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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Dude, I'm certainly not harshin them....Just having fun with their name. Do you nut off while you listen to them or sumthin? I was just suggesting that you should check them out again. I nut off to Beeyonce
  2. E-rock

    Utah Powder

    Holy shit, I think my best friend's little brother is in that pic!
  3. The year I learned to telemark, I had a season's pass at Brighton. A short (40 steps) hike above the Great Western Chair puts you on top of a broad east facing ridge called Lackawaxen. It's steep (38-45 degrees, with respectable verticle (almost 1000 ft). I'd been making parallel turns on my tele skis most of the season except on the groomers. My gear was a pair of 200 cm kazama Couloir's (still a great powder ski!) and a pair of Scarpa double leathers. We had been receiving snow for a month pretty consistently, and today was a typical blue-bird, Utah powder morning, light and deep. I planned to P-turn the run because I still could not link turns in powder with a dropped knee. I was with another local who I bumped into often, a telemark skier whose name I forget (I once watched him stick 30 ft of air on skinnies and leathers, right into turns). He dropped in first and I watched his 50 or so turns to the bottom. When I dropped in I was committed to the P-turn, but at the last split second before initiating the first turn, my knee instinctively dropped, and my skis entered the kind of turn I had only ever made on alpine gear. The Kazamas sunk into the center of the turn, and as I unweighted they bounced me back out into the start of the next. Again I dropped my knee and rode my skis down the face to the bottom like I wasn't even steering, bouncing and surprised by the incredible ease. I couldn't believe the run I just had! It felt as good as the best turns I'd ever made on alpine gear, but with all the exitement of doing it again for the first time. I've alpine skied once since that day, because my leather boots were in the repair shop.
  4. If it's a choice between going to the library on Friday night to relieve sexual tension, and wacking off on Saturday morning to relieve sexual tension from the night before, I think the library probably isn't gonna do as good a job. You must be one tense little buck!
  5. Thinker, 15 years ago they were just a bar/garage rock band. They have progressed a long ways since then.
  6. From Mt. Baker website SNOWFALL NEW: 10 since this morning! in 24 cm LAST 24 HOURS: 20 in 51 cm TEMPERATURE: 30 °F -1 ° C WEATHER: Snowing Heavily BASE AT HEATHER MEADOWS: 50 in 127 cm BASE AT PAN DOME : 60 in 152 cm SLOPE CONDITIONS: OPENING Thursday Nov. 20 Tuesday November 18th , 3:00 pm We have received a phenomenal amount of snow this week and we have fantastic snow coverage. We have been in a unique cold weather pattern and Baker has been receiving snow when other mountain areas have been receiving rain. This is the MOST SNOWBASE WE HAVE HAD FOR OPENING DAY IN ALMOST A DECADE!
  7. E-rock


    That is obvious by your uneducated comments. Spray or go home bitch. Alpine skiers are next!
  8. E-rock


    It's even better on skis (actually I wouldn't know I've never tried snowboarding)
  9. E-rock


    Snowboarders are pussy fucktard weakling pedophiles with no sense of asthetics, a fraternity style social scene, and stupid affectations of hip-hop culture. Plus, they can't land their dumb tricks.
  10. E-rock


    Well said Tele_nut It's funny how all the tele skiers I know, some of whom are pretty good, start parallel turnin when things get tough. As for tele sking being artistic, well I just laid down some art in my toilet. Come on over before I flush it down the drain. That's the hardest I've laughed all day
  11. Along these lines, I nominate the Pope. A paradigm shift within the Catholic church towards birthcontrol would be simply........HUGE! The first nation in the world to attain zero population growth was Italy. Furthermore, catholic population is quite low compared to other world religions. Hmm, Erock, I don't know where you get your stats, but I wasn't aware of any country with zero growth over a time period in excess of a year. While Italy is certainly mostly Catholic, the Catholic religion extends far beyond Italy. Italy is also western Europe where to the chagrin of the Pope, they are willing to use birth contol anyway. Still, the majority of Catholics as a whole do not use birthcontrol. You must look south to Mexico, Central and South America for the evidence. I'm not picking on Catholics exlusively. In the US, i think the Mormons are worse than the Catholics as far as procreation goes. Still if you could choose one person who has extensive control over an issue, the pope is pretty darn powerful. I'm not aware of other religions that have one single person who could affect so many people. From Original CIA Data Growth Italy -.01 ( I said the FIRST, not the longest standing) U.S. .85% Chile 1.23% Brazil 1.16% Panama 1.53% Mexico 1.73% Peru 1.93% Though these numbers seem high compared to U.S. growth rates they are typical for global population growth rates, i.e. near the mean. The highest population growth rates (greater than 3%) are in places like Africa, and the Middle East. Many of these nations are predominantly Muslim. Population of Latin America 500 million Population of Latin America in 2025 (projected) 650 Million Contrast this with: Population South Cental Asia 1.5 Billion Projected 2025 2+ Billion Simple solutions to complex problems do not work. Some fo the world's slowest population growth rates are in Catholic nations (Ireland, Spain, Italy). This alone suggests that education and proper planned parenthood funding are more significant than the influence of any single person. Perhaps if the pope changed his mind about birth control, world population growth would slow, but not very significantly. As for the Mormons, they comprise a TINY fraction of world population, they could have 100% growth rate and the only place it would be noticeable is in Utah.
  12. The original definition of the "Hot Karl" as described to me by an old girlfriend was pooing on the face of a partner with plastic wrap shielding the face. I've learned since then that this is sometimes called a "vegetarian hot lunch" as a opposed to a "hot lunch" (sans plastic wrap). I have also heard that the "Hot Karl" is insertion of "poopy dick" into the mouth of a partner. I have never heard your elaborate grade-school-esque definition of the "Hot Karl" before. Please read up on fecal erotica and stop believing what your friends tell you at the lunch table.
  13. Along these lines, I nominate the Pope. A paradigm shift within the Catholic church towards birthcontrol would be simply........HUGE! The first nation in the world to attain zero population growth was Italy. Furthermore, catholic population is quite low compared to other world religions.
  14. Sisu, let me reiterate, do not listen to this nonsense about reglueing your G3 Skins, or spreading the glue around, they will just peel again. G3 should be held fully accountable for the lousy quality of merchandise they have put on the market the last few years. Reglueing Ascension skins with Ascension glue is a time-honored tradition performed after many years of wear and tear. With care the reapplication can be nearly as affective as the original factory glue application. But the problem with the G3's is not just the glue, it's the material that the glue is meant to adhere to. Return them and get Ascensions. If that doesn't work, return them and get this year's grey G3 skins.
  15. Return those POS skins to the shop and ask for a warranty on some new ones. G3 has had NOTORIOUS glue problems for years. It pulls off from one side to another in big patches, this should NEVER happen with a good glue formulation. G3 now adamantly claims to have fixed the problem, go to the shop and adamantly demand a replacement.
  16. E-rock

    Utah Powder

    What the hell were you doing snowshoeing?
  17. E-rock

    Molly Ringwald?

    How do you manage to type with your dick in your hand, below_average?
  18. Listening to below_average/crackhead condescend others is a bit like listening to George Bush ask "is our children learning?"
  19. No, it's just ice cream..... STFU, Molly-hater
  20. While we're on the topic, how do you use one of those corkscrews that has the two prongs that are supposed to slip down either side of the cork, between the cork and the glass? I can't seem to use it without pushing the goddamn cork in.
  21. E-rock


    You're rolling your eyes at something you don't know anything about. He's not the only person who has that opinion.
  22. Eric you better give me a call while you're down here. You can crash at my place if you're staying overnight.
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