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Everything posted by Billygoat

  1. Hey whirly, was that you getting into the van outside Best Buy next to Costco on Saturday night?! Nice shoes! Anyways, you better cash that $20 check soon as I am going to close that acount in a couple weeks. Billy
  2. I'm glad stuff like that does not happen in this country. Whoops, I forgot about Bobby Kennedy.
  3. I'm sure the ranger is going to like hearing that one
  4. Billygoat


    Cheers mikey, you cunt!
  5. Thanks for that hit Robin!
  6. It's what I do best 8D Different than what you do best :kisss:
  7. Funny, I was told that I ended up being a great fuck
  8. You know I posted about that episode in the girl's bathroom don't you? in this thread?
  9. Fuck yeah! Billygoat Bluff...has a nice ring to it (kinda like Billygoat Gruff) But I only told you and Layton and showed NYC007, Fern and Julie and a couple friends that don't post, so don't lay that shit on me! You're the one who sprayed it on the interwebs mother (about time )
  10. What?! I don't post for a few months and I am forgotten Well fuck y'alls!
  11. Perhaps a little credit where credit is due But then again, I don't want those guys pissed at me. Way to get at it Blake and Dan. I knew good things would happen hooking you two up
  12. Nice one Keith! That is the prime distillation
  13. Fuckin' A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. thanks for the pics
  15. excellent How long of a ride is it from Seattle to Eugene?
  16. More like get it over (here) one of these days. Alright...
  17. Yeah, a little bit A lot less than a full dresser and way less than those custom Big Dawg / Orange County Choppers style rigs. I was going to buy a new Triumph and went into the Harley dealer to get a half helmet as the Triumph guy didn't have any. The bike caught my eye, got the back story from the dude, rode it, bought it right then and there. No questions, No doubts. This bike is getting used. And I did not buy it to polish chrome.
  18. Exactly I'll get over it one of these days.... ...
  19. Just so you know: I come with the bike. Package deal. No A La Carte loving here. You can't have the bike w/o making a place for me. That is unless I got it backwards hmmmm This bike is so bright it's hard to see me in the picture. Harley Davidson 2003 VRSCA V-Rod 100th Anniversary Edition Porsche designed fuel injected, 110 horse power engine - check Dual overhead cams - check 9000 rpm redline - check Liquid cooled - check Counterbalanced - check Belt drive - check Dual front disk brakes - check Rear disc brake - check Hydraulic clutch - check Hydraulic brakes - check Cruise control - check Security system - check Lowjack radio tracking- check Smooth ride with Harley feel at low speeds - check Sounds and feels like a hot rod at high speeds - check Handles well - check Balances well - check Corners well - check Custom paint job - check Pie pan wheels - check Chrome - check Comfortable - check Sexy - check Harley cruising capabilities - check Ninja overtaking capabilities - check Am I missing anything beside a real back seat and back rest, for safety's sake, for a leather chap wearing Way-Honed-Honey-Rad?!
  20. My Harley has absofuckinlutely no problem going faster than 110 This ain't yer grandma's HD
  21. Billygoat

    Lights Out

    maybe 4
  22. These republican conservatives are so repressed with all of the things that they do not approve of that their normal human feelings and drives are twisted up and leak out in the most inappropriate ways. It is sad to watch grown people unravel like this... 8D
  23. Billygoat

    Lights Out

    Yeah, big party, South end of Lopez
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