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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx


    its OK, archie and i have agreed on a time and place via PM. i think we're safe.
  2. minx


    pink, what part of this are you not getting? archie and can both afford the drinks and the valet. we don't want to invite you. and if you show up, we might just leave.
  3. minx


    i think that i'd like to invite KKKKKKK and maybe sobo. they seem like they'd know how to behave
  4. minx


    why, did you wear out your therapists couch yes
  5. minx


    Archie may over rule me on this but If I had meant you I would’ve said “…and pink”.
  6. minx


    have to pick up a couch today. what about later this week?
  7. minx


    archie, i'd love to have a happy hour again with you soon.
  8. minx


    i love that she was this drunk and it was still afternoon. just think what she could've done if she'd made it to happy hour
  9. minx


  10. minx

    Exxon Valdez.

    based on the fact that most of the humans involved were probably in jr. hs. when this happened, i don't think they care.
  11. minx

    Exxon Valdez.

    they're a corporation. they don't feel anything they should pay though
  12. not effective? oy! people come on
  13. look at your debit card, it says "debit" right on it. of course you've noticed that you can select "debit" at many places or the choice comes up automatically. they can tell. as a business its cheaper to take debit for a reason. good on ya for realizing your youthful failings.
  14. kevin, of course you are right. h/e there are some rental places that will either place a hold on a LARGE amount of money in your account for up to 14 days, (even after you've checked out or returned the car) OR will not take a debit card. (yes it does happen) also, you are not offered the quite the same protections with your debit card as you are with credit cards in the event of fraud. and if you pay in full every month, why not enjoy the benefits of a credit card?
  15. really what are those? i've never heard of one. i've also never encountered a situation where that wasn't sufficient. of course you're right kevbone
  16. why not? how do rent a car?
  17. This is why I have my credit cards through my credit union. Not that it can't happen but its less likely to.
  18. minx

    Dirtbag Manifesto

    ZZ-- w/the summer off i'm surprised you haven't been conscripted to hold a few horses. happy road trip to you!
  19. Damn alpine stalkers. There goes the neighborhood. you know the city is so much safer for a single a girl than the mountains.
  20. minx


    inductive reasoning kkkkkk.... pink is all fucked up (damaged goods)cuz some asian chica dumped him. i'm pretty sure he was damaged anyway but hey we all want to blame someone else for our short comings. figures pink would blame it on a girl.
  21. minx


    yeh, and i'll be sure to post her swinging on the bed post oh good more pictures to stir up the noise on cc.com.
  22. minx


    you call it random fortune; i call it Divine Mercy. either way, bliss or a blessing.
  23. minx


    and i see kevbone has gone...yay!
  24. minx


    whatever. somehow i don't think there's much of anyone for you.
  25. minx


    ignore pink. its been so long since a girl has liked him. he thinks even the simplest polite words have romantic undertones.
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