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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    Gay Marriage

    Gays use marital aids.
  2. Rocky, Expand your narrow horizons. Some folks strive for the aerobic thing, other don't. To each his own. I know, I'm just jealous that I'm not motivated enough to do anything for exercise that yields subtle rewards. I think anyone with motivation to run in pretty amazing.
  3. Running is like so suck. The only worthy forms of exercise are climbing and skiing. TLG runs after she climbs, weird.
  4. It's still a "hand-crack" by classic standards up there too.
  5. E-rock

    f' 'u

    Yeah, I thought he was talking about me and he meant, "I got really lazy and didn't want to do anything but sit on my tailgate and talk about how lazy I feel".
  6. Your logic makes no sense. People make the best choice available to them. They would not be coming here if they weren't better off than they are in Mexico. You are disgusted that they don't live the American lifestyle you live, and you think you are better than them. It's not my job to give them that lifestyle. Let them work for it on their own. My parents immigrated to this country dirt poor, and they busted their ass to be successful and raise a family. They never took handouts from others. And they sure as hell never complained about being controlled by other people looking out for their own self-interests. I bet you never had to work hard for anything. Your logic makes no sense. I don't see why you have a problem with illegal immigrants in California based on the direction our argument has gone. You don't know fucking shit about me. I've worked my ass off since I was 14 for everything I have. You're obviously a stupid asshole who believes you can make unfounded personal attacks on the work ethics of others purely because they don't have the same morals as you. "You probably can't even climb 5.10, pussy"... <- That's what you sound like.
  7. First of all, illegal aliens are often paid LESS than minimum wage, that's why the "legitimate business people" hire them. Secondly minimum wage is not a living wage if you want to live an American lifestyle, which illegal immigrants are not. They're living a poor lifestyle, perhaps sub-par to what they had at home, but making a little extra over what they would down south. Many of the illegals are homeless, migrant pickers, who collect the produce you so "self-sufficiently" consume. Secondly, if you think that a comfortable living wage is too much to ask from your employer if it cuts into their profits, than I suppose I'd rather be considered a communist than whatever the hell you are, because that's just plain inhumane.
  8. What a bunch of fucking bullshit. Self-sufficiency is great, but we're really far from the days of building our own cabins, canning our own preserves, splittin' our own wood and shootin' our own deer. All you fucking "real-man" chest beaters are no more self-sufficient than the "average" welfare recipient (whatever that is). If you think welfare is what's bankrupting California (and our federal government) you haven't looked much at where our taxes are really going. Illegal aliens are not coming here to recieve welfare. They're coming here to make an underpayed living (and the people who hire them are the real scum-bags who know they can get away with underpaying them). Much of what Mexican immigrants make (both legal and illegal) gets sent to their families. Mexican laborers are harder-working, more loyal, and more "self-sufficient" than the Americans who shun the jobs Mexicans are taking.
  9. If it weren't for conservatives, we'd be spending all our hard-earned money on taxes to pay for welfare, housing for drunks, needles for heroin addicts, studies on how butterfly piss affects squirrels' habitats, and incentives for unemployed single mothers to have their 5th and 6th kids. Like in the former Soviet Union, no one would bust their ass to build a legitimate business; organized crime would control everything. I think when you consider how much we pay in taxes for corporate welfare in this country, and the back-stabbing, health-and-environment-be-damned-for-the-sake-of-a-few-dollars-more business ethics of those same corporations, the results are quite similar to what you just described.
  10. Why do I bother to read this person's incessant drivel. Jon, can you code in a feature that will block out all of Dwayner's posts if we chose to do so? Thanks, that would be super, and lots more useful than a rock-climbing forum.
  11. Yeah but Dave_Schuldt LOOKS more like a mountie.
  12. I take it you don't like finger cracks!
  13. You must have some serious meat-clubs for hands if a 3.5 camalot is tight fists or cups. For most people it would be a crunched down #3 or an open #2.
  14. When it does happen, the only people that are gonna be left are all us fags up on Capitol Hill.
  15. Chicks always say "the Bends" is the best. Amnesiac and KidA are both really underrated IMO.
  16. Sniff... Erik that story made me sniffle.
  17. Nofuckinwaydrul you ain't stealing my pardner. I fixed my rig, bitch (not you TLG).
  18. Just because I wouldn't spoon with you the last time we had a "forced bivy" in your dropped muffler shit-mobile doesn't mean you have to go talking all bad and shit about me on the internet. It's not like I ask more than twice if we can listen to my "Kenny Loggins- Greatest Hits" tape, sheesh.
  19. Ever have a Hammosa? It's Hamm's and tomato juice (or if your Canadian you use Clamato). Great hangover food.
  20. 'Kay, no prob, I'll make something else happen. Have fun. maybe I'll see you Saturday night.
  21. TLG is my rope-gun this weekend. I think I need a ride to Squish (if I dont' get my radiator fixed this afternoon, or if it turns out to be worse than a cracked radiator). Anybody got room in their ride. RUMR?
  22. billcoe, you are truly out of the loop. The Necronomicon ExMortis is the "The Book of the Dead" from the classic zombie trilogy "Evil Dead" "Evil Dead 2 (the best of the three)" and "Army of Darkness". Get cultured, yo.
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