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Everything posted by Dr_Flash_Amazing

  1. Probably figured that he's gotten away with everything else so far; might as well "cap" things off with a, er, "bang." "Open season, motherfucker! 'Cause I'm Dick Cheney, bitch!"
  2. No wonder Kerry lost, with such stiff competition.
  3. Are you referring to Banexcommunofen, brought to you by the friendly folks at Merck? "Banexcommunofen: take one and get the fuck out! (Active ingredient: moderatoban sulfate excommunicohydride. Side effects may include disorientation, mild bellyaching, taste of sour grapes, and general disconsolate mewling. Consult your Spray provider before using.)
  4. Your karate is not so strong. Witness Bruce Lee handily deflecting one of Chuck's flouncy little roundhouse kicks, and calmly preparing for a devastating follow-up combination: Should have watched 'Enter the Dragon' before stepping to that shit, Chucky!
  5. Yes, viva Brasilia. Exactly.
  6. Nigga, please!
  7. "I ain't gonna be a punk no more." "Whaddaya gonna be then, Clyde? Heh, a skinhead?" "I'm gonna be a rude boy--like my dad."
  8. How come there wasn't a category for "music that's worth a damn that might not be available through your local ClearChannel Cyborg Media Dissemination Outlet?" (OK, aside from like three jazz and classical things on that loooooong list.)
  9. Dr_Flash_Amazing


    "Get outta my house, you dirt rascal pimp!"
  10. Grandma..?!
  11. Whoo, yeah! Deep South representin' with the fried-food advantage! BOO-YAH!
  12. Get thee to the clinic, post haste!
  13. Toughen up, Sally.
  14. [fuck off, cracker]
  15. Fuck off, paleface.
  16. Indeed.
  17. Proper amount of Flair:
  18. Yes, one of those difficult-to-foresee outcomes of having a dick-shaped head. Live and learn.
  19. The significance of the subtly flared blue helmet becomes apparent...
  20. Do you suppose if someone posted something like "blow up the White House," that the NSA's little data-getter dealy would start monitoring our fine web forum? Not that DFA is saying "blow up the White House." That would be inexcusable, immoral, and illegal, as well as patently un-American. But, you know, hypothetically speaking.
  21. lascivious old fellows leering
  22. Arch-E Does Enumclaw?
  23. (Italics added. - DFA) You are clearly an idiot. Seek help.
  24. 'cause baby, I'm an anarchist you're a spineless liberal we marched together for the eight-hour day and held hands in the streets of Seattle but when it came time to throw bricks through that Starbucks window you left me all alone all alone
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