cold? But overall, I don't think that the barfies are an indicator of hypothermia onset. Of course, it can be, but not necessarily.
  7. I'd say it depends. A true onsight is more impressive than a flash where the climber gets full beta, has watched videos/other climber, etc. It depends on the route. I'd say as long as people admit what they did and don't try to pound their chests, it doesn't really matter.
  8. If you look closely, you can see the heating filaments in that snazzy Met5 he's wearing.
  9. Onsight means you walk up to a route or boulder problem, don't know anything but the name and grade. You don't know anything about the moves. You climb it, and your partner doesn't give you any beta while you climb. On a flash, you have never climbed the route, but you have seen a video of it, or your buddy told you about the moves, or how hard it is to clip the third bolt, or whatever. This applies to any route or boulder problem. In general, the difference between the two is noted only by the mags.
  10. It must suck to be a well-know climber. I'd hate to be Beckey.
  11. Oh, I see: + =spray
  12. Stop posting the ungodly numbers of snafflehounds and horsecock. It takes me ten minutes to scroll down! And I'm on Ethernet.
  14. Here's a rant: I HATE THOSE NF ADS!!! Why the hell do they think that we want to see EVERY PORE on the faces of every climber that NF sponsors?????? Give me a climbing shot any day. AS BAD AS THE " GO WHERE NONE HAVE GONE BEFORE" SUV ADS!!!!!
  15. Call 1-800-spray-anon
  16. I guess my balls just aren't big enough. I like Washington (the mountain) , but find 3FJ interesting every time. I did get my mom up it, though. Maybe I'm just a pansy.
  17. Do the Maroon Bells Traverse or the Bell Chord couloir on Maroon instead of the boring hikes up the typical CO 14s. The Bells are fun.
  18. Then he's damn strong in just about every type of climbing there is.
  19. What do you expect from Freedom headlamps?
  20. I like this Glassgowkiss character. When pressed, he will argue like Trashk and Caveman, without the immaturity and crudeness. Plus he posts really cool photos, seems to climb, and is an elitist, and doesn't post exclusively in Spray. What's not to like?
  21. Hah! I knew it! Addicted to Danger is the autobiography of Jim Wickwire, not Roskelly. They're both old. Beckey? He's prehistoric.
  22. But Roskelly wasn't on that expedition if I remember right. That's Wickwire's book you're reading. If I'm wrong, please enlighten me.
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