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Everything posted by chirp

  1. chirp

    A Real NW Star

    Pure quality from a time when we could all breathe a little better. Thanks Feck!
  2. chirp


    Offline? No longer around? I get a generic web page unrelated to climbing when I go there. I hope its just down as I loved the obscure crag resource.
  3. Don't get me started.
  4. Right on! Conjures up some fond memories! Grats on a good time and hope we here of some more! (and pics too although I did see some you posted in the gallery! Cheers!
  5. Took to trimming a bunch of almost blooming Catnip and depositing it on the floor to see what the cats would do...pretty predictable reaction.
  6. Totes!
  7. Slightly more legit conditions at the same spot.
  8. Just like a T-break. But beer is food so it really cannot be quit or you will starve.
  9. chirp

    CC History

    The end.
  10. Climbing near Boise on RC.com Boise is beautiful and surounded by some most excellent scenery. Personally never climbed there but here is a link to some areas nearby.
  11. chirp

    CC History

  12. I believe that the sale of the camping stoves is helping fund the home version designed optimally for 3rd world communities. (Somalia, Uganda, Chad, and Detroit). I would drop them an email perhaps and see what they say. Been messing with mine, nothing scientific but it will boil a small pot of water (pint+) in about 4 minutes and that was with poor fuel (green twigs and less than they recommend). Green/wet fuel makes an awesome wall of smoke though A small fan, powered by the battery helps the fire get going and adjusts its intensity as needed during the cooking process. More data as I get it, but as it stands, I love the stove. A definite step in the correct direction.
  13. chirp

    CC History

  14. No dice on the trip, plans cancelled, might head up there soon tho, but on a weekday so odds are good the road will be closed, we shall see. D
  15. Just if anyone cares, sorry to deviate from the off topic...however the culprit has been caught.
  16. Some bonus info I had scanned several years ago. From the first generation brochure (1982). Classic stuff. The images in the gallery proper are higher resolution for easier reading.
  17. `
  18. Absolutely, I have a feeling it will be fine, and I will post a TR if things go swimmingly
  19. I know this may have been posted recently but the search engine is not giving me any goodies. Is the road past Olney Pass still open on weekends Thur PM thru Mon AM? Gonna head up there Sat. assuming this is still the case. Done googled it but I came up empty.
  20. Ziplock bags, purple latex gloves? Looks kinda methy around there. Sketchy yes.
  21. [img:left]http://www.scientificamerican.com/media/inline/that-burger-youre-eating-is-mostly-corn_1.jpg[/img]
  22. Tacoma Costco has mountain house as well, same price. LOL, bought some of their Kirkland brand vodka, one bowling pin sized bottle runs 28 plus 6 dollars tax. Rumor had it the house vodka was relabeled Grey Goose (GG)...but it is not, however it is rated superior to GG..we shall see.
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