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Everything posted by snoboy

  1. Nope, Kootenay Pass. Hwy 3 BC...
  2. Droppin in!
  3. I can do that for you too... these are from the 23rd (that is to say, before the 12" storm) Not so bad IMO...
  4. snoboy

    finally sunny!

    Sunny dispositioned
  5. A few good links here: clickety-click. Good gifts if you are trying to win favour with me.
  6. Silver Star (Vernon) had a huge dump on the weekend... 50+cm I think! Koots have a good pack up higher too. Whistler sux right now though.
  7. snoboy

    What'd Ya Get?

    A nice styling merino jacket! Food! SNOW!!!!!!! W00t!
  8. three S's??? idn't dat sex, snow, and skiing? (not neccesarily in that order) Happy B-day.
  9. Sinatra Falls is worth the drive. Super mellow, fun, easy walk off, and it's long. It fails on the no avy hazard requirement though...
  10. Oh yeah
  11. Here baby! here!!!
  12. snoboy


    I liked it a lot. DVD will be good, I love animation outakes.
  13. The only thing to watch is that the power profile is good, good, good, good, dead! alkalines are more like Good, pretty good, OK, not so good, dead..... gives you more warning. I use a fresh set for "important" things. then relegate the using them up to mundane stuff.
  14. snoboy

    Server Slowness

    'twas harsh slow this evening.
  15. snoboy

    Name My Dog

    grreat! teaching her to chew on gear already. keep yer mutt away from my pack thanks. pretty cute though.
  16. w000t! that will be a hoot! I have been in a long line at the Truck crossing I also know where the Arc'teryx store is.
  17. snoboy

    Road Rage Stories?

    yup, a coupla good ones.
  18. Good reading on this very issue over at www.snowpit.com Ian McCammon has written a paper looking into this and it can be downloaded as a .pdf here.
  19. Here's a nice one attached as .pdf, from !ski on telemarktips.com It's for the G3, K2, BD, Bomber, etc 4-hole... 422162-K2template.pdf
  20. I've actually bought both helmets in our stable in Whistler (out of season mind you) because it was the best price I could find on them!!
  21. In that top pic is the lodge of to the right?
  22. #4 costalot, tried to return it to owner, but he said I should keep it.
  23. Here is a new link to the Hammerhead template, unfortunately it's got no dimensions on it.
  24. Tele Skis- Remove skins Go. Strip and rip, later suckas!
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