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Everything posted by Toast

  1. One of the point JL was trying to make was that the touted danger of shock load of the sliding X is overblown. He refers to testing by Blue Water that illustrates it's not as significant as some make it out to be. This is espcially the case if you further mitigate the danger by tying off the legs. He goes onto point out that something like a cordalette rarely actually equalizes all points. I may have read too fast, but my read on it is he likes the sliding x.
  2. Yeah, Columbia City is viable. It's come a long way since I was a kid, a healthy business community is bringing the neighborhood back up. Beacon Hill or Seward Park might be a thought. All would constrain you to I-5 to get to the Kent Valley, though. Traffic anywhere on I-5 sucks these days, but at least entry points would be south of downtown. The next bottleneck heading south on I-5 would be towards Southcenter right about where you'd get off.
  3. West Seattle is a bit of it's own fiefdom, well separated from the Seattle mainland, but for all the things you're looking for it hit's the mark. Specifically, the Admiral district is pretty hip with cool old craftsman cottages and views, lots of restaurants, bars and the like in walking distance... prob a little pricey though. Fauntleroy is much more quiet and residential. Actually, it's totally residential and not quite walking distance to anything other than Lincoln Park. Roxbury is... um, cheap. Crime is high, but that goes with the inexpensive cost of housing down there. It's very colorful, though. It's probably one of Seattle's most diverse multi-cultural neighborhoods with a heavy mix of SE Asian and Latinos. Good cheap food all around there, just don't get shot at night. SR-509 to the airport in twenty minutes. SR-599 to I-5 and down to Kent in less than 30 mins. Public transit in Seattle is a joke if you don't work in downtown Seattle, so good luck on that front. I'd say Queen Anne, Fremont, or Wallingford are viable while you're renting. But the viaduct (SR-99) will shut down in the next year or two for construction. I don't know the time frame, so that could be years out. While it lasts, it's possible to get to Kent and the airport in 30 mins. Once it shuts down for construction, that commute will be ugly.
  4. The Spring Equinox is on the 21st, so technically, today's the last day of Winter. Anybody besides Hannah make a successful winter ascent of Rainier this year? Now who were the fuckers ripping on the rest of us patting her on the back saying she didn't deserve it?
  5. Toast


    You're so sexy
  6. Toast


    And I'm not wearing any green. Pinch me
  7. Try these http://gravsports.com/ http://www.elaho.ca/current.htm
  8. Any shop who's worth a damn. Feathered Friends rents a variety of tools. I think Pro Mountain Sports will let you test some out. Ask around.
  9. She woulda fit right in at Sausagefest
  10. It was that crazy Polish Bob and his "Vodka flavored Vodka."
  11. Toast

    Projects for 2003

    Yeah, but Cavey was a little more colorful than the Nodder and he provided good beta if you asked him.
  12. I'm curious, why the decline? The Mountaineers have seen a steady drop in registrations for their Basic climbing courses. Some of that was driven by the war. Tacoma, Everett and Bellingham have all drawn from the neighboring military bases in the past. Deployments to the Middle East are a sensible driver for declines in our branches, but Seattle has also seen a noticeable drop. That and the drop in the number of climbing permits at Rainier make me wonder if there a similar national trend. What's driving all of this?
  13. Toast

    Crazy Gnome

    Can's say you didn't ask for it
  14. If Microsoft Built Cars... 1. Every time they repainted the lines on the road, you'd have to buy a new car. 2. Occasionally your car would just die on the motorway for no reason, accept this, restart and drive on. 3. Occasionally, executing a maneuver would cause your car to stop and fail to restart and you'd have to re-install the engine. For some strange reason, you'd just accept this too. 4. You could only have one person in the car at a time, unless you bought a "Car 95" or a "Car NT". But then you'd have to buy more seats. 5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was twice as reliable, five times as fast, twice as easy to drive - but it would only run on five percent of the roads. 6. The Macintosh car owners would get expensive Microsoft upgrades to their cars which would make their cars go much slower. 7. The oil, engine, gas and alternator warning lights would be replaced with a single "General Car Fault" warning light. 8. People would get excited about the "new" features in Microsoft cars, forgetting completely that they had been available in other cars for many years. 9. We'd all have to switch to Microsoft gas and all auto fluids but the packaging would be superb. 10. New seats would force everyone to have the same size butt. 11. The airbag system would say "Are you sure?" before going off. 12. If you were involved in a crash, you would have no idea what happened. 13. They wouldn't build their own engines, but form a cartel with their engine suppliers. The latest engine would have 16 cylinders, multi-point fuel injection and 4 turbos, but it would be a side-valve design so you could use Model-T Ford parts on it. 14. There would be an "Engine Pro" with bigger turbos, but it would be slower on most existing roads. 15. Microsoft cars would have a special radio/cassette player which would only be able to listen to Microsoft FM, and play Microsoft Cassettes. Unless of course, you buy the upgrade to use existing stuff. 16. Microsoft would do so well, because even though they don't own any roads, all of the road manufacturers would give away Microsoft cars free, including IBM! 17. If you still ran old versions of car (i.e. CarDOS 6.22/CarWIN 3.11), then you would be called old fashioned, but you would be able to drive much faster, and on more roads! 18. If you couldn't afford to buy a new car, then you could just borrow your friends, and then copy it. 19. Whenever you bought a car, you would have to reorganize the ignition for a few days before it worked. 20. You would need to by an upgrade to run cars on a motorway next to each other.
  15. I went to Doxy's lecture last year, it was pretty good. Read Jeff Renner's book before, and you'll get more out of it
  16. My 'puter's been awful sluggish lately, so I decided to reformat my hard drive to clean all the porn off it... er, I mean, clean all the crap off it I had one super simple question about reinstalling Windows XP, but I've screwed up doing this before, so I decided to call Microsoft Support to check. I spend the next half hour in a mix of being put on hold and reciting the spelling of my name, my address, my zip code, the city I live in, my email address, the specifics of which product I have, the license key... TWICE, two separate fucking times!! My expectations of customer service were pretty low anyway, but ya know, they pretty much met them. I was polite, they were polite, I’m just annoyed it took half an hour to ask a simple question that any other tech support organization would be able to resolve in all of five minutes. Enough bitching about that, that’s the least of it. Okay, so now I’m armed with what I need and I begin the process of reinstalling the XP operating system, Norton and Office XP. Everything’s going smoothly enough. I hop online and download the latest virus definitions, then proceed to check for Microsoft updates. I shit you not, I spend the next four hours downloading Microsoft critical updates, rebooting my machine, re-running Windows Update, downloading additional software updates, rebooting my machine, re-running Windows Update… get the picture? What is it with Microsoft’s buggy software that they need to issue and re-issue more and more patches for shit that’s got more holes than Swiss cheese? I started reformatting my hard drive today about lunchtime. That took something less than an hour. The tech support call was 32 mins on my cell phone, the reinstalling process and updates took another four hours. Repopulating Outlook and my documents took all of twenty minutes. I shot a whole sunny day pushing the restart button. I'm so pissed, I need a drink! Well, at least I know how to do this next time. Here's to Microsoft, fuckers
  17. I'm all fixed up, a quick visit to my chiropractor for an adjustment, a nice walk after to settle in the adjustment, and some core exercises for a week or two, and I'm as good as new. My back gets out of whack when I'm not active enough
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