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Everything posted by minx

  1. i am not better off in a networth sense than i was four years ago, however it is a calculated risk on my part. inflation or as my son called it the other day "inflammation" of food and gas prices isn't helping me at all.
  2. minx


    today, i'm wearing underwear
  3. minx

    Which one of you

    I don't know, maybe A defender of truth, justice, and a darn good belay? i'm pretty sure that with billionsn and billions of dollars i could buy those things. especially a good belay. and in this country, definitely justice.
  4. i'm a disaster. and given that everyone is not perfect. does that mean right or wrong, we shouldn't be able to espouse our views?
  5. minx

    Which one of you

    damn it! you're too smart for me. you were looking so hot right up til then....evil super genius who can bilk the fed for billions. what more could a girl want?
  6. minx

    Which one of you

    will you marry me???
  7. i think thursday is the day that PP gives up climbing to join BB in baseball career comeback attempt.
  8. funny as that is, back to the subject at hand. shoot me a PM if you're interested in climbing this weekend
  9. yeah sure right and maybe kevbone can join us too
  10. anybody available for some moderate stuff this weekend?
  11. minx

    P D X Mar 10-14

    oh boy... get room eh?
  12. KKKKKKs is funnier
  13. minx

    P D X Mar 10-14

    my belay is better than both bill or kevbone.
  14. uh huh! is to!
  15. better than McCain/Romney
  16. i don't know how bad yours are but when i cracked mine last summer it sucked pretty badly but i was able to do most things, just more slowly for the first couple of days. the minor trauma happened and i fully broke them and a hell of time doing anything after that including sleeping. as said before, don't risk additional trauma.
  17. minx

    Ethical Question?

    i just want to point out that for all the drama and vitriole this topic seems to have inspired, there's really only one or two people having a fit b/c the picture was removed. all of the support has made it seem like a bigger problem than it was. thanks for all of the good comments though
  18. where's his second chalk bag?
  19. good plan. i imagine that some of you folks need more protection than others
  20. don't forget dual chalk bags
  21. to hex or not to hex.... if you're going to hex, i've found that the WC slung curved hexes place well in a number of places. if cost is a concern they can be a nice addition to a single set of cams. they seem to get a lot of use on alpine routes. good light alternative to carrying doubles of your cams. as for cams, 0.75" - 3" cams seemed to cover it for me early on.
  22. minx

    I hit it

    i bitch slapped it
  23. hey chirp-- glad that she's doing well was it a lipoma? one of my dogs has a couple of these. so far we've avoided having t have them removed. he did have a tooth extracted a couple years ago for $900. amazing how quickly it adds up. hope you and your lab have many more happy years
  24. OW--that's a hell of story. its so hard to know what to do. you certainly did everything anyone could do! stranger got more than most and hopefully you were at peace w/the decision. its amazing to read all these stories. there's some good people around here i don't know what will happen w/oscar kitty. but i know he deserves a chance and reading all these stories makes me feel slightly less crazy!
  25. thanks muffy. its 50/50 right now. we'll keep at it until there's not a sensible option
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