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Everything posted by gapertimmy

  1. gapertimmy

    Site feedback

    thanks for the feedback, care to ellaborate?
  2. make sure your computer has flash installed http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/
  3. pretty interesting... and people say smith has too much hardware in the rocks.
  4. by the way, that looks fkn awesome.
  5. You can imbed your vids by using the youtube button, or by typing it in like so: [youtube ]PT15c8OSghw[/ youtube] PT15c8OSghw
  6. LbvP7dT3Dx0
  7. I had to do the same thing. I'm guessing this was a bug in the import script complicated by the format change of PM's to Private Topics. I will probably perform a massive purge of all PT's prior to a given date range soon, but want to give folks a chance to save any data first...
  8. gapertimmy

    Site feedback

    I'll get the post row highlight going on, that is a nice feature. Jump to last read post is a good one too that I thought was in the mix, but apparently not @Wayne... what do you mean by 'views' button? @Ken4Ford... what do you mean by image sizing... do you want to be able to specify height/width that will show up in a post? Or be able to imbed thumb, med, large
  9. gapertimmy

    Site feedback

    sidebar is disappearing from pages right now
  10. gapertimmy

    Site feedback

    One of the items on the docket is to hide the sidebar on various pages, thus eliminating scrolling on posts. yes more steezesheets are coming
  11. Friends, Sprayers, Cube dwelling minions... Welcome Back! For the past few months, the brain trust at cascadeclimbers.com has been hard at work on some brand new hotness. What you see before you is the fruits of our blood, spray, and tears. We aren't completely done dropping the sickest shreds in message board land, but so far we have these tasty items that we hope will help you send that next big grade in your electronic climbing career! Photo Uploads a snap! When posting a trip report or whatever, simply click the little camera button in your post text editor, and drop in existing cc.com gallery photos of yours, or upload new images with ease. Click the photo(s) you want in your post and that is all it takes. Trip Report Index Reloaded The TR index has been overhauled with a super robust search feature. Search results are cached for quick browsing and are stored from page to page in your result set. Additionally you can now search by user name as well. Stay tuned for some sick hotness in the TR tool. Video Links to YouTube/Google You will notice a few new buttons in your post/reply bar. Two of these new buttons will allow you to imbed Google or YouTube videos into your posts. Upload vids of your epic to the big dogs site, and show it to the bro's here. Oly has a great how-to on this feature in the faq . Search Longer than 4 Years The search range has been extended to all 7 years of cascadeclimbers.com posts. The search function is also enhanced via full-text indexing on all existing posts. Look for future improvements in search coming soon too. Cursor default to User Name on Login Page Indeed now your cursor floats to the user name box on the login page. No need to click in the box. Sick. PM Enhancements: Now Private Topics Private Messaging has received an overhaul and are not called Private Topics. You can invite up to 5 others to join in on private topics as you cary-on your private discussion about your next big outing, or perhaps debate about the otter in private. Post Preview You can now preview your post on the same page before submitting. This is also true for Trip Reports... pair this up with Firefox 2.0 spell checking, and even Muffy will be teh speling be champiun. Quick Reply, Quick Quote SUPER DUPER web 2.0 technology! Posting spray without a page load! OH MY! Help! Is the new cc.com just too much for you to handle? Do you need help? We have also setup a new online support center so we can better help out our virtual climber bro's and sisses that are in need. For all support issues, or just to let us know how FKN RAD the new site is, drop us some logic here: http://support.cascadeclimbers.com/index.php?x=&mod_id=4 There are a few more features that will being dropped within the next two weeks. One in particular will give you access to a wide variety of weather data if super sickay formats. That is all I have for now. Special shout outs go to my main homey Olyclimber for providing much scopecreep and inspiration for this overhaul. -timmay
  13. Trip: Programming - Gnar Date: 11/26/2006 Trip Report: Just testing, 1 2 3
  14. gapertimmy

    copying posts

  15. we'll be adding in a pretty sweet weather resource to cc.com in the next few weeks.
  16. 3 frountcountry touring days 1 resort day bachy with 8" overnight, so it will be 2 resort days in just a few hours
  17. cbs- we'll try to add that modification back in to provide a spray free active topics list arsemonkey- out of the box the new boards support RSS feeds. So you should be able to add in which forums you'd like to see on your own.
  18. Matty- Post something here: http://mtbachelor.typepad.com/ That might get a few more responses
  19. man I'm not even on the first page. i need to step up and KIR
  20. there is no trask
  21. coverage has gotten much better. saturday we were up on skyliner and got some rock hits there, but since then there has been easily 10" filled into the gullies. Above timberline it is very sparce and scary, but down low it is $... seriously it was pure winter powder turns yesterday, sweet goodness.
  22. Bouldering anyone?
  23. Climb: Bachelor -Bunny Col Date of Climb: 11/14/2006 Trip Report: A sign from the heavens, from the Lord of all things Freshie occured to me this morning. Yes, the patron saint of Plab showed me the light this morning, and I will forever be gracious. The sign was simple... I walked into the gym to workout at 6am, and I had my snow clogs on. Some will claim that I'm just a dumbass for wearing the wrong shows... buy fahk the naysayers, this was a sign for me to go get plab. Bachy. Sickness. New Level. The first fellow track head was making his first turns down the Cone when I arrived. I opted to skin up the virgin slopes of T-Bird for some solitude and to validate that I'm a touring bad ass. The Cone... so hot right now! The Lord of Freshies had blanketed some nice plab all over the place. The skin was quite magical, and the views were only surpassed in plabness by the turns. Brokentop, still a bit thin. Me = thankful to be free, and about to RIP IT UP Not me, but someone making turns on DA KONE! When I arrived at the truck, the homiez from the WESTSIDE had pulled up, and I was easily talked into another lap... the seond one was even better than the first. Winter Magic. Get sum.
  24. LOLZ
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