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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    finally, i've succeeded at something!!!
  2. minx

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    well dammit! its lunch time and i'm still waiting for my chocolate and roses. if this doesn't change soon, i'm going back to a for vday
  3. minx

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    I guess I just hate deadlines and being told what to do. Pass the chocolate! And where the hell are my damn roses????
  4. minx

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Can I lick your fingers? no that's the kinda valentines day i'm thinkin of. shoot people, its a hallmark holiday pardon me for not jumping on the bandwagon. i try and do something romantic more than once a year. i don't need an excuse.
  5. minx

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    awwwww! somebunny wuvs u
  6. minx

    to the christians

    no wonder the psychology industry is booming
  7. minx

    to the christians

    Everyone must make their own rules through behavior, higher power or not. Discipline is a choice: it has nothing to do with God one way or the other. all things are relative. i believe killing is wrong, but i'm sure there are circumstances that could lead me to kill someone.
  8. minx

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    It's SAD?
  9. minx

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    ahhh rob, you're so sweet. i like the transformer ones too. nahh, i just hate hallmark holidays. Besides roses are thorny and chocolate is fattening
  10. minx

    ten commandments

    for once i find myself agreeing with pink
  11. minx

    to the christians

    funny i always felt just the opposite. that it was easier not to demand an explanation. i always viewed it as the weaker choice. It has always seemed to me that religion and faith were for those that needed a security blanket. “hey if I screw up this time around, there’s a second chance in the afterlife” or “if I’m really good, I’ll get to go to heaven” not “I’ll be a good human cuz that’s just the right thing to do” Seems like it’s harder to make the tough choices if there’s no carrot out there for you or no threat of eternal damnation. I respect those that can make the tough choice b/c it’s the right choice w/o having religious beliefs acting as a carrot or a stick
  12. minx

    ten commandments

    i think we should rank them in order of importance
  13. minx

    to the christians

    ummm...true in a secular context they are synonyms but the religious faction has obsconded w/the word faith. when used in the context of religion discussion "faith" often takes on a more specific and religious conotation. i have faith that my cat will be alive when i get home. i trust my climbing partner to give me a good belay. i don't have faith or trust that there is an omnipotent being that meddling in the goings on of the world and my life. i don't have faith in that believing in god/jesus/the holy ghost/the bible/any other prophet will get me to some "promised land"
  14. minx

    ten commandments

    well #1 is pointless and therefore #2 is also. and #3 oops and #4 also. what day is the sabbath anyway? that is uniquely religion specific the rest of them are useful
  15. i'm outraged. trust me totally outraged.
  16. minx

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  17. hopefully the weather forecast is right and it'll be dry on the eastside. anyone free for a day of cragging on Monday? haven't climbed in way too long so looking for mostly moderate fun.
  18. minx

    to the christians

  19. i friggin hate the winters here and at the first opportunity, i will move some place with more sun
  20. minx


    yes, a good tongue
  21. minx


    i love it when i say something dumb and it turns into nonsense like this. you guys crack me up
  22. minx


    Couldn't resist this post... only cuz you know its true.
  23. yep...wasn't so much that the skins had the problem as the base of my skis ha the problem store in bag in cool garage.
  24. minx


    hey he's complaining not talking.
  25. minx


    oh just be happy that you haven't been unvited
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