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Everything posted by RobBob
The only point with this thread is to note that I have been truly surprised and disappointed in what I've read about Kerry's real war experience. And the thing that makes his war tour important is that he's chosen to make it a key part of his politican persona. I'm deeply dissatisfied with Bush. He's amassed Nazi types like Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, and Rumsfeld and let them run the country. His poor public speaking comes in part from the fact that he's not espousing his own ideas, I think, but instead is like Junior the Cheerleader. All that being said, it appears that if I want "anyone other than Bush" to be elected, then I have to cast my vote for someone who is a charletan 'war hero.' Worse yet, he's chosen a slick, rich personal-injury lawyer as a running mate. This guy I've been tracking for some time (he's a senator from my state), and he has missed most voting as a freshman senator because he's focused almost entirely on his personal career aspirations. He's also raised a huge amount of contributions from trial lawyers, to whom he'll owe favors if Kerry's elected. What a poor choice to have to make!
The thing that makes this thread interesting is 007's writing style. 007 is either like 14 years old, or is an ESL student...or is Dru posing as any of the above and laughing as he types. Whoever it is, pose onward, you're entertaining us all.
While Kerry tries to build the war hero image and is putting his 'band of brothers' on tour, the right is of course countering with a lot of information showing Kerry in an extremely unflattering light during his 4 months in Vietnam. Unfortunately if you just listen to the major networks or read newspapers, you are left with the impression that this is politics as usual. But if you dig deeper, there is actually a lot of information, in the form of written and filmed interviews with veterans who were right there with him---who saw the action that he was subsequently decorated for, who gave him medical treatment, etc. Damn if those accounts aren't specific and indicting. For what it's worth,I've been hearing this kind of chatter since the primaries, from several different vets of varying polical views. Yes, it's true that a lot of vets feel betrayed by Kerry, seeing his antiwar rhetoric after his tour as behavior akin to Jane Fonda's. But the firsthand accounts, from peers and superiors, of his experience and conduct during combat versus his own account of the same are pretty damning. The conclusion that I have to draw after wading through some of the first-hand accounts is: On his war record, Kerry is a liar and a poseur. No question that Bush was playing fratboy in the TX guard while the war was going on. (And I am personally not a Bush fan.) But that doesn't somehow offset what appears to be an egregious falsehood that Kerry is riding high on in his campaign. If his record is as many of his peers are stating, this is an insult to all those whose efforts there were heroic. Dig around for yourself, and look at the personal testimonies of those who were there.
Top Ten Pickup lines for use on Talk Like a Pirate Day 10 . Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly? 9. Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm? 8. Come on up and see me urchins. 7. Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you. 6. I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon. 5. Pardon me, but would ya mind if fired me cannon through your porthole? 4. How'd you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder? 3. Ya know, darlin’, I’m 97 percent chum free. 2. Well blow me down? And the number one pickup line for use on Talk Like a Pirate Day is … 1. Prepare to be boarded.
(damn, wouldn't ya know the absolute topper pirate photo won't load as an image )
jooost ye remember, young Jim Hawkins
aaarghh but ye be interested in ye auld adam ant piracy!
um, is this the pyrate thread?
The newest cc.com member. Could it be that the grand poohbahs have removed the IP ban?
avoids bonking without those pesky carbs
In other words, "Raging communist poo-packers seek same."
The cigarette smoking, the leopard-skin underwear, the hunger...I'm thinking cougar.
And filmed in AAAARGentina
sorry j_b, no time to listen to your long-winded Speciousness 101 babble today...
my point exactly is that you are using every disingenuous argument in the book to support a demonization of Bush that is based on deceit and innuendo. You , sir/ma'm, are un-American. "thinking critically"
gearwhorin' w/ the new GoLite frogsac
Yes, grandson, there I was 40 years ago in 2005, making the approach to Cho Oyu with my longtime climbing buddies Pierce, Sirrus, and Peter. We were well-prepared for the expedition, having practiced for days on the Cascade jewels!
looks like Grover's a little overwhelemed by the methane in there...