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Everything posted by RobBob

  1. Why do they let the crowd stand so close to the riders? Seriously, it's gotta slow the riders down. After a lousy day at work, I found the Tour too stressful to watch last night. Those car horns blaring, the mob grabbing at riders, flapping flags at them, and grabbing at them---I was waiting for one 'em to take a spill as a result.
  2. RobBob


    and dukiebird doesn't realize that I live south of the mason-dixon line. I even took a pic for him on my way home yesterday, of a Weyerhaeuser-logged tract that trims up a cypress swamp tighter than a Brazilian bikini-wax. I'm too damn tired to post it up, and I'm done for the day. Rest assured, oh intern, that your company's standard practice is to log the Hell out of everything on the east coast---I haven't seen a wetland buffer yet as you described.
  3. RobBob

    Body Mass Index

    That's mine too. rbw must be a dinka warrior.
  4. RobBob

    Body Mass Index

    calculate yours All my adult life my BMI has been right at the high end of normal...yet I ain't fat. If I lost enough to get down to the middle of "normal," I'd be a skeleton.
  5. RobBob


    I've been consistent in this and other threads: The part I don't like about wetlands law is that the logging industry is given a 'pass.' It's inconsistent with both the letter and spirit of the law as it applies to the rest of us. I can look at specific places near my home where the timber industry has turned hardwood or mixed growth forest and habitat into shit. Complete with logging to the waterline in low-lying areas. Look at the first line in your original rant---you imply that you know all about the forestry industry, and anyone who thinks that the logging industry gets a pass is ignorant. Yet all I have to do is jog, bike or drive out my lane and my eyes are assaulted by habitat destruction as a result of logging. I don't need you to tell me that the sky is green---I can see with my own eyes that it's blue, thank you. You go on to make a big point that the timber industry is FARMING, FARMING, FARMING. Well then, if we agree on this, then all timber land is in fact prior-converted wetland, is it not? So I ought to be able to purchase tracts of timberland, and root-rake the land and plant it in corn, right? On the other hand, if you argue that timberland that qualifies as wetland cannot be farmed, then why should Weyerhaeuser be allowed to root-rake the land and plant it in pine? The timber industry IS farming. It should have to conform to the same wetland rules as the rest of agriculture.
  6. RobBob

    Am I a hippy now?

    ...mr. dukie's post refered only to going down...
  7. RobBob


    I started the thread, didn't I? And your writing style, with both pop-guns blazing from the hip, is one more ounce of proof that the answer to my initial question is "Yes."
  8. RobBob


    Hmmm...I'd say this sounds to me as if you believe that your company is above reproach. It's also just flat-out wrong. The guys in the corner offices must think they've got a live one in you, my friend...an environmental true-believer on their staff who's willing to argue that the sky is green for them. I'm going to take a couple of pics on the way home tonight so you can look at beautiful Weyerhaeuser buffers and re-plantings.
  9. RobBob


    This is too rich!!! Oh yes you did give your beloved Whorehouser a pass. Look, my reaction was intended to be condescending. Your arrogance, as a young intern in a major company, is absolutely over-the-top. I would venture a guess that I know a good deal more than you think abt forestry and Weyerhaeuser...but judging from the pomposity of your original post, you appear to know a lot about a lot! Carry on, oh intern. One day old geriatric RobBob will challenge ya to a friendly scrambling race or sumthin. We'll just have a friendly wager of $1K or so. I haven't ever seen you and you haven't ever seen me. It might be fun to see whose ego lets who lose a little walking-around money. Are you on?
  10. RobBob


    This is absolutely priceless!!! First you ream out mankind for doing so much harm to the earth, wreaking such havoc on nature (aren't we part of what has naturally happened on Earth?)... Then you give the entire logging industry a pass on environmental issues because you are an intern there???!!! I have fucking been a neighbor to Weyerhaueser, have dealt with Weyerhaueser since you were in your Pampers. For you to think you have a handle on the long-running operations of a major company as an intern is just about the wildest egotistical stretch I've heard of in some time!!
  11. Who decides what's antisocial? You?
  12. I don't think most straight people have issues with gay people. I think most straight people wonder why we have to listen to this constant PC harangue over being insensitive to "gay issues." Count me as one person who steadfastly believes that it makes more sense for children to be raised in a home with a Mom and a Dad than in a home with two Moms or two Dads. Goddamnit, I have a right to have that opinion, and not to be labeled as "against gays" just because I do. Lighten up, and take off your pc blindfolds, people. Form your own opinions based on logic and experience, not based on what other people want you to believe.
  13. RobBob


    how? random number generator? (don't most labs gather data?...)
  14. RobBob


    You guys who haven't a pot to piss in are sure easy to identify---you want to take more money from the rest of us in the form of taxes, and tell us what we can't do with our land to boot!
  15. Salma is HOT.
  16. gotta disagree---she's not hot IMO. Looks fake. I like to watch Lance race, but can't give him much credit for dumping his wife. She was raising their twins, cheering for him, etc. Guess since I wasn't there, I don;t know what the deal was, but on the surface it looks like she got the shaft.
  17. Couples deserving of each other: Newt & Hillary Cheney & Whoopi John & John
  18. RobBob


    Thinking he meant big buns, I googled fat ass photos. "plumprumps.com"
  19. RobBob


  20. RobBob


  21. RobBob


    Through lobbying it was decided. "It's the Law" is kinda weak as a discussion-stopper with this group, don't you think? Once again, if the enviro-commie extremists really want to change the world in a direct, forthright manner, then they would focus most of their resources on population control. The world's burgeoning population has much to do with worsening all the major environmental issues. But it's too much of a political issue to touch.
  22. RobBob


    ...then address population growth head-on, dru. and the logging around me grows back---as pine, when it often was hardwood beforehand. totally different environment.
  23. RobBob


    But once you take that "assistance," that's it. No more prior-converted wetland status for you. And you damn well better mow that fallow field on the back forty before small saplings make you lose the ag status! My two beefs with "wetlands:" 1. The definition of a "wetland" is totally arbitrary. You and I can both put forward what our idea of a wetland is, and we're likely to never agree. To me, wetland means marsh or swamp. To you, wetland means hydric soil/presence of wetland plants/seasonal high water table. The gulf between our definitions is millions and millions of acres. You say my definition is too small and doesn't take into account land that functions as a site for wildlife that are found in marshes and swamps. I say that you are just trying to make the definition as broad as possible in order to restrict people's use of land. There is no "correct" definition of wetland. 2. The logging industry gets a complete pass on wetlands restrictions, yet they perhaps change the habitat more permanently than any other industry. what bullshit. I shouldn;t be restricted from using my land if they aren't.
  24. a lobster. Two in fact. I'm gonna boil 'em alive, and then we're gonna tear 'em apart and gorge ourselves on the meat. Might even slurp down the tomalley. Yummm. Sometimes killing is good.
  25. RobBob


    my bad. reading blue tuberosa's posts, it appears that she's new and she's for real. welcome to spray! for the record, I didn't call you a punk---unless you are one of those people trying to tell me what I can and cannot do with my land!
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