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Everything posted by Billygoat

  1. Does anybody know if the gates are open and the road clear up to Artist Point? BG
  2. Hi Meghan, Bouldering pad would be good but if you have a partner to spot or top rope it isn't necessary. There is also a bunch of good climbing a ferry ride away at Mt Erie in Anacortes. I'm friends with all the folks at the land trust. Just a guess on my part but they have been saying that lots of folks are coming in around now. When you get settled in, give me a call, I am on Island. When you get here you'll get the prefix that is the same for all phone numbers. Just add it to my last foru of 3712. And David Svilar, have you been out here long? Give me a call too. Bill
  3. Good there old man. Didn't make it. Problems with the head on Saturday. I laid low all w/e. Call me next time you come over....That said, me and the g/f hiked turtleback a few w/e's ago and I didn't call you. Cheers BG
  4. Excellent. Thanks for the pics
  5. Nice. Looks great Bad call on my part for not motivating.
  6. I lamed out. Went to friend's 40th on Friday and woke Sat morn to a very bad case of brown bottle flu. When I still hadn't packed by the 5 pm boat off Lopez I bagged it.
  7. Hey Meg and Chaz, send me a PM and I'll hook up with ya. My digits on Lopez are x3712 There are quite a few sport style climbs (slabs/face) of all levels but you have to top rope them because we can't drill bolts. The cliffs are on BLM ACEC which is BLM for Wilderness. I have most of the top rope anchors figured out and I am friends with the Ranger in charge. There are some gear leads as well and bouldering. Where are you guys staying? Are you working on the Land Trust project? Bill
  8. I'm now coming Saturday morning, early FYI
  9. The tape is missing from his handz....
  10. and soooo fuckin' Hawt!
  11. Claire and I are heading over Friday evening and returning Monday afternoon evening. Can pick up folks San Juan Islands, Anacortes, Mt.Vernon/Burlington, Sedro....
  12. Translation please...
  13. South arete of SEWS is mostly 3rd and 4th class with only a couple low 5th moves. There is an easy ski up at this time and a fun ski back to the car. Easy
  14. They're working on it but it is still closed as far as I can tell. I bet it will be open in time for the w/e!
  15. Thanks for the report. Should be better this w/e. Hope you two can make it to ski-in. Cheers BG
  16. What's wrong with illegal drug dealing? Nothing, and FW I, imagine, would agree. It's amazing how well it works (profitable) when the government is not involved in its process. It is an exercise in pure free market capitalism. W/O regulation, the laws of supply and demand work smoothly and the profits go up with market penetration going deeper. Let's face it; people with addictive personalities are a capitive consumer base. If it is the not paying tax thing is a problem I agree. We would have to legalize it though. Then we would get government regulation. Tobacco, fast food and alcohol companies (to name a few) do it legally and still manage to stay afloat. Maybe we could stand to legalize it. I think like you FW: That big govenrment should stay out of our business. Fuck The Reagan's and their "Just Say No" crap!!! One man's illegal drug is another man's pleasure. If the government can legislate who can marry who, whether or not control of one's body (abortions) is a right, and what drugs anyone can use, then they can damn well regulate business.
  17. Ran across this bugger last w/e at Smith Rock (Gopher Snake) It isn't poisonous but mimics a western rattler (Western Rattlesnake)
  18. Pics?
  19. Tru Dat! yeah, we're approaching $4.50/gal. I had to save money and buy a Harley sport bike Happy Birthday Porter!!!!!!
  20. Mt. Baker Ski Area White Salmon Lodge Parking lot
  21. I knew I liked you for a reason
  22. Looks good when I'm slushed
  23. Holy Shit!!! hope this doesn't fuck with Ski-In (it's my birthday, I can swear as much as I want )
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